Difference between Hive and Pig?

All QuestionsCategory: Data ScienceDifference between Hive and Pig?
Anonymous asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
Anonymous answered 4 years ago
  1. Both High-level Languages work on top of the map-reduce framework.
  2. Can coexist since both use the underlying HDFS and map-reduce.


  1. Pig is a procedural ; (A = load ‘mydata’; dump A)
  2. Hive is Declarative (select * from A)

Work Type

  1. Pig more suited for adhoc analysis (on-demand analysis of click stream search logs)
  2. Hive a reporting tool (e.g. weekly BI reporting)


  1. Pig – Researchers, Programmers (build complex data pipelines, machine learning)
  2. Hive – Business Analysts


  1. Pig – Doesn’t have a thrift server(i.e no/limited cross-language support)
  2. Hive –  Thrift server

User’s need

  1. Pig – Better dev environments, debuggers expected
  2. Hive –  Better integration with technologies expected(e.g JDBC, ODBC)