500+ Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas For Engineers, MTech, Diploma
Hello guys, welcome back to our blog. In this article, we will share 500+ Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas for engineers, MTech, diploma students, Matlab Simulink projects for engineers, Matlab Simulink projects for MTech students, etc.
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500+ Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas
01. Agile System Development.
02. Continuous Integration.
03. Discrete Event Simulation.
04. Embedded Code Generation.
05. HDL Code Generation and Verification.
06. Model-Based Systems Engineering.
07. Physical Modeling.
08. Rapid Prototyping.
09. Embedded System Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Electronic Differential System for Electric Vehicles.
10. Automated Car Parking Indicator System.
11. Image Encryption Using Chaotic Based Artificial Neural Network.
12. Application of Image Processing For Development of Automated Inspection System.
13. Using MATLAB to Measure the Diameter of an Object within an Image.
14. Neural Network Based Image Encryption And Authentication Using Chaotic Maps.
15. High-Gain DC-DC Converter with Dual Coupled Inductors.
16. A High Step-Up Converter With A Voltage Multiplier Module For A PV System.
17. A High-Efficiency Mosfet Transformer-less Inverter for Nonisolated Micro-inverter Applications.
18. Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification.
19. Area Efficient Design of Fir Filter Using Symmetric Structure.
20. A Hybrid Median Filter for Noise Removal in Digital Images.
21. Fuzzified Particle Swarm Optimization.
22. Brain Tumor Extraction from MRI Images Using MATLAB.
23. Breast Cancer Detection using Image Enhancement Algorithm.
24. Recognition of Vehicle Number Plate Using MATLAB.
25. Color and Texture Based Image Retrieval System.
26. Automation in High-Speed Rail-Road Transportation.
27. Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Using Evolutionary Algorithms.
28. Analysis of DC-DC Converters for Renewable Energy System.
29. Hearing Aid System for Impaired People.
30. Modeling and Control of Temperature Process Using Genetic Algorithm.
31. Analysis of CDMA Modem Using MATLAB.
32. Simulation Model of Hydro Power Plant Using MATLAB/Simulink.
33. Rejection of Interference in Bluetooth Voice Transmission.
34. Inverse Data Hiding in a Classical Image by Using Scalable Image Encryption.
35. JPEG Compressor Using MATLAB.
36. Digital Image Confidentiality Depends upon Arnold Transformation and RC4 Algorithms.
37. Hand Gesture Recognition Using PCA.
38. A MATLAB-Based Modeling of Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
39. Optimization of Wi-Fi Access Point Placement for Indoor Localization.
40. Neural Network Based Face Recognition Using MATLAB.
41. Tracking of Multiple Body Parts of Interacting Persons.
42. Anti-collision Algorithm for RFID Technology.
43. Back-Propagation Neural Network for Automatic Speech Recognition.
44. Simulation of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Signaling.
45. Design and Simulation of Smart Antenna Array.
46. Design and Implementation of Butterworth, Chebyshev-I, and Elliptic Filter for Speech Signal Analysis.
47. A MATLAB-Based Simulator for Autonomous Mobile Robots.
48. Road Extraction Technique from Satellite Images.
49. Remote Radar Data Acquisition and Control Using CDMA RF Link.
50. Automatic Train Operation and Control Using MATLAB.
51. Detection of Abandoned Objects in Crowded Environments.
52. Modeling and Simulation of Armature-Controlled DC Motor Using MATLAB.
53. Controlling of Device through Voice Recognition Using MATLAB.
54. Control Design of Unified Power Flow Controller.
55. Modeling and Simulation of Distribution Transformer for Analyzing Its Losses.
56. Power Quality Monitoring by Using S-Transform and Wavelet Transform.
57. Multi-scale Edge-Based Text Extraction from Complex Images.
58. Transient Stability Analysis of Power System Using MATLAB.
59. Simulation of Single Phase SPWM (Unipolar) Inverter.
60. Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
61. Simulation of Extra High Voltage Long Transmission Lines.
62. Steady State and Fault Analysis in HVDC Transmission Network.
63. Sensorless Speed Control of Induction Motor Using MRAS.
64. Real-time Control of a Mobile Robot Using MATLAB.
65. Reactive Power Compensation in Railways Using Active Impedance Concepts.
66. Design of Programmable AC-DC Converter Using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
67. Power Upgradation and Possibility of Small Power Tapping from Composite AC-DC Transmission System.
68. Vision-Based Moving Object Detection and Tracking.
69. Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Three Phase Induction Motor.
70. Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Controlled SVC for Transmission Line.
71. Vehicle Number Plate Detection Using MATLAB.
72. Equipment Controller Using MATLAB-Based GUI.
73. Logging Sensor Data in MS EXCEL through MATLAB GUI.
74. Light Animations Using Arduino and MATLAB.
75. Audio Compression using Wavelets in MATLAB.
76. Automatic Certificate Generation Using MATLAB.
77. Image processing using MATLAB.
78. Lossless Image Compression.
79. Huffman Encoding and Decoding.
80. Circuit Design Calculator.
81. Antenna Analysis and Design.
82. Analogue Clock.
83. Real-Time Face Detection.
84. Face Counter.
85. Color-Sensing Robot.
86. Gain and Noise Calculations of Cascaded Systems.
87. Plotting with MATLAB.
88. Implementation of Fast Fourier Transform.
89. Digital FIR Filters.
90. Generation of Higher Number of Voltage Levels by stacking inverters of lower multilevel structure with low voltage devices for drives.
