CS Electrical And Electronics

Difference between power transformer and distribution transformer

All QuestionsCategory: Transmission And Distribution SystemDifference between power transformer and distribution transformer
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 1 year ago

Hey, Guys, Do You Know?
What is the difference between a power transformer and a distribution transformer?’

Well, let me explain
Let’s see the application first.
Power transformers are used in generating stations and substations,
whereas the distribution transformer is called end line transformer and
is used in only distribution poles.
The power transformer is used to step up or step down the voltage,
it is used for both purposes.
Whereas the distribution transformer is only used to step down the voltage.
The load fluctuation is less in the case of the power transformer
because the load is not directly connected to the PT.
Whereas the load fluctuation is more in the case of a DT
because the load is directly connected.
In the PT, the copper loss and iron loss are fixed
whereas in the case of DT, the iron loss is fixed
but the copper loss is variable because copper loss depends on the load.
The efficiency of the PT is high during full load
whereas the efficiency of the DT is high
when it is operated at 50% to 70% of the load.
The connection in a PT is in star-to-delta or delta to delta
in DT is in the delta to-star.
That’s All
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