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1000+ MATLAB Simulink Projects For MTech, Engineering Students

Hello guys, welcome back to our website. Here we are adding the list of MATLAB Simulink projects that we can do for MTech and engineering students. And also for professionals. If you want to purchase any project, then click on buy or chat for a quotation.

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MATLAB Simulink Projects

890.Speed Control Of BLDC Motor using Neural Network In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
889.Electric Car Design In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
888.Single Capacitor Based Active Cell Balancing In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
887.PV-Based EV Charging Station With SEPIC Converter & Bi-directional Converter Along With Back-up BatteryBuy
886.Double Tiered Switched Capacitor Based Active Cell BalancingBuy
884.Sensorless Speed Control Of BLDC Motor In MATLAB Simulink, Brushless DC MotorBuy
883.Regenerative Braking Using PMSM, Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorBuy
882Mathematical Modelling Of Voltage Source Inverter / VSI In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
880.Direct Torque Control Of Induction MotorBuy
878.Symmetrical And Unsymmetrical Fault In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
875.BMS Using Passive Cell Balancing, Efficient Charging, Discharging, Fault ProtectionBuy
873.Ebike Dynamics, SoC Estimation, Regenerative Braking, Drive CycleBuy
871.Three-Phase 5-Switch 7-Level Cascaded Multilevel InverterBuy
870.Vehicle-To-Grid Technology in a Micro-grid Using DC Fast Charging ArchitectureBuy
869.Operation Of Distance Relay In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
868.Capacitor-Based Active Cell Balancing Of Four(4) Lithium-Ion CellsBuy
867.(Battery Management System) BMS Using Active Cell BalancingBuy
866.Wireless Charging Station For E-bike, 230 V AV Supply / 48 V DC, 25 Ah Battery PackBuy
865.Modular Cell Balancing, 3 Module, 3 Cells In Each ModuleBuy
864.Passive Cell Balancing Using 6 Lithium Ion CellsBuy
863.Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging Station MATLAB SimulinkBuy
862.Electric Vehicle Dynamics: SoC Calculation, Distance TravelledBuy
861.3 Lithium Ion Cells Top & Bottom Cell Balancing, Active Cell BalancingBuy
860.5 Lithium Ion Cells Top & Bottom Cell Balancing, Active Cell BalancingBuy
859.Electric Vehicle Design In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
858.Inductor-Based Active Cell Balancing For Electric VehicleBuy
857.ANN (Artificial Neural Network) Based Speed Control Of Permanent Magnet DC MotorBuy
856.Multi-level Inverter Mathematical Model For Electric VehicleBuy
855.Active Cell Balancing To Balance Five (05) Cells MATLAB Simulink FileBuy
854.Active Cell Balancing To Balance Ten (10) Cells MATLAB Simulink FileBuy
853.Battery Management For Electric Vehicle MATLAB Simulink FileBuy
852.BLDC Motor Mathematical Modeling In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
851.Induction Motor Mathematical Modelling In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
850.Passive Cell Balancing In Lithium Ion Battery For Battery ManagementBuy
849.Active Cell Balancing In Lithium Ion Battery For Battery ManagementBuy
848.Battery Mathematical Modelling In MATLAB SimulinkBuy
847.Lithium Ion Battery Discharge Circuit MATLAB Simulink FileBuy
846.MATLAB Simulink File On Clark, Park, And Inverse Park TransformationBuy
845.Mathematical Modelling On VSI Fed PMSM Using DTC MethodBuy
844.Closed Loop Speed Control Of BLDC Motor MATLAB Simulink FileBuy
843.A Visual Model-Based Perceptual Image Hash for Content Authentication Download 8 Matlabchat
842.A Tool for Lung Nodules Analysis based on Segmentation and Morphological Operation chat
841.A Joint Encryption/Watermarking System for Verifying the Reliability of Medical Imageschat
840A Regularization Approach to Blind Deblurring and Denoising of QR Barcodeschat
839.Naturally Clamped Soft Switching Current Fed Three-Phase Bidirectional DC/DC Converterchat
838.Full-bridge Reactive Power Compensator with Minimized Equipped Capacitor and its Application to Static Varchat
837.Flying-Capacitor Based Hybrid LLC Converters with Input Voltage Auto-Balance Ability for High Voltage Applicationschat
836.An Improved Hybrid DSTATCOM Topology to Compensate Reactive and Nonlinear Loadschat
835.BLDC Motor Driven Solar PV Array Fed Water Pumping System Employing Zeta Converterchat
834.Analysis and Design of Channel Estimation in Multicell Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systemschat
833.Detecting Movements of a Target Using Face Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks chat
832.MPPT of Solar Photovoltaic Cell Using Perturb & Observe and Fuzzy Logic controller Algorithmchat
831.Electrolytic Capacitor-less Single-stage Boost Three-phase Inverterchat
830.Face Recognition Across Non-Uniform Motion Blur, Illumination, and Posechat
829.Enhancing the network lifetime of cooperative wireless sensor networks using energy harvesting technique chat
828.New AC-DC Power Factor Correction Architecture chat
827.Low Cost and High-Performance UPQC with Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverterschat
826.Performance Analysis of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Based MPPTchat
825.Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification chat
824.Full-Duplex Wireless-Powered Communication Network With Energy Causalitychat
823.An ANFIS-PI-Based Boost Converter Control Schemechat
822.Feature  Extraction of Hyperspectral Images With Image Fusion and Recursive Filtering chat
821.channel estimation for massive mimo using Gaussian mixture Bayesian learning chat
820.A Four-Switch Three-Phase SEPIC-Based Inverter chat
819.Analysis and Design of Channel Estimation in Multicell Multiuser MIMO OFDM Systemschat
818.Resonance Analysis and Soft Switching Design of Isolated Boost Converter With Coupled Inductors chat
817.Face Liveness Detection from a Single Image Via Diffusion Speed Modelchat
815.Low Cost and High-Performance UPQC with Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverters chat
814.A Power Quality Improved Bridgeless Converter Based Computer Power Supply chat
813.Ground-Based Cloud Detection Using Automatic Graph Cutchat
812.Intelligent Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Solar Power Generation System chat
811.An ANFIS-PI-Based Boost Converter Control Scheme chat
810.Learning Spatial and Temporal Extents of Human Actions for Action Detection 
809.A secure scheme against power exhausting attacks in hierarchical wireless sensor networkchat
808.Multi-antenna Wireless Energy Transfer for Backscatter Communication Systemschat
807.Automatic Frames Extraction and Visualization From Noisy Fringe Sequences for Data Recovering in a Portable Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometer for NDI chat
806.Image Enhancement and Feature Extraction Based on LowResolution Satellite Data chat
805.Laryngeal tumor detection and classification in endoscopic videochat
804.Noninvasive Real-Time Automated Skin Lesion Analysis System for Melanoma Early Detection and Prevention chat
803.Robust Registration of Cloudy Satellite Images Using TwoStep Segmentationchat
802.Segmentation of blood vessels and optic disc in retinal imageschat
801.QoS and Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Uplink SC FDMA Systems chat
800.Joint Spectrum Sharing and Power Allocation for OFDMBased Two-Way Relchat
799.Linear Precoding for MIMO with LDPC Coding and Reduced Complexitychat
798.Enhancing Wireless Communications Security Through Physical Layer Multiple Inter-Symbol Obfuscationchat
797.An Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
795.Buck-Boost Dual-Leg-Integrated Step-up Inverter with Low THD and Single Variable Control for Single-Phase HighFrequency AC Microgridschat
794.Power Quality Improvement By Using UPFC chat
792.Real-time Harmonic Elimination PWM for PV Inverters, Co-Simulation Approach chat
791.Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (HCMLI) with Improved Symmetrical 4-Level Submodulechat
790.Replacing the Grid Interface Transformer in Wind Energy Conversion System With Solid- State Transformer chat
789.High Efficient Bridgeless Three-Level Power Factor Correction Rectifierchat
788.High Voltage Gain Half-Bridge Z-source Inverter with Low Voltage Stress on Capacitorschat
787.A Novel Nine-Level Inverter Employing One Voltage Source and Reduced Components as High-Frequency AC Power Sourcechat
786.High Efficient Bridgeless Three-Level Power Factor Correction Rectifierchat
785.Simultaneous Microgrid Voltage and Current Harmonics Compensationchat
784.Moving Objects Tracking from Most Probable Regions and Eliminating Camera Motionchat
783.Authenticating Using Secret Key in Digital Video chat
782.Combining Left and Right Palmprint Images for More Accurate Personal Identification