91. A Novel Multilevel Multi-Output Bidirectional Active Buck PFC Rectifier.
92. Optimal Pulse width Modulation of Medium Voltage Modular Multilevel Converter.
93. Novel Family of Single-Phase Modified Impedance Source Buck-Boost Multilevel Inverters.
94. Reduced Switch Count.
95. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Least.
96. Mean Square-Based Control Algorithm.
97. An Islanding Detection Method for Inverter-Based.
98. Distributed Generators Based on the Reactive Power Disturbance.
99. Quasi-Z-Source Inverter With a T-Type Converter in Normal and Failure Mode.
100. Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control on 7-Level Packed U-Cell Inverter.
101. High-frequency inverter topologies integrated with the coupled inductor bridge arm.
102. Dynamic voltage restorer employing multilevel cascaded H-bridge inverter.
103. Active power compensation method for single-phase current source rectifier without extra active switches.
104. Cascaded multilevel inverter using the series connection of novel capacitor-based units with minimum switch count.
105. Design and Implementation of a Novel Multilevel DC-AC Inverter.
106. A New Cascaded Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Based on Improved Series-Parallel Conversion with Less Number of Components.
107. Circulating current derivation and comprehensive compensation of cascaded STATCOM under asymmetrical voltage conditions.
108. Design and implementation of a novel three-phase cascaded half-bridge inverter.
109. Grid-connected three-phase multiple-pole multilevel unity power factor rectifier with reduce component count.
110. Control of ripple eliminators to improve the power quality of DC systems and reduce the usage of electrolytic capacitors.
111. Design of external inductor for improving the performance of voltage-controlled DSTATCOM.
112. An enhanced single phase step-up five-level inverter.
113. A hybrid-STATCOM with a wide compensation range and low DC-link voltage.
114. A capacitor voltage-balancing method for nested neutral point clamped (NNPC) inverter.
115. T-type direct AC/AC converter structure.
116. Modular multilevel converter circulating current reduction using model predictive control.
117. Parallel inductor multilevel current source inverter with energy recovery scheme for inductor currents balancing.
118. Open-circuit fault-tolerant control for outer switches of three-level rectifiers in wind turbine systems.
119. Enhancing DFIG wind turbine during three phase fault using parallel interleaved converters and dynamic resistor.
120. Load model for medium voltage cascaded H-Bridge multi-level inverter drive systems.
121. Development and comparison of an improved incremental conductance algorithm for tracking the MPP of a solar PV panel.
122. Impact of switching harmonics on capacitor cells balancing in phase-shifted PWM-based cascaded H-Bridge STATCOM.
123. Effect of circulating current on input line current of 12-pulse rectifier with the active inter-phase reactor.
124. Modular multilevel converter-based bipolar high voltage pulse generator with sensor-less capacitor voltage balancing technique.
125. Power-electronics-based energy management system with storage.
126. Modulation and control of transformer-less UPFC.
127. A hybrid simulation model for VSC HVDC.
128. Switching control of buck converter based on energy conservation principle.
129. A three-phase multilevel hybrid switched capacitor PWM PFC rectifier for high-voltage gain applications.
130. A dc-side sensor-less cascaded H-Bridge multilevel converter-based photovoltaic system.
131. Phase angle calculation dynamics of type-4 wind turbines in rms simulations during severe voltage dips.
132. A multi-level converter with a floating bridge for open-ended winding motor drive applications.
133. Model predictive control of Quasi-Z-Source four-leg inverter.
134. Using multiple reference frame theory for considering harmonics in average-value modeling of diode rectifiers.
135. Cascaded dual model predictive control of an active front-end rectifier.
136. Simple time averaging current quality evaluation of a single phase multilevel PWM inverter.
137. Nonlinear control of single-phase PWM rectifiers with inherent current-limiting capability.
138. Impact of SFCL on the four types of HVDC circuit breakers by simulation.
139. An adaptive SPWM technique for cascaded multilevel converters with time-variant DC sources.
140. Model-based control for a three-phase shunt active power filter.
141. Design of a multi-level inverter with reactive power control ability for connecting PV cells to the grid.
142. DSTATCOM supported induction generator for improving power quality.
143. The improved equal current approach for reference current generation in shunt applications under unbalanced and distorted source and load conditions.
144. Design of external inductor for improving the performance of voltage-controlled DSTATCOM.
145. Full-bridge reactive power compensator with minimized equipped capacitor and Its application to static Var compensator.
146. A new cascaded switched-capacitor multilevel inverter based on improved series-parallel conversion with less number of components.
147. Efficient implicit model predictive control of three-phase inverter with an output LC filter.
148. Single-stage three-phase differential mode buck-boost inverters with a continuous input current for PV applications.
149. Soft-start control strategy for the three-phase grid-connected inverter with LCL filter.
150. High-gain single-stage boosting inverter for photovoltaic applications.
151. Multilevel inverter topologies with reduced device count.
152. Real-time implementation of unity power factor correction converter based on fuzzy logic.
153. Power factor correction in BLDC motor drives using DC-DC converters.
154. Transformerless single-phase universal active filter with UPS features and reduced number of electronic power switches.
