Capacitor polarity change

All QuestionsCategory: Power ElectronicsCapacitor polarity change
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 2 years ago
1 Answers
Chetan Shidling Staff answered 2 years ago

Let us see
what happens when we change the
polarity of the capacitor and try to
connect with 12 volts dc supply.
I will take a 4.7uF 63 volts capacitor.
and let me make the connection.
Well, If you change the polarity of a capacitor and
connect it to a power supply in the wrong direction,
there is a risk of damaging the capacitor and/or the power supply,
which could potentially lead to the capacitor “blasting”.
When a capacitor is connected with reversed polarity,
it can cause a large amount of current to flow through the capacitor,
which can generate heat and cause the dielectric material inside the capacitor to break down.
That’s it