Roadmap To Get An Internship At ISRO, Indian Space Research Organization
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, I will discuss the roadmap to get an Internship at ISRO, an Indian space research organization, steps to apply for an internship in ISRO, etc.
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Roadmap To Get An Internship At ISRO
Indian space research organization is the national space agency which is developed in 1969. Its headquarter is in Bangalore. Department of space is the owner of the Indian space organization.
ISRO is the first space agency to reach the mass across Asia Every year many B.Tech/B.E students will be allowed to explore him/her by getting an opportunity to work and train by getting internship opportunities in ISRO.
There are many internships available like summer Internship, Winter Internship, Long Term Internship even some students are getting the opportunity to carry out the project as part of their academics.
This complete internship request can be sent either by mail to the HR department of your interest or we can visit directly to the office also but before 3-4 months of internship.
Opportunity is provided for both PG(M.E./M.Tech/M.Sc/MCA) and UG students. These are the batches that are allowed for internship:
- Electronics
- Mechanical
- Electrical and GISMathematical modeling
- Image processing systems
- Civil
- Digital systems
- Electro-optics
- remote sensing
- Astrophysics
- Microwave
- Radars
- Astronomy
- Solar PhysicsEarthPlanetary & Space Atmospheric SciencesAtomic,
- Molecular & Optical PhysicsTheoretical Physics
- Chemistry
These all batches are allowed for the internship in the ISRO. Some internships are specifically based on and students the students who scored above 60% in the academic degree, which lasts between three months to one year and are allotted in units like the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Tirupati, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, Semi-Conductor Laboratory, Ajitgarh, National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum, U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bangalore, and Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad.
Students can find internships in domains such as electronics and electrical, radio frequency systems, remote sensing, geographic information system, image processing, astrophysics, astronomy, analog, and digital systems, molecular physics, optics, and many more places where Indian space research organizations are present.
Steps to apply for an internship at ISRO:
01. Application of the students to Head of the department: For the ISRO internship application, you have to contact your HOD to forward the request to the program planning and evaluation group. In the ISRO. this application must be forwarded before 2-3 months before the internship period.
02. The detailed information about you should be maintained in the application form which should contain mark sheets of all the semesters, your resume, cover letter, academic background, interesting projects, and your availability in the project, and also a letter from HOD from which college you belong to should be mailed to ISRO program planner and evaluator.
03. The sending of the application is available online. But you have to submit your hard copy whenever needed.
04. There will be the campus recruitments, where Firmly ISRO approaches some campus IITs, NITs, BITS Pilani, and based on the application they will be selecting the students.
05. In some units, ISRO selects the students only based on a past internship but in some cases, they take the interview where they will be asking the introduction and details regarding your academic and interests. Based on that, they will be picking up the students for the internship.
How they select:
01. There is a value of innovated mind and keen observation person so they encourage them to explore him/herself.
02. High CGPI like 8 and 8 above CGPI students is having a chance of early recruitment.
In an internship interview, what type of questions do they ask…. In the internship interview, the basics questions they ask are:
- Work ethic or work management, Among these two which is more important
- What all do you know about ISRO?
- Tell me briefly about yourself or introduce yourself in 300 words.
- What are your opinion and achievement in your life?
- Tell something about your favorite subject and the reason to choose that as your favorite subject.
- Apart from these subjects which you are interested in?
They will ask some questions regarding the basics of the ISRO:
- When was ISRO formed?
- Who is considered the founding father of the ISRO?
- What is the main objective of the isro?
- Can you say something about the satellite?
Some of the questions regarding solid works and CAD:
- What do you understand by the template of Solidworks?
- Can you explain how you can insert a reference image in the solid?
- What visual aid will help you to identify modern orientation in the drawing?
- How can you create an EDrawing?
If you are a programmer then the type of questions that will be asked are:
- Explain some assembly controls?
- What is a data movement?
- What are assembly condition codes?
- What are the types of processors?
- What are the types of assemblies?
- What is the basic feature of Pc hardware?
Electromagnetic compatibility:
- What is port zoning
- What is the difference between hard and soft zoning?
- What is LUN (logical unit number)
- What is Wwn Zoning
- Why do we need LUN masking?
VLSI interview based questions:
- What are the regions of operation of MOSFET?
- Why does the present VLSI circuit don’t use BJT?
- What is the threshold voltage?
- “The pinch off-channel” meaning?
- Explain three regions of operation of the MOSFET
- What is channel length modulation
- What is body effect
Core branches interview questions:
- Explain the free vibration of the cantilever beam?
- How you will differentiate between a missile and a rocket?
- What are the various parts of the refrigeration cycle?
- What is the usage of pipelining techniques?
- What is the humidity ratio and how would you measure it?
Once you are chosen by them, after that, the verification process starts, and the students are given a date and assigning of the projects to the interns and also schedule will be sheared and they are allotted to a scientist individually or either in a group. Here all the people are treated equally.
Advantages of ISRO internship:
- The first and foremost thing is you will be paid for your work.
- The certificate owned by you will add weight to your resume to approach big companies.
- Mainly a good thing is you will get a good opportunity to communicate with the scientists.
- You will be getting to know the modern technology which will be used by ISRO.
This was about Roadmap To Get An Internship At ISRO. I hope this article ” Roadmap To Get An Internship At ISRO ” may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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