Three thermal generating units are operating in parallel at 50 Hz sharing 750 MW equally and have following rated capacity (Pr) and speed regulation (R) values. Unit 1: Pr=500MW, R=6%; Unit 2: Pr=600MW, R=2.4%; Unit 3: Pr=500Mw, R=4%. Analyze the following situations and comment on the results by comparing the operating frequency and load sharing between the units when supplying a total load demand of (i) 600MW (ii) 1000MW. Also determine the minimum total load demand and the corresponding operating frequency at which the entire load is supplied by only two units. Which unit will run idle under this condition? Assume free governor operation and rated frequency of 50 Hz.

All QuestionsCategory: Power System AnalysisThree thermal generating units are operating in parallel at 50 Hz sharing 750 MW equally and have following rated capacity (Pr) and speed regulation (R) values. Unit 1: Pr=500MW, R=6%; Unit 2: Pr=600MW, R=2.4%; Unit 3: Pr=500Mw, R=4%. Analyze the following situations and comment on the results by comparing the operating frequency and load sharing between the units when supplying a total load demand of (i) 600MW (ii) 1000MW. Also determine the minimum total load demand and the corresponding operating frequency at which the entire load is supplied by only two units. Which unit will run idle under this condition? Assume free governor operation and rated frequency of 50 Hz.
chetan shidling asked 4 years ago

I need a solution.