Difference between PMSM and BLDC motor?

All QuestionsCategory: Electrical MachinesDifference between PMSM and BLDC motor?
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
Chetan Shidling Staff answered 4 years ago

The difference between BLDC and PMSM are:

  1. BLDC motor has trapezoidal back emf.
  2. PMSM has sinusoidal back emf.


  1. In BLDC, there will be torque ripple at the commutation.
  2. In PMSM, there will no torque ripple at the commutation.


  1. Less switching losses in BLDC motor.
  2. High switching losses at the same switching frequency.


  1. In BLDC motor, the control algorithms are relatively simple.
  2. In PMSM motor, control algorithms are mathematically intensive.