Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, I will discuss the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality, what is virtual reality, what is augmented reality, etc.
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Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality
We are looking that the world is advancing faster than it has ever before. It is really too hard to keep up with the day-to-day technological advancement due to rapid advancement. So, at any given time there are a plethora of new technologies to keep our eye on. Especially if you are an investor and the investor’s job is to know the next big thing and one of the things that the investors are heavily investing in is in virtual and augmented reality.
We are surely spending most of our time looking at screens like laptops, TV or cell phone. They have become a big part of our lives and we are in the other two technologies that are changing the way we use screens. Creating new and assigning experiences both in a different way. The market for AR and VR products in 2018 was $17.8 billion but by 2022 it is expected to go as high as $250 billion. AR and VR both are two different things and each has its strengths and weaknesses.
What Is Virtual Reality
Emerging yourself into a totally different world that is the Virtual world is the whole concept of VR technology. The use of computer technology to create a simulated environment of which will become a part and can live that experience. The machine called sensorama is an example of immersive multi-sensory technology.

It could be considered as some sort of virtual reality thing. This device consists of screens, you could have smells, you can experience the wind blowing through your hair, and much more. Edward Sutherland is one of the well-known Britishers and American computer scientists and Internet pioneers who are widely regarded as the father of computer graphics.
The sword of damocles is widely considered to be the first virtual reality head-mounted display which is the hmd system. It was created in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland with the help of his student Bob sprout. Before he starts working towards his work what he termed the ultimate display. Now virtual reality uses head technology where we move our heads to look around what is happening. Although back in the late 80s and 90s we have made a lot of promises.
It did not evolve much apart from gaming arcades. Sega introduced the concept of VR headsets in the market but it was actually a Nintendo that released the infamous virtual boy. Infamous is such a huge disaster. The display was only 244 pixels wide and there was only a single color used that is red. It was uncomfortable and expensive for an average gamer to buy that headset which is highly expensive. There was a lot of hype or sudden increase in the 90s but the technology wasn’t right and ready to deliver that hype.
At present, we have the right technology to discover where we can create and develop high-definition 3D content and can create immersive experiences that is very close to real life. Although mostly used for gaming it was supposed to give us an experience of travel without traveling and experience entirely new words. At present, this technology is being used in research and therapy. It is also used for people having acrophobia which is the phobia of heights.
Nowadays VR content is useful for PTSD and cognitive therapy patients. Virtual Reality is sometimes referred to as mixed reality because of its advanced features.
What Is Augmented Reality
Augmented reality is that when a person’s real environment is supplemented or augmented with computer-generated virtual images. Scientists have been making great advancements in improving augmented content usage and the high definition wide-angle view. There is also the concept of smart lenses it is similar to a lens but helps in creating AR content and that too without using external devices but just your eye. With AR we can interact with stuff right infrastructure of you and can manipulate it and it completely creates a new environment around us.
We might have heard about the widely famous Pokémon, now more than 318 million users were playing it at one single point that is one out of every twenty people on the earth. AR and VR are two different things and each has its own strengths and weaknesses in the long run. If you look at what’s happened with our cell phones in the last ten years they have become more and more an extension for ourselves into the lives and the world we’ve been augmenting reality with our phones.
Snapchat is already using AR their various phase filter are all AR-based. AI users can interact with virtual content in the real world and can distinguish between the two. For example, the Volkswagen app is an app that provides the real-time augmented reality implementation of how to repair the car.
Ex:- Google Translate, Google glass, and hololens by Microsoft.
Differences between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
01. Virtual Reality is an artificial, simulation or recreation of a real-life environment or situation whereas Augmented reality is a technology that has computer-generated enhancements.
02. Virtual Reality is possible through a coding language known as VRML whereas Augmented reality is developed into apps and is used on mobile devices.
03. The digital recreation of a real-life is offered by virtual reality whereas Augmented reality delivers virtual elements.
04. Virtual Reality is usually delivered to the user through a head-mounted whereas Augmented reality enhances experiences by adding virtual components.
05. Virtual Reality has totally immersive environment whereas the system augments the real-world scene.
06. Visual senses are under the control of the system whereas in Augmented reality user maintains a sense of presence in the real world.
07. In Virtual Reality, everything around the user is fabricated by the system whereas in Augmented reality the user is not cut off from reality.
This was about the ” Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality “. I hope this article ” Difference Between Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality “may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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