780.A source-channel Coding Approach to Digital Image Protection and Self-Recoverychat
779.A Secure Personal Identification System Based on Human Retina chat
778.Application of GRNN Neural Network in Non-Texture Image Inpainting and Restoration chat
776.Energy-Efficient Transmit Power Control for Multi-Tier MIMO HetNetschat
775.Mitigating Cross-tier Cross-boundary Interference in Fractional Frequency Reuse Scheme for Multi-tier Networks chat
774.Energy-Efficient Multichannel MAC Protocol Design for Bursty Data Traffic in Underwater Sensor Networks chat
773.Channel Assignment for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Regret Matching Based Approachchat
772.bldc motor drive position and speed control chat
771.Reactive Power Compensation and Resonance PROJECTPower Electronics chat
770.Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection chat
769.Super lift Luo converter using led drivechat
768.Smartphone-Based Wound Assessment System for Patients With Diabeteschat
767.MPPT and Fuzzy based photovoltaic-fed three-level boost type converters chat
766.Multi-antenna Wireless Energy Transfer for Backscatter Communication Systems chat
765.A switched capacitor bidirectional DC-DC converter with a wide voltage gain range for electric vehicles with a hybrid energy sourcechat
764.Multi-Stage and Multi-Level Power Electronic converter-based power supply for plasma DBD devices chat
763.Investigation of Power Quality Improvement in Super Lift Luo converterchat
762.Face Recognition Using Principle Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysischat
761.Analysis of high power, resonant DC-DC converter for DC wind turbineschat
760.Brain Tumor Detection using Segmentation based Object Labeling Algorithmchat
759.High-Efficiency Soft-Switching AC-DC Converter with single power conversion methodchat
758.Image Processing with the Specific Focus on Early Tumorchat
757.GaN-Based Transformer-less Microinverter with coupled inductor interleaved boost and half-bridge voltage swing inverter- sepic chat
756.Real-Time Selective Harmonic Minimization in Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Varying DC Sources chat
755.MatlabSimulinkAssignments A Double-Sided LCC Compensation Network and its tuning method for wireless power transfer chat
754.One-Class Classification of Mammograms Using Trace Transform Functionalschat
753.A Double-Sided LCC Compensation Network and its tuning method for wireless power transfer chat
752.A GPU-based real-time video compression method for video conferencingchat
751.Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Gradient Profile Sharpnesschat
750.A Multiplatform for Semiautomatic 3-D Detection of Kidneys and Their Pathology in Real Time chat
749.Word Segmentation Method for Handwritten Documents based on Structured Learningchat
748.Variable-Length Signature for Near-Duplicate Image Matchingchat
747.Authenticating Using Secret Key in Digital Video Watermarking Using 3-Level DWT chat
746.Underwater K-Means Clustering Segmentation Using SVM Classification chat
745.Learning Fingerprint Reconstruction: From Minutiae to Imagechat
744.Saliency-based Ulcer Detection for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosischat
743.A Feature-Enriched Completely Blind Image Quality Evaluatechat
742.Robust representation and recognition of facial emotions using extreme sparse learningchat
741.Diagnosis of Motor Faults Using Sound Signature Analysischat
740.Objective quality assessment for image retargeting based on hybrid distortion pooled modelchat
739.Enhanced Ridge Structure for Improving Fingerprintchat
738.Localization and segmentation of 3d intervertebral discs in MRI images by data-driven estimation chat
737.Eye Gaze Tracking With a Web Camera in a Desktop Environmentchat
736.Solar Flyback converter-based Brushless DC Motor Drive using PI and Fuzzy Controllerchat
735.Haze Removal for a Single Remote Sensing Image Based on Deformed Haze Imaging Modechat
733.Improving Pixel-Based Change Detection Accuracy Using an Object-Based Approach in Multitemporal SAR Flood Images chat
732.PV Battery Charger Using an L3C Resonant Converter for Electric Vehicle Applicationschat
731.Iterative Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Images chat
730.PV-STATCOM: A New Smart Inverter for Voltage Control in Distribution Systemschat
729.A New Topology for Hybrid Wind-Solar Generation system for Isolated Loadschat
728.A 5-level High-Efficiency Low-Cost Hybrid Neutral Point Clamped Inverterchat
726.Power Quality Improvement and PV Power chat
724.Series compensator cascade converters chat
723.PV system to achieve mppt via boost converter using P&ochat
722.Power Quality Enhancement in Residential chat
721.Saturable transformer on 500 KV system chat
720.Application of D STATCOM as Load Compensator chat
719.PV system using Maximum Power Point Tracking and Artificial Neural Networkschat
717.PID Control for Electric Vehicles control chat
716.Buck Boost Dual Leg Integrated Step up chat
715.A High Performance of PSO-based MPPT chat
714.Modified Dual Output Cuk Converter fed Switched Reluctance Motor Drive with PFC chat
713.A High Performance of PSO and P&O-based MPPT chat
712.Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection chat
711.Human Identification Using Palm-Vein Images Using Gabor Filterchat
710.Reconfigurable Filtennas and MIMO in Cognitive Radio Applications chat
709.Joint Removal of Random and Fixed-Pattern Noise through spatial chat
708.Localization of License Plate Number Using Dynamic Image Processing Techniques And Genetic Algorithms chat
707.Image Resolution Enhancement using Lifting Wavelet and Stationary Wavelet Transformchat
706.Grid-connected wind farm STATCOM and DFIG Simulink model0chat
705.Fast Local Histogram Specification chat
704.Analysis of droop control method in an autonomous microgridchat
703.Digital Image Sharing by Diverse Image Media chat
702.Control and operation of Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systemchat
701.Assignments Optimal Droop Control for Voltage Source Converters in Islanded Microgridschat
700.Efficient hybrid Watermarking Approach by Using SVD, DWT, and Back Propagation Neural Network chat
699.Dynamic voltage restorer in standard IEEE 33 bus system to compensate voltage sag and swellschat
698.Localization of License Plate Number Using Dynamic Image Processing Techniques And Genetic Algorithms chat
697.Direct Voltage Control of DC-DC Boost Converters Using Enumeration-Based Model Predictive Controlchat
696.Image Resolution Enhancement using Lifting Wavelet and Stationary Wavelet Transform chat
695.Modeling of DFIG Combined with Wind Turbine in MATLAB/Simulink chat
694.Fast Local Histogram Specification chat
693.Modeling of DFIG in MATLAB/Simulink chat
692.Assignments Digital Image Sharing by Diverse Image Media chat
691.Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) modeling with a mathematical equation with speed controllerchat
690.speed control of the brushless direct current (BLDC) motor chat
689.I Grid-connected wind farm STATCOM and DFIG Simulink model chat
688.Optimal Droop Control for Voltage Source Converters in Islanded Microgrids chat
687.bldc speed control using PID 
686.Multi-antenna Wireless Energy Transfer for Backscatter Communication Systemschat
685.Direct Voltage Control of DC-DC Boost Converters Using Enumeration-Based Model Predictive Controlchat
684.The transition between grid-connected mode and islanded mode in VSI-fed microgridschat
683.Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for Clinical Gastroenterologychat
682.Model Predictive Control of a Two-Motor Drive With FiveLeg-Inverter Supply chat
681.Exposing Digital Image Forgeries by Illumination Color Classificationchat
680.Low-Complexity PTS-Based Schemes for PAPR Reduction in SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems chat
679.Designing an Efficient Image Encryption-Compression System Using Haar Waveletchat
678.Simulink model of current controlled PMSM drivechat
677.Distributed photovoltaic power generation systems, including maximum power point trackingchat
676.Preamble-Based LMMSE Channel Estimation in OFDM/OQAM Modulationchat
675.distributed power generation photovoltaic maximum power point tracking programchat
674.composite microgrid model based on IEEE 14 bus standard modelchat
673.Common CT Imaging Signs of Lung Diseases through a New Feature Selection Methodchat
672.On the Sum-Rate of the Gaussian MIMO Z Channel and the Gaussian MIMO X Channelchat
671.Modular Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel PV Inverter With Distributed MPPT for Grid-Connectedchat
670.Voltage control of bidirectional DC-DC converter with the constant power source chat
669.Confidential Cooperative Communication with Trust Degree of Potential Eavesdropperschat
668.An Enhanced K-means and ANOVA-based Clustering Approach for Similarity Aggregation in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networkschat
