Complete question:
1. Create a publicly accessible repository in any VCS – Commit history, branching methods, and merging strategies has weightage in assessment.
2. Keep everything pep8 complaint and add maximum documentation – Keep it pythonic.
3. Create a python project which has 3 components – This a full implementation of a proxy web server project
a. wsgi server (use of any framework allowed)
b. Define API endpoint handler (2 endpoints)
c. DB connector sample – unused in project (SQL & NoSQL)
4. Add serializer and deserializer for endpoints – stub methods are allowed – get creative here.
5. Create an API client class to make HTTP calls to external API endpoints (use endpoints for this project).
6. Have the controller invoke the API client to retrieve results from the above endpoint and ship them as a response to this project’s API endpoint.
7. Make sure POST request is also handled via a proxy method.
8. Log every possible detail – a local file handled by a class method or any framework Task – High weightage
1. Bootstrap the entire project into self-building docker containers (2 containers – 1 GET, 1 POST), triggered by a shell script – use docker-compose.
2. Keep both endpoints isolated in runtime but within a single project. Microservice architecture invoked by a shell script like “ $python ‘service_method’ “ where service method can be employee_get which would start an app to listen to only get requests and make sure dependencies are only of this method and not of the whole project.
3. Use a nginx instance (containerized) which routes requests to appropriate containers
Core Skills:
All configuration parameters from a hierarchical YAML and other config elements from a TOML/INI Every action is script driven and documented VCS and tooling skills: