Difference between MIl, SiL, PiL, and HIL Testing

All QuestionsCategory: MATLAB / SimulinkDifference between MIl, SiL, PiL, and HIL Testing
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 1 year ago

Top Automotive companies hire candidates who are good with these kinds of tests. I am talking about model-in loop, software-in loop, process-in loop, and hardware-in loop. Let’s consider one plant model (example engine) and one controller logic to control the plant model. In the case of a model-in loop, you will design Simulink models or any other Simulations models for both plant model and controller logic and you run both models together. In the case of a software-in loop. The plant model will remain as it is, but control logic will be converted to C code or S-function (if you are using MATLAB). In the case of a Process-in loop, again plant model remains as it is, but the source code of controller logic is flashed into hardware, and then the plant model and controller hardware are executed together. Well, in the case of a hardware-in loop, the plant model will be actual hardware, and the source code for the controller is generated from Models and then flashed into the hardware. 

1 Answers
Chetan Shidling Staff answered 1 year ago

Top Automotive companies hire candidates who know these things. I am talking about model-in loop, software-in loop, process-in loop, and hardware-in loop. Let’s consider one plant model (example engine) and one controller logic to control the plant model in MATLAB Simulink. In the case of a model-in loop, you design Simulink models for both plant model and controller logic and run them together. In the case of a software-in loop, the plant model remains as it was, but controller logic will be an S-function (which contains source code), In the case of a process-in loop, the plant model remains the same, but controller logic source code is flashed into actual hardware, and then both are executed together. Well, in the case of the Hardware-in loop, the plant model will be actual hardware or virtual hardware, and controller logic will be ECU where the software is flashed. For more details, visit our website.