667.Modeling and simulation of hill climbing MPPT algorithm for photovoltaic application chat
666.Fault detection filter chat
665.Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Relay Nodechat
664.Enhancing Wireless Communications Security Through Physical Layer Multiple Inter-Symbol Obfuscation chat
663.MPPT-based Photovoltaic (PV) systemchat
662.Modeling and Control PV-Wind Hybrid System Based on Fuzzy Logic Control Technique chat
661.Application to Target Recognition in SAR Imagechat
660.Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Downlink Multiuser MIMO-OFDMA Systemschat
658.SPLL (software phase-locked loop) with the single synchronous coordinate systemchat
657.Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection chat
656.Throughput-Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networks chat
655.Multi-Objective Optimization of Distributed Energy Systems under Grid Faultschat
654.LC filter and PR controller to control the output voltage of the inverterchat
653.Word Segmentation Method for Handwritten Documents based on Structured Learningchat
652.Semisupervised Support Vector Machines With Tangent Space Intrinsic Manifold Regularizationchat
651.Phasor Measurement unitchat
650Real-Time Selective Harmonic Minimization in Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with Varying DC Sources chat
649.The control circuit of the single-phase inverter grid connectedchat
648.Boost Converter with MPPT and PWM Inverter for PV systemchat
647.Adaptive Buffer-Aided Space-Time Coding for Cooperative Wireless Networks chat
646.Modified classification and regression tree for facial expression recognitionchat
645.Voltage and frequency control in microgridchat
644.One dimensional Quarter car suspension modelchat
643.Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systems chat
642.Lossless Image Compression Technique using Haar Wavelet and Vector Transform chat
641.Induction motor variable frequency speed control system based on the constant ratio of voltage and frequencychat
640.Quarter car suspension model chat
639.MatlabAssignments Channel Equalization for MIMO LTE System in Multi-path Fading Channels chat
638.Joint Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Device to Device Communications chat
637.Coordinated V-f and P-Q Control of Solar Photovoltaic Generators With MPPT and Battery Storage in Microgrids chat
636.Smart traffic control system with application of image processing techniques chat
635.Biometric Template Security using Dorsal Hand Vein Fuzzy Vaultchat
634.Battery Charge and Discharge under SOC mode controlchat
633.Hybrid Photovoltaic and Wind power system chat
632.A Minutiae Count-Based Method for Fake Fingerprint Detectionchat
631.Layer-Based Approach for Image Pair Fusion chat
630.PMSG-based Wind Energy System with Controllable Rectifier using MPPTchat
629.Integration of Ultra Capacitor with Battery using DC-DC Buck-Boost Converter in an Electric Vehicle chat
628.A decomposition framework for image denoising algorithmschat
627.A decomposition framework for image denoising algorithms chat
626.Analysis of Islanding Detection in Distributed Generationchat
625.Analysis of Islanding Detection in Distributed Generationchat
624.Enhancing sketch-based image retrieval by re-ranking and relevance feedbackchat
623.Reversible data hiding in encrypted images by reversible image transformationchat
622.Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Micro Grid Employing PV and Fuel cell chat
621.Islanding Detection and Control of Islanded Single and Two-Parallel Distributed Generation Units chat
620.Time-domain Attribute-based Access Control for Cloudbased Video Content Sharing: A Cryptographic Approach chat
619.An Improved Content-Based Image Retrieval using Three Region Colour and Straight linechat
618.Combined Conformal Strongly-Coupled Magnetic Resonance for Efficient Wireless Power Transfer chat
617.PV grid system with SMS and AFD islanding detection methods chat
616.Unsupervised, efficient, and scalable key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos chat
615.single phase boost inverter using spwm chat
614.The Connected Brain: Causality, models, and intrinsic dynamics Matlab code chat
613.An inverter topology of Magnetic Resonance Wireless Charging Model chat
612.Maximum Power Point Tracking for Wind Turbine Using Integrated Generator-Rectifier Systemschat
611.Rank-Based Image Watermarking Method With High Embedding Capacity and Robustness chat
610.Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Morphological Operators chat
609.Inductive Wireless power transfer systemchat
608.Single phase inverter with SPWM chat
607.Red Lesion Detection using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathychat
606.Low-Complexity PTS-Based Schemes for PAPR Reduction in SFBC MIMO-OFDM Systems chat
605.Transient Stability Improvement of an IEEE 9 Bus Power System Using STATCOM, SVC, and UPFCchat
604.A Model Predictive Power Control Method for PV and Energy Storage Systems with Voltage Support Capability chat
603.Robust Blur Kernel Estimation for License Plate Images from Fast Moving Vehicleschat
602.Preamble-Based LMMSE Channel Estimation in OFDM/OQAM Modulationchat
601.Decoupled Frequency and Voltage Control for Stand-Alone Microgrid With PV and Wind chat
600. An Experimental Estimation of Hybrid ANFIS–PSO-Based MPPT for PV Grid Integration Under Fluctuating Sun Irradiancechat
599.Contrast Driven Elastica for Image Segmentationchat
598.An Enhanced K-means and ANOVA-based Clustering Approach for Similarity Aggregation in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
597.On the Sum-Rate of the Gaussian MIMO Z Channel and the Gaussian MIMO X Channelchat
596.IEEE 13 node feeder without a voltage regulatorchat
595.AFLL Based Control Technique for Grid Interfaced Three Phase PV Systemchat
594.Critical-Conduction-Mode-Based Soft-Switching Modulation for Three-Phase PV Inverters With Reactive Power Transfer Capabilitychat
593.A Joint Control With Variable ZVS Angles for Dynamic Efficiency Optimization in Wireless Power Transfer System chat
592.Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Video Watermarking Techniquechat
591.Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Downlink Multiuser MIMO-OFDMA Systemschat
590.A Natural Bidirectional Isolated Single-phase AC/DC Converter with Wide Output Voltage Range for Aging Test Application in Electric Vehicle chat
589.Input-Series Output-Equivalent-Parallel MultiInverter System for High-Voltage and High Power Wireless Power Transferchat
588.Cross-Layer Design and Performance Analysis of Quality of Service Control Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks chat
587.Throughput-Enhanced Relay Placement Mechanism in WiMAX 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networkschat
586.Reactive Power Optimization Control for Bidirectional DualTank Resonant DC-DC Converters for Fuel Cells Schat
585.Design Consideration and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Islanding Detection Method Combining Voltage Unbalance/Total Harmonic Distortion and Bilateral Reactive Power Variation chat
584.Framework for Classification and Segmentation of Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion in SD-OCT chat
583.Semisupervised Support Vector Machines With Tangent Space Intrinsic Manifold Regularization chat
582.A Smart Phone Image Processing Application for Plant Disease Diagnosis chat
581.Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter using pq theory chat
579.Adaptive Buffer-Aided Space-Time Coding for Cooperative Wireless Networkschat
578.Detecting Subsurface Circular Objects from Low Contrast Noisy Images: Applications in Microscope Image Enhancement chat
577.Separate Power Allocation and Control Method Based on Multiple Power Channels for Wireless Power Transfer chat
576.unobtrusive and multimodal wearable sensing to quantify anxiety chat
575.Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systemschat
574.Grid-Connected PV-Wind-Battery based Multi-Input Transformer Coupled Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for household Applicationschat
573.Design and Control of a High Power Converters chat
572.A comprehensive study of battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for standalone PV power system with Multiport Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter chat
571.Digital Night Vision Enhancement using Histogram Processing chat
570.A hierarchical approach for rain or snow removal in a single color imagechat
569.Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on Adaptive IHS and Multiscale Guided Filter chat
568.Chart Design Method for Multi-Coil Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Systemschat
567.Fusion Based on Adaptive IHS and Multiscale Guided Filter chat
566.Adaptive Control of Voltage Source Converter Based Scheme for Power Quality Improved Grid-Interactive Solar PV- Battery Systemchat
