Coding Based CAPL Script Interview Questions
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Coding Based CAPL Script Interview Questions
CAPL (Communication Access Programming Language) is a scripting language used in Vector’s CANoe and CANalyzer tools for simulating, testing, and analyzing CAN (Controller Area Network) communication. It is similar to C but has event-driven capabilities, making it suitable for handling CAN messages, diagnostic requests, and other automotive communication tasks.
CAPL supports:
- Event-driven programming (e.g., on message, on timer, on key press, etc.)
- Message transmission and reception
- Timers and cyclic events
- File handling and logging
01. Write a basic CAPL script and explain the structure.
variables {
int counter; // Global variable
on start {
counter = 0;
write("CAPL Program Initialized");
- variables {} section declares global variables.
- on start {} is an event that triggers when the simulation starts.
02. Write a CAPL script to send a CAN message.
message 0x100 msgExample; // Declare CAN message with ID 0x100
on start {
msgExample.dlc = 8; // Set Data Length Code (DLC)
msgExample.byte(0) = 0x11;
msgExample.byte(1) = 0x22;
output(msgExample); // Send message
- The message msgExample with ID 0x100 is defined.
- DLC (Data Length Code) is set to 8 bytes.
- Bytes are assigned values.
- output(msgExample); sends the message.
03. Write a CAPL script to receive a CAN message and process its data.
on message 0x200 {
write("Received Message: ID=0x200, Data= %02X %02X", this.byte(0), this.byte(1));
- The event on message 0x200 triggers when a message with ID 0x200 is received.
- this.byte(n) extracts data bytes from the received message.
04. Write a CAPL script to execute a function every 100ms using a timer.
variables {
timer myTimer;
on start {
setTimer(myTimer, 100);
on timer myTimer {
write("Timer Event Triggered");
setTimer(myTimer, 100);
- setTimer(myTimer, 100); starts the timer.
- on timer myTimer {} executes every 100ms.
05. Write a CAPL script to log CAN messages to a file.
variables {
dword fileHandle;
on start {
fileHandle = fopen("log.txt", "w");
if (fileHandle == 0) write("File opening failed!");
on message * {
fprintf(fileHandle, "Msg ID: 0x%X Data: %02X %02X %02X\n", this.ID, this.byte(0), this.byte(1), this.byte(2));
on stop {
- fopen(“log.txt”, “w”); opens a file for writing.
- on message * logs all received CAN messages.
- fclose(fileHandle); closes the file when the simulation stops.
06. Write a CAPL function to calculate the sum of two numbers.
int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
on start {
int result = add(5, 10);
write("Sum = %d", result);
- int add(int a, int b) defines a function.
- result = add(5, 10); calls the function.
07. Write a CAPL script to execute code when a key is pressed.
on key 'A' {
write("Key A Pressed");
- The on key ‘A’ event triggers when the ‘A’ key is pressed.
08. Write a CAPL script to check if a received message has a specific byte value.
on message 0x300 {
if (this.byte(0) == 0xAA) {
write("Special Byte Received!");
- if (this.byte(0) == 0xAA) checks if the first byte is 0xAA.
09. Write a CAPL script using a for
on start {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
write("Loop iteration %d", i);
- A for loop runs 5 times, printing the iteration number.
10. Write a CAPL script using an array.
variables {
int dataArray[5];
on start {
dataArray[0] = 10;
dataArray[1] = 20;
write("First Value: %d, Second Value: %d", dataArray[0], dataArray[1]);
- dataArray[5] defines an array of 5 integers.
- Values are stored and accessed.
11. Write a CAPL script to send a CAN message every 500ms.
variables {
message 0x400 msgCyclic;
timer cyclicTimer;
on start {
setTimer(cyclicTimer, 500); // Start the cyclic timer
on timer cyclicTimer {
msgCyclic.dlc = 2;
msgCyclic.byte(0) = 0xAB;
msgCyclic.byte(1) = 0xCD;
setTimer(cyclicTimer, 500); // Restart the timer
- A timer is used to send a CAN message every 500ms.
- The message 0x400 is sent with 2 bytes of data.
12. Write a CAPL script to process only messages with IDs 0x500 and 0x600.
on message * {
if (this.ID == 0x500 || this.ID == 0x600) {
write("Filtered Message ID: 0x%X", this.ID);
- if (this.ID == 0x500 || this.ID == 0x600) filters messages with specific IDs.
13. Write a CAPL script using a switch-case
to process different message IDs.
on message * {
switch (this.ID) {
case 0x700:
write("Message ID 0x700 received");
case 0x701:
write("Message ID 0x701 received");
write("Unknown message ID: 0x%X", this.ID);
- switch (this.ID) allows processing different message IDs efficiently.
14. Write a CAPL script to check if a specific bit is set in a message byte.
on message 0x800 {
if (this.byte(0) & 0x01) {
write("Bit 0 is set in byte 0");
- this.byte(0) & 0x01 checks if bit 0 of the first byte is set.
15. Write a CAPL script using a structure for CAN messages.
typedef struct {
int id;
byte data[8];
} CanMessage;
variables {
CanMessage msg;
on start { = 0x900;[0] = 0x11;[1] = 0x22;
write("Struct Message ID: 0x%X, Data[0]: %02X",,[0]);
- typedef struct defines a custom CAN message structure.
16. Write a CAPL script to log events to a file.
variables {
dword logFile;
on start {
logFile = fopen("event_log.txt", "w");
if (logFile == 0) write("Error opening log file!");
on message * {
fprintf(logFile, "Received Message ID: 0x%X\n", this.ID);
on stop {
- fopen(“event_log.txt”, “w”) opens a log file for writing.
- fprintf(logFile, …); logs received message IDs.
17. Write a CAPL script to detect bus-off and restart CAN communication.
on busOff {
write("Bus Off detected! Restarting CAN...");
- The
on busOff {}
event detects bus-off and callsrestartCAN();
18. Write a CAPL script to calculate and display the CAN bus load.
variables {
float busLoad;
on timer 1s {
busLoad = getBusLoad();
write("Current CAN Bus Load: %f%%", busLoad);
setTimer(1s, 1000);
- getBusLoad(); retrieves the current CAN bus load in percentage.
19. Write a CAPL script to extract and process a signal from a CAN message.
on message 0xA00 {
int rpm = (this.byte(1) << 8) | this.byte(0);
write("Engine RPM: %d", rpm);
- The RPM signal is extracted using bitwise operations from 2 bytes.
20. Write a CAPL script to handle CAN error frames.
on errorFrame {
write("Error Frame Detected! Error Type: %d", this.errorType);
- The on errorFrame {} event triggers when a CAN error occurs.
- this.errorType provides the error type.
These 20 CAPL interview questions cover essential concepts like:
- Message transmission & reception
- Timers & cyclic events
- Logging & file handling
- CAN bus diagnostics
- Signal decoding & error detection
This was about “Coding Based CAPL Script Interview Questions”. Thank you for reading.
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