Which of the following statements is true regarding cells having lithium titanate oxide (Li_4, Ti_5 , O_12 , or "LTO") negative electrodes?

All QuestionsCategory: Battery Management SystemWhich of the following statements is true regarding cells having lithium titanate oxide (Li_4, Ti_5 , O_12 , or "LTO") negative electrodes?
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 5 years ago


  1. LTO cells can have extremely long lifetimes when compared with lithium-ion cells having different negative-electrode materials.
  2. LTO cells are inexpensive to manufacture compared with lithium-ion cells having different negative-electrode materials.
  3. LTO cells have higher energy density than lithium-ion cells having different negative-electrode materials.
  4. LTO cells have higher per-cell open-circuit voltage than lithium-ion cells having different negative-electrode materials.


1 Answers
Atharva answered 4 years ago

<iframe width=\”560\” height=\”520\” frameborder=\”0\” data-src=\”https://www.cselectricalandelectronics.com/question/which-of-the-following-statements-is-true-regarding-cells-having-lithium-titanate-oxide-li_4-ti_5-o_12-or-lto-negative-electrodes/?dwqa-embed=true\” class=\”lazyload\” src=\”\”></iframe>