155. A high gain input-parallel output-series DC/DC converter with dual coupled inductors.
156. A high step-up converter with voltage multiplier modules for sustainable energy applications.
157. A high step-up DC to DC converter under alternating phase shift control for fuel cell power system.
158. High-efficiency MOSFET transformerless inverter for non-isolated microinverter applications.
159. A Multi-input bridgeless resonant AC-DC converter for electromagnetic energy harvesting.
160. A novel control method for transformerless H-Bridge cascaded STATCOM with star configuration.
161. A novel high step-up DC/DC converter based on integrating coupled inductor and switched capacitor techniques for renewable energy applications.
162. A modified three-phase four-wire UPQC topology with reduced DC-link voltage rating.
163. FPGA-based predictive sliding mode controller of a three-phase inverter.
164. Pulse width modulation of Z-source inverters with minimum inductor current ripple.
165. Improving the dynamics of virtual-flux-based control of three-phase active rectifiers.
166. Sensor-less induction motor drive using indirect vector controller and sliding-mode observer for electric vehicles.
167. Back-propagation control algorithm for power quality improvement using DSTATCOM.
168. A zero-voltage switching three-phase inverter.
169. Control of reduced-rating dynamic voltage restorer with a battery energy storage system.
170. A combination of shunt hybrid power filter and thyristor controlled reactor for power quality.
171. A transformer-less grid-connected photovoltaic system based on the coupled inductor single-stage boost three-phase inverter.
172. LCL filter design and performance analysis for grid interconnected systems.
173. An inductively active filtering method for power-quality improvement of distribution networks with nonlinear loads.
174. A bidirectional-switch-based wide-input range high-efficiency isolated resonant converter for photovoltaic applications.
175. Analysis and Implementation of an Improved Flyback Inverter for Photovoltaic AC Module Applications.
176. Speed Sensor less Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive Using Single Current Sensor.
177. A Novel Design and Optimization Method of an LCL Filter for a Shunt Active Power Filter.
178. An Active Harmonic Filter Based on One-Cycle Control.
179. A Nine-Level Grid-Connected Converter Topology for Single Phase Transformerless PV Systems.
180. Modeling and Design of Voltage Support Control Schemes for Three-Phase Inverters Operating Under Unbalanced Grid Conditions.
181. Cascaded Two-Level Inverter-Based Multilevel STATCOM for High-Power Applications.
182. A Voltage-Controlled DSTATCOM for Power-Quality Improvement.
183. Solar PV and Battery Storage Integration using a New Configuration of a Three-Level NPC Inverter With Advanced Control Strategy.
184. A Current Control MPPT Method in High Power Solar Energy Conversion System.
185. A Novel Five-Level Inverter for Solar System.
186. A Single-Stage Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photo-Voltaic System With Fractional Order MPPT.
187. Design and Implementation of Sliding Mode and PI Controllers based Control for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter.
188. Implementation of Adaptive Filter in Distribution Static Compensator.
189. A Comparison of Soft-Switched DC-to-DC Converters for Electrolyzer Application.
190. Adaptive fuzzy controller-based MPPT for photovoltaic systems.
191. Design of Fuzzy Logic Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller for Solar Array for Cloudy Weather Conditions.
192. Dynamic Behavior of DFIG Wind Turbine Under Grid Fault Conditions.
193. Fuzzy-Logic-Controller-Based SEPIC Converter for Maximum Power Point Tracking.
194. Performance Improvement of Direct Power Control of PWM Rectifier With Simple Calculation.
195. FLC-Based DTC Scheme to Improve the Dynamic Performance of an IM Drive.
196. Single Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter for Residential Application with Maximum Power Point Tracking.
197. Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems.
198. Micro Wind Power Generator with Battery Energy Storage for Critical Load.
199. An Integrated Boost Resonant Converter for Photovoltaic Applications.
200. Bridgeless SEPIC Converter With a Ripple-Free Input Current.
201. An Advanced Power Electronics Interface for Electric Vehicles Applications.
202. A High-Efficiency Solar Array Simulator Implemented by an LLC Resonant DC-DC Converter.
203. A Novel Reduced Switching Loss Bidirectional AC/DC Converter PWM Strategy with Feed-Forward Control for Grid-Tied Micro-Grid Systems.
204. Coordinated Control and Energy Management of Distributed Generation Inverters in a Microgrid.
205. A New ZVS DC/DC Converter With Three APWM Circuits.
206. Analysis and Implementation of a Single Stage Flyback PV-Micro Inverter with Soft Switching.
207. A Bridgeless Boost Rectifier for Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting Applications.
208. A 1.65 W Fully Integrated 90 nm Bulk CMOS Capacitive DC-DC Converter With Intrinsic Charge Recycling.
209. Control Strategy for Power Flow Management in a PV System Supplying DC Loads.
210. A High Step-Up Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Stand-Alone PV/Battery Power Systems.
211. Decoupling Capacitor Selection in DCM Flyback PV Microinverters Considering Harmonic Distortion.
212. Design and Performance of a Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter for a Battery Energy Storage System.
213. Double-port Interface for Small Scale Renewable Sources Integration.
214. High Reliability and Efficiency Single-Phase Transformer-less Inverter for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems.
215. Multilevel SVPWM With DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converter Based STATCOM.
216. High Voltage-Boosting Converters Based on Bootstrap Capacitors and Boost Inductors.
217. High-Efficiency Single-Input Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter.
218. Nonlinear Current Control for Power Electronic Converters: IC Design Aspects and Implementation.
219. Improved Trans-Z-Source Inverter With Continuous Input Current and Boost Inversion Capability.
220. Integrated Full-Bridge-Forward DC-DC Converter for a Residential Microgrid Application.
221. Modular Multilevel Inverter with New Modulation Method and Its Application to Photovoltaic Grid Connected Generator.
