What are marker balls in transmission lines?

All QuestionsCategory: Transmission And Distribution SystemWhat are marker balls in transmission lines?
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 5 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
Best Answer
Chetan Shidling Staff answered 5 years ago
  1. The marker balls are used in transmission lines at mountain or hilly areas.
  2. It will be in yellow, orange and red color.
  3. The weight of each ball is around 17 pounds.
  4. It is used to make visible the transmission lines for helicopters.
  5. It is also used near airports.
  6. It will avoid accidents happening.
  7. If the balls are not placed in hilly areas than the helicopters flying in hilly areas may come in contact with lines and accidents may happen.
  8. So the marker balls are placed for safety purposes.