565.Illumination Decomposition for Photograph with Multiple Light Sourceschat
564.A Disaster Management-Oriented Path Planning for Mobile Anchor Node-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networkschat
563.Three-phase AC power using Space vector pulse modulation chat
562.Facial age estimation with an age difference chat
561.A PSO-BPSO Technique for Hybrid Power Generation System Sizingchat
560.EOC: Energy Optimization Coding for Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Bandchat
559.A Load-Independent LCC-Compensated Wireless Power Transfer System for Multiple Loads with a Compact Coupler Design chat
558.Three-phase AC power using PWMchat
557.Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks with Jaccard Distancechat
556.A new displaying technology for information hiding using temporally brightness modulated pattern chat
555.Supercapacitor energy storage simulation model with Buck transform chat
554.Research on an efficient-efficient routing protocol for WSNs based on improved artificial bee colony algorithm chat
553.Automatic Detection of 3D Quality Defects in Stereoscopic Videos Using Binocular Disparitychat
552.Parallel battery SC boost converterchat
551.Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell Connected to Three-Phase Electrical Power Systemchat
550.Parallel and Distributed Resource Allocation with Minimum Traffic Disruption for Network Virtualizationchat
549.Deep Learning Segmentation of Optical Microscopy Images Improves 3D Neuron Reconstructionchat
548.Underwater Image Restoration Based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorptionchat
547.Characterization of a 5 kW solid oxide fuel cell stack using power electronic excitation chat
546.Power Loss Model for GaN-based MHz Critical Conduction Mode Power Factor Correction Circuits chat
545.Detecting Cardiovascular Disease from Mammograms with Deep Learning chat
544.Watermarking of Digital Media with Encrypted Biometric Features for Digital Ownershipchat
543.Converter-based Power System Protection against DC currents in Transmission and Distribution Networkchat
542.Pulse Power Supply With Faster Response and Low Ripple Current Using Inductive Storage and Interleaving Technologychat
541.Detection of Hemorrhage from Fundus Images using Hybrid Method chat
540.Removal of weeds using Image Processing: A Techni-cal Reviewchat
539.Improved H-bridge Multilevel Inverter for Grid Integration of Photovoltaic Power Conversion System with Power Quality Enhancementchat
538.A burner model for solid oxide fuel cells(SOFC)chat
537.A New Framework of Filter Bank Multi-Carrier: Getting Rid of Subband Orthogonality chat
536.High-frequency Fault Component Based Distance Protection for Large Renewable Power Plantschat
535.Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cellschat
534.Detection And Measurement of Paddy Leaf Disease Symptoms using Image Processingchat
533.A Rainfall Prediction Model using Artificial Neural Networkchat
532.Modulation for the AVC-HERIC Inverter to Compensate for Deadtime and Minimum Pulse Width Limitation Distortionschat
531.Modeling of planer solid oxide fuel cell chat
530.Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Video Watermarking Techniquechat
529.Accurate Shadow Detection From High-Resolution Satellite Imageschat
528.Simulation of AC to Dc to AC PWM converterchat
527.Defect detection in electronic surfaces using template-based Fourier image reconstructionchat
526.Single-Phase AC-DC Converter with SiC Power Pulsation Buffer for Pulse Load Applications chat
525.Handwritten Text Recognition using Deep Learning chat
524.Weighted Level Set Evolution Based on Local Edge Features for Medical Imagechat
523.Analysis and design of sepic converter in PV applicationchat
522.Reactive Power Impacts on LCL Filter Capacitor Lifetime in Grid-Connected Inverterchat
521.Identification of Rice Grains Using Image Processing Techniqueschat
520.spectrum sensing optimization for energy-harvesting cognitive radio systemschat
519.Study of Transient Stability Improvement of IEEE 9-Bus System by using SVCchat
518.Three-Phase Three-Level Shunt APF Control System Based on Multi-Task Parallel MCU chat
517.layer-based approach for pair fusionchat
516.Medical Image Forgery Detection for Smart Healthcare chat
515.A Four-port DC-DC Converter for a Standalone Wind and Solar Energy Systemchat
514.Reliability analysis of grid-connected solar inverter chat
513.K-mean Clustering based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Generalized -μchat
512.Palm Print Authentication on a Cloud Platformchat
511.Low-Complexity Power-Balancing-Point Based Optimization for Photovoltaic Differential Power Processing chat
510.Quasi-Z-Source Inverter in Photovoltaic Technology chat
509.Joint Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Device to Device Communicationschat
508.PAPR Reduction in the FBMC-OQAM System via SegmentBased Optimization
507.A Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Based On Quasi ZSource Converter With Voltage Regulation and Power Factor Correctionchat
506.Real-time Analysis of Power System Protection Schemes using Synchronized datachat
505.Joint Spectrum and Power Allocation for Inter-Cell Spectrum Sharing in CRNchat
504.Modeling of WECS Using ANFIS network chat
503.Speckle Removal Using Diffusion Potential for Optical Coherence Tomography Imageschat
502.Ground-Based Cloud Detection Using Automatic Graph Cutchat
501.A New Coupled-Inductor Circuit Breaker for Dc Applicationschat
500.Three Area Power System Load Frequency Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controller chat
499.Using Deep Learning to Detect Melanoma in Dermoscopy Imageschat
498.A Video Watermarking Technique Using Dwt and SVD chat
496.Three Area Power System with Primary LFC Loop chat
495.Palm Print Authentication on a Cloud Platform chat
494.Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration chat
493.Vision-based pest detection based on the SVM classification method chat
492.Modeling of WECS Using Genetic Algorithm optimized with DSTATCOMchat
490.An Intelligent System for Early Assessment and Classification of Brain Tumor chat
488.Modeling of WECS Using fuzzy logic controller and DSTATCOM chat
487.Modeling of WECS Using ANFIS networkchat
486.Automatic Detection of Plant Diseases; Utilizing an Unsupervised Cascaded Designchat
485.Shearlet transform-based satellite image denoising using optimized OTSU Thresholdchat
484.Modeling of WECS Using PSO and DSTATCOMchat
483.ANFIS Controller for Double Inverted Pendulum chat
482.Fuzzy control Design using ANFIS for a power system with svcchat
481.Matlab code for 4 Way Traffic Signal Controller simulation chat
480.MRI and PET brain tumor image fusion tumor detectionchat
479.Electric vehicle-based micro-grid designed for residential load management chat
478.Single phase solar grid-connected inverterchat
477.Matlab project for Currency recognition using image processingchat
476.A New Step-Up Switched-Capacitor Voltage Balancing Converter for NPC Multilevel Inverter-Based Solar PV System chat
475.Design and analysis of single phase voltage source inverter using Bipolar pulse width modulationchat
474.Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detectionchat
473.Shunt active power filter using synchronous rotating frame theorychat
472.Matlab Source code for Homomorphic Filtering chat
471.Modified classification and regression tree for facial expression recognitionchat
470.Active Power Factor Correctionchat
469.Shunt active power filter using synchronous rotating frame theory chat
468.Socially Aware Caching Strategy in Device to Device Communication Networks chat
467.Classification on the Monogenic Scale Space: Application to Target Recognitionchat
466.Speed Control Of DC motor using 3phase fully controlled bridge converterchat
465.Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Relay Node Selection in WSNchat
464.Simulink Model of IEEE 9 Bus System chat
463.A Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Partially Shaded Photovoltaic Arrays chat
462.Template-based active contourschat
461.Confidential Cooperative Communication with Trust Degree of Potentialchat
460.Simulink Model of IEEE 9 Bus System with load flowchat
459.PV Solar System Control as STATCOM(PV-STATCOM) for Power Oscillation Dampingchat
457. Shearlet-based Noise Removal chat
456.Improving the reliability of distribution networks using plug-in electric vehicles and demand responsechat
455.Image Rain Removal Using RCNNchat
453.Duty cycle MAC protocols Energy conservationchat
452.Power Quality Improvement Utilizing PV Fed Unified Power Quality Conditioner Based on UV-PI and chat
451.Finite-control-set model predictive control scheme of three-phase four-leg back-to-back converter-fed induction motor drive
450.Improving the reliability of distribution networks using plug-in electric chat