222. Microfabricated V-Groove Power Inductors Using Multilayer Co–Zr–O Thin Films for Very-High Frequency DC-DC Converters.
223. Reconfigurable Solar Converter: A Single-Stage Power Conversion PV-Battery System.
224. Integration and Operation of a Single-Phase Bidirectional Inverter With Two Buck/Boost MPPTs for DC-Distribution Applications.
225. Module-Level DC/DC Conversion for Photovoltaic Systems: The Delta-Conversion Concept.
226. High Boost Ratio Hybrid Transformer DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Module Applications.
227. Performance Investigation of Isolated Wind–Diesel Hybrid Power Systems With WECS Having PMIG.
228. High-Efficiency Digital-Controlled Interleaved Power Converter for High-Power PEM Fuel-Cell Applications.
229. Pulse width-Modulated Dual – Half-Controlled Converter.
230. PWM Plus Phase Angle Shift (PPAS) Control Scheme for Combined Multiport DC/DC Converters.
231. Mitigation of Lower Order Harmonics in a Grid-Connected Single-Phase PV Inverter.
232. Soft-switching DC/DC Converter With a Full ZVS Range and Reduced Output Filter for High-Voltage Applications.
233. Space-Vector PWM Control Synthesis for an H- Bridge Drive in Electric Vehicles.
234. StatCom Control at Wind Farms With Fixed-Speed Induction Generators Under Asymmetrical Grid Faults.
235. A High-Efficiency Wide-Input-Voltage Range Switched Capacitor Point-of-Load DC-DC Converter.
236. Simulation Analysis of SVPWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives.
237. Research on Three-phase Voltage Type PWM Rectifier System Based on SVPWM Control.
238. A ZVS Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter.
239. Dynamic Modeling of Microgrid for Grid Connected and Intentional Islanding Operation.
240. High-Step-Up and High-Efficiency Fuel-Cell Power- Generation System With Active-Clamp Flyback–Forward Converter.
241. Direct Power Control of Series Converter of Unified Power-Flow Controller With Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter.
242. Analysis Of Discrete & Space Vector PWM Controlled Hybrid Active Filters For Power Quality Enhancement.
243. Matlab -based Simulation & Analysis of Three-level SPWM Inverter.
244. Design and Simulation of three-phase Inverter for grid connected Photovoltaic systems.
245. Comparison of Controllers for Power Quality Improvement Employing Shunt Active Filter.
246. Comparison of Control Algorithms for Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Mitigation.
247. Compensation Of Sags And Swells Voltage Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr) During Single Line To Ground And Tree-Phase Faults.
248. Simulation and Analysis of Zero Voltage Switching PWM Full Bridge Converter.
249. Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation with Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction Motors.
250. Diode Clamped Three Level Inverter Using Sinusoidal PWM.
251. Direct Active and Reactive Power Regulation of Grid-Connected DC/AC Converters Using Sliding Mode Control Approach.
252. Control for Grid-Connected and Intentional Islanding Operations of Distributed Power Generation.
253. Power System Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC).
254. Power Quality and Power Interruption Enhancement by Universal Power Quality Conditioning System with Storage Device.
255. Z-Source Inverter With A New Space Vector PWM Algorithm For High Voltage Gain.
256. Wind Farm to Weak-Grid Connection using UPQC Custom Power Device.
257. Enhancement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using DSTATCOM.
258. A STATCOM-Control Scheme for Grid Connected Wind Energy System for Power Quality Improvement.
259. Single-Phase to Three-Phase Drive System Using Two Parallel Single-Phase Rectifiers.
260. Simulation a Shunt Active Power Filter using MATLAB/Simulink.
261. A Single-Phase Z-Source Buck–Boost Matrix Converter.
262. Space Vectors Modulation for Nine-Switch Converters.
263. Design of a Hybrid PID Plus Fuzzy Controller for Speed Control of Induction Motors.
264. Novel Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation With Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction Motors.
