India's Samudrayaan project

All QuestionsCategory: TechnologyIndia's Samudrayaan project
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 2 years ago

India’s Samudrayaan project is an exciting venture to explore the deep ocean and its treasures. It’s like sending a team of explorers in a special submarine called ‘MATSYA 6000’ to go really, really deep, about 6000 meters deep!
This is India’s first big mission to study the deep-sea world and its creatures without causing harm. It’s part of a plan called the Blue Economy, which is about using ocean resources wisely for our country’s growth and the health of the ocean.
We hope to make this happen by 2026, and it’s going to cost about Rs. 4,077 crores over five years. If we succeed, India will join a group of countries that explore the deep sea, like the US, Russia, France, Japan, and China.
This mission is not just about science; it’s also about helping India grow and taking care of our beautiful oceans. It’s a big step towards the ‘New India’ we dream of, where the Blue Economy plays a critical role in our progress.