448.Matlab projects for Robot Arm Simulation Using Matlab chat
447.Application of Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Global Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV under Partial Shadingchat
446.Direct Torque Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Based on Duty Ratio Modulationchat
445.MATLAB code An ECG signal, remove noise and detect pathologieschat
444.Microgrid to support 1500 kVA continuous loadchat
443.Matlab source code for Satellite orbit simulationchat
442.MATLAB code for analyzing aerial imagery for crop healthchat
441.A Power Quality Improved EV Charger with Bridgeless Cuk Converter chat
440.A New Distributed Power Flow Controller to Improve the Power Quality by Mitigating Voltage Sag and Swellchat
439.Matlab code for Sleep Apnea Classificationchat
438.Matlab source code for Gait analysis with mathematical processingchat
437.Voltage sag and swell detection in the single phase system chat
436.Damping of power swings by control of braking resistors chat
435.Finite-States Model Predictive Control for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC (bldc) Motor Using Four-Switch Three-phase Inverterchat
434.Matlab code for Re-configuring power distribution using ABC algorithm chat
433.MATLAB code Heart2Heart simplifies ECG readings chat
432.A New MPPT Technique for Fast and Efficient Tracking under Fast Varying Solar Irradiation and Load Resistancechat
431.Segmentation of satellite image using Kmeans clusteringchat
430.Matlab source code for hyperspectral image classification using Deep learning and CNNchat
429.A Very Simple Strategy for High-Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Control chat
428.LFC system in presence of wind turbine, EV’s battery, diesel generator and PV cellchat
427.Automatic Segmentation of satellite image Watershedchat
426.Matlab code for Signature verification using Image Processingchat
425.A New MPPT Technique for Fast and Efficient Tracking under Fast Varying Solar Irradiation and Load Resistance Using variable-step size INCchat
424.Three-phase voltage sag & swell detection and Power Quality Improvement using UPFCchat
423.Computational Deep Intelligence Vision Sensing for Nutrient Content Estimationchat
421.Matlab code for Nitrogen and Chlorophyll detection using Image Processingchat
420.A New MPPT Technique for Fast and Efficient Tracking under Fast Varying Solar Irradiation and Load Resistance Using modified INCchat
419.The State Space Modeling of Single and Two areas LFC of Power Systemchat
418.Modeling and Simulation of Series-Series Wireless Power Transfer Systemchat
417.code for Wireless Power Transfer via SCMR chat
416.code for Joint Cooperative Beamforming, Jamming, and Power Allocationchat
415.A New MPPT Technique for Fast and Efficient Tracking under Fast Varying Solar Irradiation and Load Resistance Using Incremental Conductancechat
414.PV Grid Connected With Voltage Balancing Converter for Multilevel Inverterchat
413.code for A Study of Physical Layer Security with Energy Harvesting in Single Hop chat
412.Generalization of the Dark Channel Prior to Single Image Restorationchat
411.Droop Control Implementation on Hybrid Microgrid chat
410.code for Improving Wireless Physical Layer Security via Cooperating Relayschat
409.Matlab code for Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks chat
408.Modular Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel PV Inverter With Distributed MPPT for Grid-Connected Applicationschat
407.Dual T Type Seven Level Boost Active Neutral Point Clamped (DTT-7L-BANPC) Inverterchat
406.fMRI classification spatial independent component analysischat
405.Two-Phase Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for Physical Layer Secrecychat
404.Enhancing PV Penetration in LV Networks Using Reactive Power Control and On Load Tap Changer With Existing Transformers chat
403.A Multilevel Transformerless Inverter employing Ground Connection between PV Negative Terminal and Grid Neutral pointchat
402.Automatic Detection of Exudates in Digital Color Fundus Images Using Superpixel Multi-Feature Classification chat
400.A Very Simple Strategy for High-Quality Performance of AC Machines Using Model Predictive Controlchat
399.High Gain Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter with Ripple Free Input Current for Solar Powered Water Pumping System Utilizing Cost-Effective Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniquechat
398.Matlab code to find the vegetation from satellite image chat
397.Matlab code for Recognition of Osteoporosis through CTImages using Image Processing chat
396.A Simple Control Scheme for Improving Reactive Power Sharing in Islanded Microgrid chat
395.An aggregated dynamic model of active distribution networks for large voltage disturbanceschat
394,.Cooperative Communications with Wireless Energy Harvesting over Nakagami-m Fading Channels chat
393.Matlab code for Prediction of the chlorophyll content in Pomegranate leaves based on digital imagechat
392.An Implementation of Solar PV Array-Based Multifunctional EV Charger chat
391.Modeling and Simulation of Static Var Compensator for Voltage Control Using MATLAB/SIMULINK -9 bus chat
390.5G and New Data Offloading Scheme over D2D chat
389.Matlab code for Fingerprint Image Identification for Crime Detection chat
388.Control of Power Flow with the Use of Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC)chat
387.Droop Control Implementation on Hybrid Microgrid chat
386.A Mac Protocol Implementation for Wireless Sensor Networkchat
385.Modified Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization for detection of masses and microcalcification of mammogram images chat
384.Analysis of Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation using Fuzzy Logic Techniquechat
383.Wind Energy Fed UPQC System for Power Quality Improvement chat
382.Duty cycle MAC protocols Energy conservation chat
381.Leach using K means clustering 
380.BER Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM System Using Different Equalization Techniqueschat
379.Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Management System Design for Residential Grid-Connected Microgridschat
378.Shunt active power filter using pq theory chat
377.Matlab code for modeling of memristor and design for different variables chat
376.Chronic kidney disease diagnoser using an SVM and a bagged decision tree random forest chat
375.Control of Grid Tied Smart PV-DSTATCOM System using an Adaptive Technique chat
374.Shunt active power filter using dq theory chat
373.Matlab code for active vibration control using piezoelectric collocated patches chat
372.Wireless Energy Harvesting with Cooperative relaying under best selection scheme chat
371.Co-tier and Cross-tier uplink interference mitigation using Q-learning chat
370.Active shunt filter for power distributed systems 
369.Frequency Stability of Hierarchically Controlled Hybrid Photovoltaic-BatteryHydropower Microgrids chat
367.Matlab code for Autism Classification using GLCM and SVM chat
366.Improved shunt active power filter using fuzzy controller chat
364.D2D network in mmWave band signal-to-interference-plus noise ratio coverage 
363.Matlab code for Autism Classification using convolution neural networkchat
362.Matlab-Simulink-Assignments Model Based Shunt Active Power Filter Using Fuzzy Logic Controller to Minimize the Harmonics chat
361.Wireless Power Transmission using Class E Power Amplifierchat
360.Model-Based Shunt Active Power Filter Using Fuzzy Logic Controller to Minimize the Harmonics chat
359.Matlab code for Classification of the glaucomatous image using SVM and Navie Bayes chat
358.Shunt active filter for decreasing the harmonics and reactive power compensation for voltage instabilitychat
357.Power Factor Improvement in Modified Bridgeless Landsman Converter Fed EV Battery Charger chat
356.Dual-regularized Feedback and Precoding for D2D Assisted MIMO Systems chat
355.code for MRI and PET brain tumor image fusion tumor detection chat
354.Active shunt filter for three-phase power distributed systemschat
353.A Three-port Converter Based Distributed DC Grid-connected PV System with Autonomous Output VoltageSharing Control chat
352.Fabric defect detection using image processingchat
351.Matlab code for Quarter car suspension model chat
350.LFC system in presence of wind turbine, EV’s battery, diesel generator and PV cell using PID, fuzzy and ANN controller chat
349.Design of BLDC Motor Drive for EV application chat
348.Fetal-brain localization and orientation estimationchat
347.Matlab code for one dimensional Quarter car suspension modelchat
346.Analysis of a Control Strategy for Parallel Operation of Single Phase Voltage Source Inverterschat
345.fMRI classification spatial independent component analysis chat
344.A SiC-Based 22kW Bi-directional CLLC Resonant Converter with Flexible Voltage Gain Control Scheme for EV On-Board Chargerchat