265. High-Efficiency Voltage Regulator for Rural Networks.
266. A Non-Insulated Step-Up/Down DC-DC Converter with Wide Range Conversion.
267. STATCOM for Improved Dynamic Performance of Wind Farms in Power Grid.
268. Control Strategy for Three Phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier based on the SVM.
269. Simulation And Comparison Of SPWM And SVPWM Control For Three Phase Inverter.
270. Natural Harmonic Elimination of Square-Wave Inverter for Medium-Voltage Application.
271. Multi-converter Unified Power-Quality Conditioning System: MCUPQC.
272. Improved Z-source Inverter With Reduced Z- Source Capacitor Voltage Stress and Soft-Start Capability.
273. Multilevel Multiphase Space Vector PWM Algorithm With Switching State Redundancy.
274. Single-Stage Flyback Power-Factor-Correction Front-End for HB LED Application.
275. Modeling and Simulating for Transient Stability Analysis of Power System using Dynamic Phasor.
276. Study on Speed Sensor less SVM-DTC System of PMSM.
277. Soft Computing Techniques for the Control of an Active Power Filter.
278. A Versatile Control Scheme for a Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power-Quality Improvement.
279. Bidirectional Switch Commutation for a Matrix Converter Supplying a Series Resonant Load.
280. Improving the Dynamic Performance of Wind Farms With STATCOM.
281. A Modular Fuel Cell, Modular DC-DC Converter Concept for High Performance and Enhanced Reliability.
282. A Three-Level Full-Bridge Zero-Voltage Zero-Current Switching Converter With a Simplified Switching Scheme.
283. A Novel Three-Phase Three-Leg AC/AC Converter Using Nine IGBTs.
284. Fuzzy Load Controller for Wind Energy Conversion System.
285. Direct Torque Control of Induction Motors with Fuzzy Minimization Torque Ripple.
286. PMSM Speed Sensor less Direct Torque Control Based on EKF.
287. A Novel Zero-Voltage-Switching PWM Full Bridge Converter.
288. System Simulation of 3-phase PWM Rectifier Based on Novel Voltage Space Vector.
289. Simulation of Three Phase Voltage-based PWM Rectifier Based on the Space Vector Modulation.
290. Fundamental Frequency Modulated Multilevel Inverter for Three-Phase Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Application.
291. Synthesis of Multilevel Converters Based on Single Converter Building Blocks.
292. Synthesis of Multilevel Converters Based on Three-Phase Converter Building Blocks.
293. Quasi Current Mode Control for the Phase-Shifted B-Series Resonant Converter.
294. Simulink Model of Direct Torque Control of Induction Machine.
295. Elimination of Harmonics in a Five-Level Diode- Clamped Multilevel Inverter Using Fundamental Modulation.
296. Current-Fed Dual-Bridge DC-DC Converter.
297. A Novel Nine-Switch Inverter for Independent Control of Two Three-phase Loads.
298. Enhancement of Voltage Quality in Isolated Power Systems.
299. An Improved Power-Quality 30-Pulse AC–DC for Varying Loads.
300. Analysis and Design Considerations of Zero-Voltage and Zero Current-Switching (ZVZCS) Full-Bridge PWM Converters.
301. A Novel Control Method for Shunt Active Power Filters Using SVPWM.
302. Modeling And Simulation For Voltage Sags/Swells Mitigation Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr).
303. Matrix Converters: A Technology Review.
304. A Three-Phase Three-Leg AC/AC Converter Using Nine Igbts.
305. Simulation And Experimental Based Four Switch Three Phase Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive.
306. Performance Of A 4- Switch, 3-Phase Inverter Fed Induction Motor (IM) Drive System.
307. Simulink/Modelsim Co-Simulation And Fpga Realization Of Spwm Controller For Three Phase Multilevel Inverter.
308. A Sinusoidal Pwm Scheme For Neutral Point Clamped Five Level Inverter.
309. Performance Improvement of Active Power Filter under Distorted and Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions.
310. Analysis of Cascaded Five Level Multilevel Inverter Using Hybrid Pulse Width Modulation.
311. Comparative Study on New COPWM Techniques for Three Phase Cascaded Z-Source Inverter.
312. Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis and Comparison of Diode Clamped Multilevel Z-Source Inverter.
313. Simulation of Inverter Fed Five-Phase Induction Motor.
314. Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Based Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for Power Quality Improvement.
315. Fuzzy-Based Hysteresis Current Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter for Power Conditioning.
316. Power Quality Enhancement Using Hybrid Active Filter.
317. Three Phase to Three Phase Direct Matrix Converter using SPWM Technique.
318. Comparative Study of Multicarrier PWM Techniques for Seven Level Cascaded Z-Source Inverter.
319. Performance Investigation of Multi-phase VSI with Simple PWM Switching Techniques.
320. Overview of Single Phase Matrix Converter Application.
321. Performance Evaluation of Multicarrier SPWM Strategies for Three Phase Z – source Seven Level Diode Clamped Inverter.
322. High-Gain Switched-Inductor Switched-Capacitor Step-Up DCDC Converter.
323. Sinusoidal and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation for Inverter.
324. Simulation Of A Space Vector Pwm Controller For A Three-Level Voltage-Fed Inverter Motor Drive.
325. Three Level Inverter To Improve Performance Of Induction Motor Drives Using MATLAB.
326. Performance Analysis of Three Phase PWM Voltage Source Inverter Fed Three Phase Induction Motor Drive.
327. Simulation & Performance Analysis of Two-Level AC-DC-AC Converter with IM.
328. Switched Inductor Z-Source Matrix Converter Operation and Analysis.
329. Comparison of MLI and Z-source Inverter for Transformer less Operation of Single-Phase Photovoltaic Systems.
330. Novel Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation With Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction Motors.
331. Performance Analysis of Multilevel Inverters Using Variable Switching Frequency Carrier-Based PWM Techniques.
332. The Grid-connected Inverter of Simulation on Direct- drive Wind Power System Based on MATLAB.
333. Z-Source Multilevel Inverter for Uninterruptible Power Supply Application.
334. Simulation of Three-Phase Inverter Using Minimum Number of Controlled Switches.
335. Improvement of power quality by using an active filter based on vectorial power theory control strategy on the MATLAB Simulink platform.
336. Reduction of THD in Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter employing spwm technique.
337. Applications of DSTATCOM Using MATLAB/Simulation in Power System.
338. Design and Simulation of DSTATCOM for Power Quality Enhancement in Distribution Networks under Various Fault Conditions.
339. Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement.
340. Modeling And Simulation Of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Dvr) For Voltage Sags/Swells Mitigation.
341. Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Improvement.
