CS Electrical And Electronics

Explain constructors in derived class?

All QuestionsCategory: Cpp LanguageExplain constructors in derived class?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
Best Answer
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff answered 4 years ago
  1. Constructors play an important role in initializing objects.
  2. If the default constructor without argument is declared in the base class then the derived class need not have a constructor function.
  3. The compiler by default calls the base class constructor.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base
cout<<“base class constructor\n”; //default constructor
class derived : public base
derived() //derived class constructor
//base :: base(); by default complier will call the base class constructor
cout<<“Derived class constructors\n”;
int main()
derived d;
return 0;


base class constructor
Derived class constructors