342.hyperspectral image classification using Deep learning and CNN chat
341.Modeling and Simulation of static synchronous compensator for Voltage Control Using MATLAB/SIMULINK -9 buschat
340.Load Flow Analysis And Optimal Allocation of SVC In Nine Bus Power Systemschat
339.Load Frequency Control in Microgrids Based on a Stochastic Non-Integer Controllerchat
338.Hand-written character recognition using pixel-basedchat
337.Load Frequency Control in Microgrids Baschat
336.Automatic Microaneurysms Detection on Retinal Images Using Deep Convolution Neural Networkchat
335.Estimated Droop Control for Parallel Connected Voltage Source Inverters chat
334.Energy management strategy of three-level inverter with Model Predictive Control of grid-connectedchat
333.Interference Mitigation for Multicast D2D Communications Underlay Cellular Networkschat
332.Harris hawk optimization-based MPPT control for PV systems under partial shading conditionschat
331.Leukemia detection from blood cells using CNNchat
330.Joint Cooperative Beamforming, Jamming, and Power Allocation to Secure AF Relay Systemschat
329.Three-Phase Grid-Connected Bi-Directional Charging System to Control Active and Reactive Power with Harmonic Compensationchat
328.Enhanced Utilization of the Transmission Line by using FC– TCR based SVC Systemchat
327.Historical document enhancement using a median filter with clahe and power law transformchat
326.A Study of Physical Layer Security with Energy Harvesting in Single Hop Relaying Environment chat
325.Transmission Line Loss Reduction by UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) chat
324.Improving Wireless Physical Layer Security via Cooperating Relayschat
322.An improved SVPWM-based shunt active power filterchat
321.Image Rain Removal Using RCNNchat
320.Relay Selection for Secure Cooperative Networks with Jammingchat
319.Two-Phase Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for Physical Layer Secrecy chat
318.Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networkschat
317.Reduction of Harmonics In a Hybrid PV/Wind Microgrid Using Hybrid Multilevel Inverter chat
316.Automatic detection of exudates in digital color fundus images using superpixel multi-feature Classificationchat
314.Hysteresis Current Controlled Grid Connected PV Inverterchat
313.Re-configuring power distribution using ABC algorithmchat
312.Reduction of Harmonics In a Hybrid PV/Wind/Diesel Generator Microgrid Using Hybrid Multilevel Inverterchat
311.Segmentation of satellite image using improved K-means clustering algorithm computer version for environmental information extractionchat
310.Automatic detection of exudates on retinal images using deep convolution neural networkchat
309.Modeling of Wind Energy System with MPPT Control for DC Microgridchat
308.Semantic segmentation network using deep learning chat
307.Damping control for a target oscillation mode using battery energy storagechat
306.A Design of Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle Applicationschat
305.PV-powered centrifugal pumping system and fault detectionchat
304.Analysis of Position and Speed Control of Sensorless BLDC Motor using Zero Crossing Back-EMF Techniquechat
303.Improving Wireless Physical Layer Security via Cooperating Relayschat
302.Shearlet transform-based satellite image denoising using optimized OTSU Thresholdchat
301.Joint Cooperative Beamforming, Jamming, and Power Allocation to Secure AF Relay Systems chat
299.Relay Selection for Secure Cooperative Networks with Jamming chat
298.Optimal Relay Selection for Physical-Layer Security in Cooperative Wireless Networks chat
297.Matlab-Based Analysis of three-phase Self-Excited Induction Generator with VSI using Voltage and frequency control chat
296.Coordinated Control of OLTC and Energy Storage for Voltage Regulation in Distribution Network with High PV Penetrationchat
295.A study of physical layer security with energy harvesting in a single hop relaying environment chat
294.Commutation Torque Ripple Suppression of BLDCM Based on Improved DC Voltage Converterchat
293.Two-Phase Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for Physical Layer Secrecychat
292.Damping control for a target oscillation mode using battery energy storage chat
291.MPST: A Corpus of Movie Plot Synopses with Tagschat
290.Current and Speed Controller-based BLDC Motorchat
289.Fruits & Vegetable classification and prediction using CNN-Resnet 50 – with 11,000 Training Images chat
288.Simulink model of switched reluctance motor by using open loop control of asymmetric bridge converter chat
287.Grid Connected Cuckoo Search Algorithm for GMPPT PV under Partial Shadingchat
286.Two-Phase Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for Physical Layer Secrecychat
285.Enhancement in Brain Image Segmentation using Swarm Ant Lion Algorithmchat
284.Robust Sliding Mode Control (SMC) of Boost DC to DC Converterchat
283.Implementation of Time overcurrent protection using DigSilentchat
282.Maximum Distance on-Demand Routing Algorithm (MDORA)chat
281.Sliding Mode Control Method for Quasi-Z Source Inverter chat
280.IDS Network intrusions classification using SVM, DT, NB, KNN, LR, and RF in NSLchat
279.Induction Motor Control using Flux Controllerchat
278.Assessment of the Influence of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System on Dynamic Voltage Stability in the distribution network chat
277.Task scheduling and load balancing using cloudsim and cloud reportschat
276.BLDC motor control with ZETA converter chat
275.The Influence of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System on Dynamic Voltage Stability in the distribution networkchat
274.Radar Target tracking with Kalman fusion radar sensor measurement 3Dchat
273.Pothole detection using image processing techniqueschat
272. Mathematical Model of Brushless DC Motorchat
271.BLDC motor control with Z source converterchat
270.Electric Vehicles (EV) Charging Management in Smart Grids in VANET and routing.chat
269.Joint user scheduling and beam selection hybrid using CNNchat
268.Three Phase Inverter with BLDC motorchat
267.BLDC motor control with Z source inverterchat
266.Ovarian cyst segmentation methods Matlab codechat
265.Pothole detection using image processing techniqueschat
263.DC analysis RLC chat
262.BLDC motor control with Z source converter using sliding mode and position control
261.Vigenere cipher encryption and decryption codechat
260.Diabetic retinopathy (Blindness) detection through deep learning techniques -DenseNet Python chat
259.Overcurrent Protection of Distribution Network with Distributed Generation using DigSilent Power factorychat
257.Human brain reconstruction 3-D tomography CT imageschat
255.High-Efficiency Bridgeless Single-Power-Conversion Battery Charger for Light Electric Vehicleschat
254.Automatic Face Naming by Learning using Deep learning python project
253.PV-STATCOM Inverter for Voltage Control With Different Modeschat
251.Design, Control, and Analysis of a Novel GridInterfaced Switched-Boost Dual T-Type Five-Level Inverter With Common-Ground Conceptchat
250.Self-interference cancellation simulation for Full-Duplexchat
249.VSC-Based HVDC Transmission Systemchat
248.Tubular reactor for the system of two elementary reactions with both convection and dispersion chat
247.Improvement in Rotor Stability in 3 Machine9 Bus System Using TCSC, SVC, SSSCchat
246.Modeling and Simulation of Solar-powered Air Conditioning System Using Direct Current Motor for Reduction of Energy Consumptionchat
245.PV-STATCOM Inverter for Voltage Control With Different Modes chat
243.Shadow detection and removal using deep learning techniqueschat
241.Sliding mode control of DC link ZSIchat
240.A Real-Time Resistance Based Fault Detection Technique For Zonal Type Low-Voltage DC Microgridchat
239.Improvement in Rotor Stability in 3 Machine 9 Bus System Using UPFCchat
238.Effects of VSC-based HVDC system on distance protection of transmission lineschat
237.Copy Move Image Forgery Detection Using SWIFT and Stationary Wavelet Transformchat
235.Bottle Inspection using machine vision learning artificial intelligence chat
234.Model Predictive Control of Bidirectional DCDC Converters and AC/DC Interlinking Converters – A New Control Method for PV Wind-Battery Microgridschat
233.Novel Controller for the 48-Pulse VSC STATCOM for Voltage Regulation and Reactive Power Compensationchat
232.RF mmWave Transmitter and Receiver with Hybrid Beamforming chat
231.Enhancing network lifetime using Row bee protocol chat
230.Massive MIMO Energy-Efficient Multi-User MIMO Systems simulation chat
229.Multiple Device Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis for NeutralPoint-Clamped Inverters chat
228.Bottle Inspection using machine vision learning artificial intelligence chat
227.Commutation Torque Ripple Suppression Strategy for Brushless DC Motors With a Novel Noninductive Boost Front End chat
226.A Real-Time Resistance Based Fault Detection Technique For Zonal Type Low-Voltage DC Microgrid chat