342. Space Vector Modulation Controlled Hybrid Active Power Filter for Power Conditioning.
343. Simulation of Multipulse Converter for Harmonic Reduction using Controlled Rectifier.
344. A Novel Control of Two AC Loads using Nine Switch Inverter.
345. Comparative Study between Different Control Strategies for Shunt Active Power Filter.
346. Series Connected Forward Flyback Converter For High Step Up Power Conversion.
347. Mitigation Of Harmonics By Hysteresis Control Technique Of VSI Based Statcom.
348. Application Of STATCOM To Increase Transient Stability Of Wind Farm.
349. A Single-Phase Grid-Connected Fuel Cell System Based on a Boost-Inverter.
350. Adaptive Step Size With Adaptive-Perturbation- Frequency Digital MPPT Controller for a Single-Sensor Photovoltaic Solar System.
351. An Energy-Efficient Motor Drive With Autonomous Power Regenerative Control System Based on Cascaded Multilevel Inverters and Segmented Energy Storage.
352. An Improved Three-Phase Variable-Band Hysteresis Current Regulator.
353. Design and Implementation of Energy Management System With Fuzzy Control for DC Microgrid Systems.
354. Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Solar Power Optimizer for DC Distribution System.
355. Modeling and Simulation of All-Electric Ships With Low-Voltage DC Hybrid Power Systems.
356. Reactive Power Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Wind Generator With Matrix Converter.
357. Improved Transformerless Inverter With Common-Mode Leakage Current Elimination for a Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power System.
358. A Carrier-Based PWM Strategy With the Offset Voltage Injection for Single-Phase Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters.
359. A ZVS-PWM Three-Phase Current-Fed Push–Pull DC-DC Converter.
360. Adaptive MPPT Applied to Variable-Speed Micro-hydropower Plant.
361. Analysis, Modeling, and Implementation of a Multidevice Interleaved DC/DC Converter for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
362. Coordinated Control of Cascaded Current-Source Converter Based Offshore Wind Farm.
363. DC-Bus Design and Control for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Renewable Converter With a Small Energy Storage Component.
364. Digital-Controlled Single-Phase Transformer-Based Inverter for Non-Linear Load Applications.
365. Dual Transformer less Single-Stage Current Source Inverter With Energy Management Control Strategy.
366. Half-Wave Cycloconverter-Based Photovoltaic Microinverter Topology With Phase-Shift Power Modulation.
367. High-Performance Control of a DC-DC Z-Source Converter Used for an Excitation Field Driver.
368. Improved Transformerless Inverter With Common-Mode Leakage Current Elimination for a Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Power System.
369. Sensor-less Control of CSC-Fed IPM Machine for Zero- and Low-Speed Operations Using Pulsating HFI Method.
370. A Current Controller Design for Current Source Inverter-Fed AC Machine Drive System.
371. A Family of Three-Switch Three-State Single-Phase Z -Source Inverters.
372. A High Step-Down Transformer less Single-Stage Single-Switch AC/DC Converter.
373. A High-Performance SPWM Controller for Three-Phase UPS Systems Operating Under Highly Nonlinear Loads.
374. A New DC Anti-Islanding Technique of Electrolytic Capacitor Less Photovoltaic Interface in DC Distribution Systems.
375. A Three-Level Converter With Reduced Filter Size Using Two Transformers and Flying Capacitors.
376. Adaptive Dead-Time Compensation for Grid-Connected PWM Inverters of Single-Stage PV Systems.
377. Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Three-Leg AC/AC Converter using SPWM and SVPWM.
378. An Improved Buck PFC Converter With High Power Factor.
379. An Improved Soft-Switching Buck Converter With Coupled Inductor.
380. Analysis and Comparison of Medium Voltage High Power DC/DC Converters for Offshore Wind Energy Systems.
381. Analysis and Design of a Push-Pull Quasi-Resonant Boost Power Factor Corrector.
382. Asymmetric Control of DC-Link Voltages for Separate MPPTs in Three-Level Inverters.
383. Cascaded Multicell Trans-Z-Source Inverters.
384. Control of Improved Full-Bridge Three-Level DC/DC Converter for Wind Turbines in a DC Grid.
385. DC-Voltage Fluctuation Elimination Through a DC- Capacitor Current Control for DFIG Converters Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions.
386. Design of High-Performance Stand-Alone and Grid-Connected Inverter for Distributed Generation Applications.
387. Enhanced Control of a DFIG-Based Wind-Power Generation System With Series Grid-Side Converter Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions.
388. Grid Interfacing of Multimegawatt Photovoltaic Inverters.
389. High Power Factor AC–DC LED Driver With Film Capacitors.
390. High-Efficiency Isolated Bidirectional AC–DC Converter for a DC Distribution System.
391. High-Efficiency Single-Input Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter.
392. Improved Sensorless Operation of a CSI-Based Induction Motor Drive: Long Feeder Case.
393. Multilevel DC-Link Inverter and Control Algorithm to Overcome the PV Partial Shading.
394. Nonlinear Behavior and Instability in a Three-Phase Boost Rectifier Connected to a Nonideal Power Grid With an Interacting Load.
395. Perturbation On-Time (POT) Technique in Power Factor Correction (PFC) Controller for Low Total Harmonic Distortion and High Power Factor.
396. Problems Incurred in a Vector-Controlled Single-Phase Induction Motor and a Proposal for a Vector-Controlled TwoPhase Induction Motor as a Replacement.
