Continental Hiring Process

Continental Hiring Process, Continental Interview Questions

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, I will discuss the Continental hiring process, continental interview questions, continental online test questions, continental technical interview questions, or questions asked in the technical and HR round.

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Continental Hiring Process

About the company

  • Continental is a German automotive manufacturing company specializing in brake systems, interior electronics, automotive safety, power train, tires.
  • Founded in 1871(148 years )
  • Headquarter in Hanover, Germany
  • CEO: Elmar Degenhart
  • Revenue: 44.40 Billion
  • 4th largest tyres manufacturer, 3rd in OEM Automotive parts sales (2012 stats)

Details of Recruitment Or Continental Hiring Process

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 10th, PUC-II/diploma aggregate 70% and above
  • No backlog history in Engg.
  • SGPA of 7.75 in each and every semester

Job Profile:

  • Position- Graduate Engineer Trainee
  • Location- Bangalore
  • Salary offered: 5LPA
  • 3 years bond (including 1 year training period)
  • Bond breakage fine: approx. 1.5L
  • Pool Campus recruitment

The recruitment process includes 3 rounds:

R1: Online test

  • 40 aptitude+30 technical questions
  • 70 questions, 75 min
  • No negative marking
  • Technical questions were specific to the department and had to be selected once the exam started


  • Reading Comprehension
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Arrange the given sentences in a meaningful order
  • Probability, Permutations, profit and loss, ratios
  • Time, work, and distance
  • Directions & Distance
  • Verbal and nonverbal reasoning

R1: Online test

  • Code snippets (C, C++) with inheritance concepts
  • DC circuits (find the output equation, simplify the given expression, mux)
  • Micro-controller (8051, 8085)
  • Few questions on Basic Electronics
  • Control system(poles, zeros, transfer function, delta)
  • Circuit analysis
  • OpAmps

Some questions:

  1. A person buys 50 kgs of two types of rice. One costs ₹4.5 per kg and the other costs ₹5 per kg. Totally he had spent ₹240. How many kgs of rice he bought for ₹4.5/kg.
  2. A woman wanted to go to the market. She walks 6 Km to the west, then she walks 4 km to her right. Then she turns 90 degrees clockwise and walks 10 km further. And finally, she walks 8km to her right. Now, what is the shortest distance between her house and the market?
  3. Meaning of LIX B 4000h
  4. The maximum clock frequency of 8056 microcontroller __
  5. Two pipes fill a tank in 5 hours and 6 hours respectively. Find the total time taken to fill the tank when both pipes are opened.
  6. In a given nMOSFET, Id = 1mA, then find Ig & Is.
  7. A train is traveling at 36 kmph, and it crosses a platform in 60 sec. Find the length of the platform.
  8. The strength of classes A and B is 42 and 38 respectively. The average weight of class A is 30 kg and B is 40kg. Find the average weight of both classes.
  9. A person buys 2 dozens of eggs. Out of which 4 are rotten. What is the probability that the picked egg is not rotten?

R2: Technical interview

  • Some had two technical interview
  • At least 2 panelists will take technical interview
  • I had two technical interview

Technical interview 1:

  • It went for 30 to 40 min.
  • Purely based on c programming.
  • Storage classes in c.
  • How c program is executed?
  • Some programming questions like to write a C code to generate the Fibonacci series and then asked to write some code using pointers.
  • Data structure (linked list, stack, queue).
  • Swapping two numbers(with and without using the third variable).
  • Swapping of two numbers(with and without using the third variable).

Technical interview 2:

  • It went for 1 to 1.5 hrs.
  • Introduce yourself (Starting with your studies, interest and hobbies, family background, and projects done in college).
  • 8051 (all the registers, interrupt, ISR).
  • Digital circuit(Flip flop, mux).
  • Opamps(explain any one application in detail).
  • Circuit analysis(voltage divider circuit, star-delta conversion).
  • Some questions on the Operating system.
  • Analog electronics.
  • Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor.

Questions asked in another panel

  • In some panels, questions were purely based on projects. To know everything about the project(block diagram, working, coding)
  • Which is your favorite subject? (Following questions were based on it)
  • What is ABS?
  • Questions on CAN and LIN
  • Diodes, BJT
  • Questions on automotive electronics?
  • Realizing basic gates
  • RTOS
  • Can a task run without semaphore?
  • What is a closed-loop system?
  • ADC, DAC
  • C program to sort a given array of elements in descending order.

R3: HR round

  • Introduction
  • Family background
  • Tell me something that is not mentioned in your resume.
  • Which is your favorite film? what did You learn from it
  • Offers from other companies and related stuff

How To Prepare For Continental

  • Be attentive during pre-placement talk of continental,  they expect you to know about the company.
  • Look into their products and the booming technologies they’re working on.
  • Be yourself, don’t bluff, show a learning attitude.
  • Regarding the online test everyone will be prepared for most of the topics you’ve learned it’s time management that makes difference so practice mock tests online
  • PALR papers would definitely help. Other websites are indiabix, lofoya, RS Agarwal aptitude book, freshersworld.
  • Be thorough regarding the skills you mention in your resume.
  • Include a maximum of 3 projects, it’ll be added advantage if you include a project which suits the role they’ve offered.

I hope this article “Continental Hiring Process” may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading “Continental Hiring Process“.

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