225.Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Fuzzy Controlled SVC for Transmission Linechat
224.Cross-Layer energy minimization using GA and routing protocols chat
222.Reactive Power Control of an IEEE 9-Bus System using Fuzzy Logic Controller based STATCOM chat
221.PV-STATCOM Inverter for Voltage Control With Different Modes chat
220.Analysis of retinal diseases using machine learning algorithms Matlab projectchat
219.Self-interference cancellation simulation for Full-Duplex chat
218.Droop Control of Parallel Dual-Mode Inverters Used in Micro Grid chat
217.Modeling and Simulation of Solar-powered Air Conditioning System Using Direct Current Motor for Reduction of Energy Consumption chat
215.Tubular reactor for the system of two elementary reactions with both convection and dispersionchat
214.“sliding mode controller for single stage boost inverter ” chat
213.Performance Analysis of STATCOM-based Power Systems For Improvement of Transient Stabilitychat
212.Computational fluid dynamics of Reactive flows advection diffusion reactionchat
211.Real TIme Solar Tracking Modeling and Optimization of Solar Panelchat
210.Novel Controller for the 48-Pulse VSC STATCOM for Voltage Regulation and Reactive Power Compensation chat
209.PV-STATCOM Inverter for Voltage Control With Different Modeschat
208.Low Light Image Enhancement for Real-time imageschat
207. RF mmWave Transmitter and Receiver with Hybrid Beamformingchat
206.Impact of Realistic Light Radiation Pattern on Vehicular Visible Light Communicationchat
205.Multiple Device Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis for NeutralPoint-Clamped Inverters chat
204.Distance protection and fault location of the PV power plants distribution lineschat
203.Analysis of retinal diseases using machine learning algorithms Matlab project chat
202.Two-Phase Cooperative Jamming and Beamforming for Physical Layer Secrecy chat
201.Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Fuzzy Controlled SVC for Transmission Linechat
200.Load Flow Analysis of IEEE 5 Bus System Using UPFCchat
198.Joint Cooperative Beamforming, Jamming, and Power Allocation to Secure AF Relay Systemschat
197.Performance Analysis of STATCOM-based Power Systems For Improvement of Transient Stabilitychat
198.PSO mppt method of DFIG wind energy system connected to the gridchat
197.Implementation of microgrid with battery and PV array chat
196.Improving Wireless Physical Layer Security via Cooperating Relayschat
195.Interference Mitigation for Multicast D2D Communications Underlay Cellular Networks chat
194.Passive cell balancing for electric vehicle battery management system chat
193.A SiC-Based 22kW Bi-directional CLLC Resonant Converter with Flexible Voltage Gain Control Scheme for EV On-Board Charger chat
192.Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Networks with Beamforming and Jamming chat
191.BER Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM System Using Different Equalization Techniques chat
190.Low-Harmonic-Contents and High-Efficiency Class E FullWave Current-Driven Rectifier for Megahertz Wireless Power Transfer Systems chat
189.Three Phase Solar PV and Battery Energy Storage System Integrated UPQC chat
188.Performance of MIMO-NOMA Downlink Transmissions chat
186.Effects of VSC-based HVDC system on distance protection of transmission lineschat
185.MIMO-NOMA design for small packet transmission in the Internet of thingschat
184.Fingerprint-based image encryption for Bio-metric securitychat
183.High-Efficiency SiC-Based Isolated Three-Port DC/DC Converters for Hybrid Charging Stationschat
182.Simulation and analysis of reactive power compensation control strategy for photovoltaic power generation system chat
181.Simulation of Grid Connected Z-Source Solar Inverter with P&O MPPT chat
179.Mac Protocol Implementation for Wireless Sensor Networkchat
178.Performance Analysis of Solar Power-based Power supply for electric vehicleschat
176.Partial Shading Effect on the Performance of PV System With Different reconfiguration techniques chat
175.A CAD System for Brain Haemorrhage Detection in Head CT Scanschat
174.Reactive power planning of wind generation with large penetrationchat
173.Handwritten Digit Recognition (MNIST Dataset) using CNN python chat
172.Digit Recognition using CNN python projectchat
171.Nonlinear Adaptive Backstepping Controller Design for Islanded DC Microgrids chat
169.Load Forecasting using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) chat
167.Modeling of UPFC Using Model Predictive Controlchat
166.Probability of False Alarm vs Probability of Detection in Cognitive Radio Network chat
165.Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networkschat
164.ANFIS–PSO-Based MPPT for Grid Integration Using ISOGIFLL Based Control Algchat
163.Coordinated power management and optimized technoenviro-economic design of an autonomous hybrid renewable microgridchat
162.Hydropower connected DGs using a Fuzzy classifier with Islanding Detectionchat
161.Harmonic Improvement by Shunt Active Filter Using PQ Theorychat
160.Optimal Placement of PMUs by Integer Linear Programmingchat
159.Harmonic Improvement by Shunt Active Filter chat
158.A PSO-Based Modified Multistage Controller for Automatic Generation Control with integrating Renewable Sources and FACT Devicechat
157.Power Flow and Stability Analyses of a Multifunctional Distributed Generation System Integrating a Photovoltaic System with Unified Power Quality Conditionerchat
155.illumination normalization of face images with shadowschat
154.New Compensation Algorithm for Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Medium Voltages Levelchat
153.Direct Torque Control for Induction Motors Based on Minimum Voltage Vector Error chat
152.Single-phase grid-tied photovoltaic inverter to control active and reactive power with battery energy storage device chat
151.A SiC-Based 22kW Bi-directional CLLC Resonant Converter with Flexible Voltage Gain Control Scheme for EV On-Board Chargerchat
150.Particle Swarm Optimization Combined with P&O for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking under Partial Shading Conditions chat
148.Enhancement of dynamic performance for pmsg wind system using PSOchat
147.Isolation and Protection of the Motor-Generator Pair System for Fault Ride-Through of Renewable Energy Generation Systemschat
146.13 bus system Voltage Regulation with High PV Generationchat
145.Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systemchat
144.Lyapunov Based Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Q-V Control of Grid Connected Hybrid Solar PV and Battery Systemchat
143.Particle Swarm Optimization Combined with P&O for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking under Partial Shading Conditionschat
142.Cascade Control With Adaptive Voltage Controller Applied to Photovoltaic Boost Converters chat
141.Design and Implementation of a Medium Voltage, High Power, High-Frequency Four-Port Transformerchat
140.Power Oscillation Control of PV system Using Kalman Filterchat
139.Dynamic Energy Regulation Strategies With Multi Charging Methods for Photovoltaic Chargers chat
138.Power Oscillation Control of PV system Using Kalman Filter chat
137.PMU data-based fault location techniqueschat
136.Hysteresis control for dc-dc converter and Inverterchat
135.Energy management system design for grid-connected microgridschat
134.Single-phase 11 Level hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverterchat
133.Battery Energy Storage System for PV Output Power Levelingchat
132. Hysteresis control for dc-dc converter and Inverter chat
131.A model predictive control strategy of PV-Battery microgrid under variable power generations and load conditionschat
129.Power quality improvement using DSTATCOMchat
128.Boost Converter Design and PWM Induction Motor Drivechat
127. Control of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systemchat
126.Robust Speed Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Based on Full Order Terminal Sliding Mode Controlchat
125.Stability Improvement of a Two-Area Power System Connected with an Integrated DFIG and STATCOM -MPC and PI chat
124.Analysis of the battery-EV state of charge for a dynamic wireless charging systemchat
123.A Sliding Mode Controller for a Three-Phase Induction Motorchat
122.Single phase flyback microinverter for PV chat
121.Simulation and Mathematical Modeling of NinePhase Induction Motor Drivechat
120.Wireless Power Transmission using Class E Power Amplifier from Solar Inputchat
119.Generalized d-q Model of n-Phase Induction Motor Drivechat
118.Single Stage SECS Interfaced with Grid Using ISOGI-FLL Based Control Algorithmchat
117.Single-phase hybrid cascaded H-bridge and diode-clamped multilevel inverter with capacitor voltage balancingchat
116.Distorted and Unbalanced Systems Compensation Within Instantaneous Reactive Power Framework chat