397. Space-Vector-Modulated Three-Level Inverters With a Single ZSource Network.
398. Synchronous-Reference-Frame-Based Control of Switched Boost Inverter for Standalone DC Nano Grid Applications.
399. Advanced Symmetrical Voltage Quadrupler Rectifiers for High Step-Up and High Output- Voltage Converters.
400. An Advanced Current Control Strategy for Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters.
401. Cascaded Current–Voltage Control to Improve the Power Quality for a Grid-Connected Inverter With a Local Load.
402. Power Quality Improvement and Mitigation Case Study Using Distributed Power Flow Controller.
403. Fault Ride-Through of a DFIG Wind Turbine Using a Dynamic Voltage Restorer During Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Grid Faults.
404. Direct Power Control of Series Converter of Unified Power-Flow Controller With Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Converter.
405. A Novel Online Fuzzy Control Method of Static VAR Compensation for an Effective Reactive Power Control of Transmission Lines.
406. Control of Parallel Multiple Converters for Direct-Drive Permanent-Magnet Wind Power Generation Systems.
407. Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Power Systems Based on Renewable Energy.
408. Single-Stage Power-Factor-Correction Circuit with Flyback Converter to Drive LEDs for Lighting Applications.
409. A 24-Pulse AC-DC Converter Employing a pulse doubling technique for Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drives.
410. A Variable-Speed, Sensor less, Induction Motor Drive Using DC Link Measurements.
411. Modeling and Simulation of a Distribution STATCOM (DSTATCOM) for Power Quality Problems-Voltage Sag and Swell Based on Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM).
412. Seven-Level Shunt Active Power Filter for High-Power Drive Systems.
413. A FACTS Device: Distributed Power-Flow Controller (DPFC).
414. High Performance of Space Vector Modulation Direct Torque Control SVM-DTC Based on Amplitude Voltage and Stator Flux Angle.
415. Electric Springs—A New Smart Grid Technology.
416. Performance of the Speed Sensor less Induction Motor Drive for Traction Application with MRAS type Speed and Flux Estimator.
417. Power-Management Strategies for a Grid-Connected PV-FC Hybrid System.
418. Voltage unbalances and harmonics compensation for islanded microgrid inverters.
419. DC/DC Buck Power Converter as a Smooth Starter for a DC Motor Based on a Hierarchical Control.
420. Modeling and analysis of modular multilevel converter for solar photovoltaic applications to improve power quality.
421. Characteristic Investigation and Control of a Modular Multilevel Converter-Based HVDC System Under Single-Line-to-Ground Fault Conditions.
422. Multi-Agent System for Distributed Management of Microgrids.
423. Enhanced phase-shifted PWM Carrier Disposition for Interleaved Voltage-Source Inverters.
424. Circuit-Oriented Treatment of Nonlinear Capacitances in Switched-Mode Power Supplies.
425. PFC Cuk Converter-Fed BLDC Motor Drive.
426. A Study of the Impact of Delay Mismatch on Linearity of Outphasing Transmitters.
427. A Real-Time Thermal Model for Monitoring of Power Semiconductor Devices.
428. Virtual Damping Flux-Based LVRT Control for DFIG-Based Wind Turbine.
429. Maximum Power Extraction From Series-Connected Fuel Cell Stacks by the Current Compensation Technique.
430. Compact Electro-Thermal Reliability Modelling and Experimental Characterization of Bipolar Latch-up in SiC and CoolMOS Power MOSFETs.
431. MATLAB Data Logging, Analysis, and Visualization: Plotting DHT11 Sensor readings on MATLAB.
432. Single Phase Half Bridge and Full Bridge Inverter using MATLAB.
433. How to use Bluetooth with MATLAB for Wireless Communication.
434. Car Number Plate Detection Using MATLAB and Image Processing.
435. Getting Started with Image Processing using MATLAB.
436. How to Plot Real Time Temperature Graph using MATLAB.
437. Getting Started with Simulink in MATLAB: Designing a Model.
438. Serial Communication between MATLAB and Arduino.
439. Stepper Motor Control using MATLAB and Arduino.
440. DC Motor Control Using MATLAB and Arduino.
441. Interfacing Arduino with MATLAB – Blinking LED.
442. Getting started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction.
443. GUI-Based Home Automation System using Arduino and MATLAB.
444. Servo Motor Control using MATLAB.
445. Integrated Design and Implementation of Embedded Control Systems with Scilab.
446. Java Simulations of Embedded Control Systems.
447. Microcontroller Design of a Bidirectional Three-Level Pulse Width Modulation AC/DC Converter for Vehicle-to-Grid Application.
448. Automatic Control of a Quadrotor in the Smart Building.
449. Fuzzy Model based Bilateral Control Design of Nonlinear Tele Operation System Using Method of State Convergence.
450. Application of Model Predictive Control to BESS for Microgrid Control.
451. Design and Simulation Automobile Active Suspension System.
452. A platform for Real-Time Simulation of Dynamic Systems and Hardware-in-the-Loop for Control Algorithms.
453. Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm-based Parameter Estimation of Fractional-order Chaotic System with Time Delay.
