What is meant by Energy conservation?

All QuestionsCategory: Transmission And Distribution SystemWhat is meant by Energy conservation?
Viswanadh Ivaturi asked 5 years ago


1 Answers
Chetan Shidling Staff answered 5 years ago

Energy conservation is the cheapest new source of energy we should resort to various conservation measures such as co-generation and use energy-efficient motors to avoid wasteful electric uses. We can achieve considerable electrical power savings by reducing unnecessary high lighting levels, over-sized motors, etc. A 9 W compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) may be used instead of a 40 w fluorescent tube or 60 w lamp, all having the same lumen output. The pay-back period for any additional initial cost is less than a year. Everyone should be made aware through print or electronic media how
consumption levels can be reduced without any essential lowering of comfort. Rate restructuring can have incentives in this regard. There is no consciousness on energy accountability yet and no sense of urgency as in developed countries.
Transmission and distribution losses should not exceed 2 V. This can be achieved by employing series/shunt compensation, power factor improvement methods, static var compensation, HVDC option, and FACTS (flexible ac
technology) devices/controllers. Gas turbine combined with the steam turbine is employed for peak load shaving. This is more efficient than a normal steam turbine and has a quick automated start and shut down. It improves the load factor of the steam
station. Energy storage can play an important role where there is time or rate mismatch between supply and demand of energy.