Caper AI cart

All QuestionsCategory: TechnologyCaper AI cart
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 2 years ago

I literally wasted 35 minutes here, not only me but there were many people who were standing in a queue and wasting their time. Well, soon this system will be replaced by this one “Caper” AI shopping cart. Once this technology is implemented in stores, you just go to the store and take a Caper. Caper contains a camera that will scan your product’s barcode and add the products to the cart once you place it using sensor fusion and deep learning technology. And the best part is it will also measure the weight of vegetables, wait here again you don’t need to stand in a queue. Some other best feature includes recipe recommendations and a map of the store to find products easily. It also contains a card swiper, so that you can make payment and take the products to your house. But the sad part is that it will eliminate a lot of jobs. What do you think about this technology? Let us know in the comment section.