454. Modeling and Simulation of a Power Take-off in Connection with Multiple Wave Energy Converters.
455. Visualization of a SWEPOS Coordinate Analysis.
456. An Overview of Binary Arithmetic Architectures & Their Implementation in DSP Systems.
457. Subwoofer Frequency Response Optimization by Means of Active Control.
458. Simulation of 3 Phase Induction Motor in MATLAB With Direct and Soft Starting Methods.
459. MATLAB/Simulink Implementation and Analysis of Three Pulse Width-Modulation (PWM) Techniques.
460. Remote Controlled Metal Detecting Robot with Remote Image Transmission.
461. Pest Control in Agricultural Plantations using Image Processing.
462. Fuel Pressure Modelling in a Common-Rail Direct Injection System.
463. Towards Synthesis of Platform-Aware Attack-Resilient Control Systems: Extended Abstract.
464. Collision Mitigation System: Pedestrian Test Target.
465. Solar Photo Voltaic System Control Topology Investigation for Power Source Mismatch.
466. Sensor Less Control of Induction Machines, in Railway Applications.
467. Modeling and Simulation of a Small-Scale Polygeneration Energy System.
468. Mild Hybrid System in Combination with Waste Heat Recovery for Commercial Vehicles.
469. GISOO: A Virtual Testbed for Wireless Networked Control Systems.
470. Two-wheeled Self-balancing Robot: Design and Control Based on the Concept of an Inverted Pendulum.
471. Solar Water Pumping System – Design and Simulation.
472. AC Power Monitoring System.
473. Aspects Of The Choice Of Sampling Frequency In The Control System Of A Gas Turbine.
474. Combined Platform for Boost Guidance and Attitude Control for Sounding Rockets.
475. Rapid Prototyping: Development and Evaluation of Field Oriented Control using LabView FPGA.
476. Integrating Meal and Exercise into Personalized Glucoregulation Models: Metabolic Dynamics and Diabetic Athletes.
477. Intravital Microscopy of Tumor Oxygenation and Glycolytic Demand.
478. Embedded Implementation of VHR Satellite Image Segmentation.
479. Workplace Posture Assessment and Biofeedback With Kinect.
480. Indoor Navigation Using Accelerometer and Magnetometer.
481. Fall Detection using Depth Maps Acquired by a Depth Sensing Camera.
482. The Development of Multi-Axis Real-time Substructure Testing.
483. Development of an Interactive Camshaft Design Tool.
484. Demonstration of a Low-Cost C.O.T.S. Rendezvous Depth Sensor for Satellite Proximity Operations.
485. Virtual RC Damping of LCL-Filtered Voltage Source Converters With Extended Selective Harmonic Compensation.
486. Model-based Development of the Generic PCA Infusion Pump User Interface Prototype in PVS.
487. Agribot: An Agriculture Robot.
488. Dynamic Positioning of a Semi-submersible, Multi-turbine Wind Power Platform.
489. Towards a Uniform Fracture Mechanics-Based Framework for Flexible Pavement Design.
490. Design of Renewable Energy Powered Solar Cool Research Centre.
491. Train-Bridge Interaction on Freight Railway Lines.
492. EMC Immunity Monitoring of Rbs Using an FPGA Based Instrument.
493. Computationally Efficient Model for On-Board Simulation of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines.
494. Junction-based Routing: A Novel Technique for Large Network on Chip Platforms.
495. Tremor Quantification and Parameter Extraction
496. Detection of Cancer in Human Blood Sample based on Microscopic Images.
497. Aquaplaning: Development of a Risk Pond Model from Road Surface Measurements.
498. High-Level Model of IEEE 802.15.3c Standard and Implementation of a Suitable FFT on ASIC.
499. Development of Electronics, Software, and Graphical User Control Interface for a Wall-climbing Robot.
500. Portable System for Monitoring the Microclimate in the Footwear-Foot Interface.
501. Neuro-Fuzzy Wavelet based Adaptive Mppt Algorithm for Photovoltaic Systems.
502. Design and Implementation of Soc Prediction for a Li-ion Battery Pack in an Electric Car with an Embedded System.
503. Performance Analysis of Conjugate Gradient Algorithms Applied to the Neuro-fuzzy Feedback Linearization-based Adaptive Control Paradigm for Multiple Hvdc Links in AC/DC Power System.
504. Smart Control for Home Water Heater Saving.
505. Low Power System Design for Emerging Pervasive Platform.
506. Multi-Bot Easy Control Hierarchy.
507. Low Power System Design for Emerging Pervasive Platforms.
508. Analysis of an Induction Regulator for Power Flow Control in Electric Power Transmission Systems.
509. Intelligent Traffic Control using PLC.
510. MATLAB-Based DC Motor Control Lab.
511. Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation.
512. Evaluation of Direct Torque Control Using Space Vector Modulation for Electric Vehicle Applications.
513. Detection of Breathing and Infant Sleep Apnea.
514. Design, Characterization, and Application of a Multiple Input Stethoscope Apparatus.
515. Frequency Domain Characterization of Optic Flow and Vision-based Ocellar Sensing for Rotational Motion.
516. Sensory Computing and Object Processing Entity: Assistive Robotics for Healthcare.
517. Low-Resolution ADC Receiver Design, MIMO Interference Cancellation Prototyping, and PHY Secrecy Analysis.
518. Software-Defined Networking enabled Resource Management and Security Provisioning in 5G Heterogeneous Networks.
519. Laser Guided Vehicle: On Navigation Using Two Synchronized Lasers.
520. Acoustic Detection of Rear Approaching Vehicles for Cyclists.
521. Investigation of Dynamic Information in Reactor Noise Measurements.
522. Analysis of Fix-point Aspects for Wireless Infrastructure Systems.
These are the 500+ Matlab Simulink Projects. I hope this article may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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Tag: Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas, Matlab Simulink Projects Ideas.