Which of the following statements describe the Polymorphism principle of the GRASP approach to object-oriented design?

All QuestionsCategory: Cpp LanguageWhich of the following statements describe the Polymorphism principle of the GRASP approach to object-oriented design?
Anonymous asked 4 years ago


  1. Superclass variables are typically exposed
  2. A child class can be substituted for a parent class
  3. An object can be used as if it were an object of its superclass while still using its overridden methods
  4. A child class and a parent class have different types
  5. Subclass-specific versions of a superclass method are implemented in the subclasses
  6. Methods of the superclass can be used in the subclasses
  7. Polymorphism is accomplished through inheritance and overriding
1 Answers
Best Answer
Anonymous answered 4 years ago
  1. A child class can be substituted for a parent class
  2. An object can be used as if it were an object of its superclass while still using its overridden methods
  3. Subclass-specific versions of a superclass method are implemented in the subclasses
  4. Methods of the superclass can be used in the subclasses
  5. Polymorphism is accomplished through inheritance and overriding