Driver Monitoring System (DMS)

All QuestionsCategory: Automotive ElectronicsDriver Monitoring System (DMS)
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 11 months ago

Well, the people must buy a car that contains DMS. The Driver Monitoring System (DMS), also called Driver State Sensing (DSS), is like a watchdog in cars, keeping an eye on the driver to prevent accidents from sleepy driving. It uses special cameras to watch the driver’s eyes and alert if they’re not paying attention, even at night or if they’re wearing sunglasses. It also checks if the driver is doing other things like eating or using their phone. Because there are more accidents on the roads, people want safety features like DMS. But these features can make cars more expensive. So, while we want safer cars, the cost might stop some people from buying them. Let me know in the comment section if some other technologies can be used.