115.An Adaptive D-FACTS for Power Quality Enhancement in an Isolated Microgrid chat
114.Modeling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous motorchat
113.Direct Torque Control for Induction Motorchat
112.DG integration and network reconfiguration in microgrid systemchat
111.Mitigate Voltage Sag and Swell Using DPFC (Distributed Power Flow Controller)chat
110.Mathematical model of Wind Energy System with MPPT Control chat
108.Three-phase grid-connected PV systemchat
107.Novel application of a PV Solar Plant as STATCOM (PVSTATCOM) during Night and Day in a Distribution Utility Network chat
106.A Single Stage AC-DC Converter for Wireless Power Transfer Systemchat
105.Design and Implementation of SRM Motor Controller For Electric Vehicle Application chat
104.Model Predictive Control for Shunt Active Power Filter Under Both Balanced and Unbalanced Grid Conditions chat
103.Reactive Power Compensation Using Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) with Conventional Control Connected with 33kV Grid chat
102.Congestion Management of IEEE 30 Bus System Using Thyristor Controlled Series Compensatorchat
101.Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System Using D-Statcomchat
99.Modeling of Wind Energy System with MPPT Control chat
98.PV MPPT with boost converter using P&O and PSOchat
97.DG integration and network reconfiguration in microgrid systemchat
96.IEEE 14 bus Interconnected Microgrids model chat
95.Modeling and Control for Smart Grid Integration of Solar/Wind Energy Conversion Systemchat
94.A Bidirectional Contactless Power Transfer System with Dual-Side Power Flow Controlchat
92.Sliding mode controller-based voltage source inverter for power quality improvement in microgridchat
91.Design and implementation of model predictive control for industrial applications chat
90.Design of PV and wind hybrid system for house load applicationchat
89.z-source based three-phase grid-connected PV systemchat
88.A Novel Design of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicles chat
87.Study of Transient Stability Improvement of IEEE 9-Bus System by using STATCOMchat
84.Sliding mode control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) for Wave Energy Utilizationchat
83.Analysis of the Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Power Quality Issueschat
82.A Bi-directional Battery Charger with Modular Integrated Charge Equalization Circuitchat
81.Neural network control of a PMSG-based wind energy conversion systemchat
80.Improved Salp Swarm Algorithm-based MPPT control for PV systems under partial shading conditionchat
78.Design and Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Solar PV Integrated UPQCchat
77.Direct power control Technique for Z source inverterchat
76.Power Oscillation Control of PV system Using Kalman Filterchat
75.High Voltage Gain Interleaved Boost Converter With Neural Network Based MPPT Controller for Fuel Cell Based Electric Vehicle Applicationschat
74.Performance Analysis of Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner (IUPQC)chat
73.Research and Simulation of DC Microgrid Three-Phase ACDC Converter Control Strategy Based on Dchat
72.Battery Charging Method for Electric Vehicles: From Wired to On-Road Wireless Chargingchat
71.Modeling and Simulation of The CERTS Microgridchat
70.Switched Capacitor-based Multilevel Boost Inverter for Smart Grid Applicationschat
68.PV boost converter integrated with microgrid chat
67.Effects of Communication Delays in Electric Grid chat
66.Power quality mitigation using SMES-based DVRchat
65.Multiconverter Unified Power-Quality Conditioning System: MC-UPQCchat
63.An Integrated Step-up Inverter Without Transformer and Leakage Current for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systemchat
62.Design of a Fractional Order PID Controller Using Particle Swarm Optimization Techniquechat
61. “PV System With MPPTchat
60.Feedforward neural network Based photovoltaic modulechat
59.“An Improved iUPQC Controller to Provide Additional Grid Voltage Regulation as a STATCOM”chat
58.Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Storage systemchat
57.The current controller-based dc-dc bidirectional converterchat
56.Three Phase AC System Using Droop Control chat
55.Partial Shading of a PV Modulechat
54.Control of a Microgrid in Islanded Mode chat
50.IEEE 5 Bus Using Transmission System chat
49.An Improved Hybrid DSTATCOM Topology chat
48.Solar powered bldc motor drive with integrated mppt in air cooler systemchat
47.“Model Predictive Control for Dual Active Bridge in Naval DC Microgrids Supplying Pulsed Power Loads Featuring Fast Transition and Online Transformer Current Minimization” chat
46.An Interlinking Converter for Renewable Energy Integration into Hybrid Gridschat
45.Single phase power for the remote areas using Savonius rotor-based hydropower generationchat
44.Transient stability analysis of IEEE 9 bus systemchat
43.Improving Grid Transient Stability Using STATCOM with Battery chat
42.Genetic algorithm-based fuzzy sliding mode control of variable pitch angle wind turbinechat
41.Simulation of sensorless operation of BLDC motor based on the zero-cross detection from the line voltage chat
40.Analysis of the Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on Power Quality Issues chat
39.System Design and Realization of a Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station chat
38.SVPWM Based BLDC Close loop drive chat
37.Design of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to Improve the Power Quality Problems by Using P-Q Theorychat
36.Power Quality Improved Single-Stage Single-Switch BoostBoost Power Converter with wide conversionchat
35.A High-Efficiency Quasi-Single-Stage Unified Power Quality Conditioner Integrating Distributed Generation chat
34.Load Sharing in Medium Voltage Islanded Microgrids with Advanced Angle Droop Control chat
32.Design of a Wireless Power Transfer System for EV Application Based on MATLAB Simulationchat
31.Modeling and Performance Analysis of an Electric Vehicle with MATLAB/Simulinkchat
30.Design of Shunt Active Power Filter for Improvement of Power Quality with Artificial Intelligence Techniques chat
29.Single phase bidirectional charger for electric vehiclechat
28.Optimal 24-hr Utilization of a PV Solar System as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) in a Distribution Networkchat
27.A New MPPT Design Using for PV System Under Partial Shading Conditionschat
26.An Adaptive D-FACTS for Power Quality Enhancement in an Isolated Microgridchat
25.Particle Swarm Optimization Based Shunt Active Harmonic Filter for Harmonic Compensation chat
24.Mathematical Model for Induction Motor Using Position Control chat
23.Bi-directional DC-DC Converter for battery charging-discharging Applications using Buck-Boost switch chat
22.Model-based predictive direct power control of brushless doubly-fed reluctance generator for wind power applicationschat
21.Design of Incremental Conductance MPPT system for PV-fed SEPIC Converterchat
20.PV with Dynamic voltage restorer for three-phase faultchat
19.MLP-ANN based MPPT for a fixed speed based generator wind turbine energy conversion systemchat
18.Droop Control Based Strategy for hybrid PV and battery in an Islanded Microgridchat
17.Bi-directional Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger || V2G & G2V operation combinedchat
16.Renewable Power Integration Modelling and operation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbineschat
15.Distributed power flow Controller (DPFC) to increase power flow capability of a 31 Bus transmission line systemchat
14.Design and Analysis of a 15-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Switch Countchat
13.Impact of Distributed Generation on the Performance Indices of Power System chat
12.A model predictive control of hybrid ac/dc microgrids with PV-wind-battery under variable generation chat
11.IEEE 39 bus systemchat
10.Model-based predictive direct power control of brushless doubly-fed reluctance generator for wind power applicationschat
09.Design of Closed Loop System for PV fed SEPIC Converterchat
08.Model-based predictive direct power control of brushless doubly-fed reluctance generator for wind power applicationschat
07.A Combined System of APF and SVC for Power Quality Improvement in Microgridchat
06.Analyzing Integrated Solar and Wind Systems Using Optimizationchat
05.Distributed power flow Controller (DPFC) to increase power flow capability of a 28 Bus transmission line system chat
04.Development of Regenerative Braking Concept for Electric Vehicle Enhanced with Bidirectional Converter chat
03.Optimal allocation of fault current limiters for sustaining overcurrent relays in power system DGchat
02.Design of DC Microgrid with PV-Battery-Fuel cell chat
01.Nonlinear Control for DC Microgrids Enabling Efficient Renewable Power Integration and Ancillary Services for AC Gridschat

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