CS Electrical And Electronics

How to reduce server response time in wordpress?

All QuestionsCategory: Web DevelopmentHow to reduce server response time in wordpress?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 3 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff answered 3 years ago

Here are some methods to reduce server response time:

  1. Avoid EIG And Poor Hosting
  2. Upgrade To Cloud Hosting 
  3. Check Your CPU Usage
  4. Eliminate High CPU Plugins
  5. Upgrade To PHP 7.4
  6. Configure Optimal Cache Plugin Settings
  7. Add Cloudflare
  8. Block Unwanted Bots
  9. Clean Your Database
  10. Optimize Images
  11. Optimize External Scripts
  12. Delete Unused Themes + Plugins
  13. Enable Hotlink Protection
  14. Update WordPress Software
  15. Frequently Asked Questions