Why salt and charcoal are added in earthing pit?

All QuestionsCategory: Electrical Estimating And CostingWhy salt and charcoal are added in earthing pit?
Chetan Shidling Staff asked 5 years ago

I need short information.

5 Answers
Darshan H S answered 5 years ago

The layer of charcoal and salt helps to maintain low resistance for earth fault currents. Because of ionic behavior of salt and charcoal they will maintain moisture content around the earthing pit.

Chetu Staff replied 5 years ago

Nice explanation

chetan shidling answered 5 years ago

If we add salt and charcoal then the soil resistance will become low and the leakage current can easily flow into the earth. 

Krishna answered 5 years ago

I need more information.

Benni Dutch answered 5 years ago

Adding charcoal and water in earthing pit decreases soil resistivity.
The layer of charcoal and salt helps to maintain low resistance for earth fault currents. Because of ionic behavior of salt and charcoal they will maintain moisture content around the earth pit.

Raj answered 4 years ago

The salt and charcoal improve the conductivity of the soil, thus it lowers the earth resistance and fault current can easily pass in the ground. 