CS Electrical And Electronics

Google AdSense ads in not displaying even after getting AdSense Approval

All QuestionsCategory: Google AdsenseGoogle AdSense ads in not displaying even after getting AdSense Approval
1 Answers
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff answered 1 year ago

There could be a few reasons why your Google AdSense ads are not displaying even after getting AdSense approval. Here are some possible reasons and solutions:

  1. Ad code not properly placed: Make sure you have placed the AdSense code on your website correctly. Check if you have added the code to the right place and if there are any errors in the code.
  2. AdSense account not properly linked to your website: Ensure that you have correctly linked your AdSense account to your website. Go to your AdSense account and check if your website is approved and listed under “Sites” in the “Settings” tab.
  3. Ads not yet reviewed: After getting AdSense approval, it may take some time for your ads to start showing on your website. It could take up to 48 hours for ads to be reviewed and start showing on your website.
  4. Invalid traffic: If you have invalid traffic on your website, your AdSense account may get suspended or your ads may stop showing. Invalid traffic includes clicks or impressions generated by bots, click farms, or incentivized traffic. Check your AdSense account for any notifications or warnings related to invalid traffic.
  5. Ad block software: Some users may have ad block software installed on their browsers, which prevents ads from showing on your website. Check if your website has any ad block software installed, and consider using an AdSense alternative like native advertising.

If none of these solutions work, you may want to reach out to AdSense support for further assistance.