Top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File Open Source For Engineers
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, I will discuss the top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File For Engineers, or projects on Simulink along with the SLX file.
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MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File
MATLAB Simulink is very helpful for people working in the field of research, development, and design challenges. MATLAB can solve many problems that are faced by engineers and scientists such as pressure to meet deadlines while deciding design tradeoffs, developing a variety of projects and tasks that are rarely straightforward, the proliferation of products and technologies, experimenting and programming are expensive, etc these all challenges can be solved by using MATLAB.
100. Average Model of a 100-kW Grid-Connected PV Array
A 100-kW PV array is linked to a 25-kV grid through a DC-DC boost converter and a 3-phase 3-level Voltage Source converters (VSC). Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is executed in the boost converter by standards of a Simulink® model utilizing the ‘Perturb & Observe’ technique.
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99. 24-hour Simulation of a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System
The microgrid is split into four essential parts: A diesel generator, serving as the base power generator; A PV farm integrated with a wind farm, to create renewable energy; a V2G system established next to the last part of the method which is the load of the grid. The dimensions of the microgrid represent around a community of a thousand households during a lower consumption day in spring or drop. There are 100 electric automobiles in the base model which implies that there is a 1:10 ratio between the cars and the homes. This is a likely scenario in a foreseeable future.
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97. STATCOM: STATic synchronous COMpensator
A 100-Mvar STATCOM controls the voltage on a three-bus 500-kV system. The 48-pulse STATCOM utilizes a Voltage-Sourced Converter (VSC) constructed of four 12-pulse three-level GTO inverters. Glance inside the STATCOM block to notice how the VSC inverter is made. The four sets of three-phase voltages acquired at the result of the four three-level inverters are used to the secondary windings of four phase-shifting transformers (-15 deg., -7.5 deg., 7.5 deg., +7.5 deg. phase shifts). The basic elements of voltages received on the 500 kV side of the transformers are counted in phase by the serial link of primary windings.
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96. VSC-Based HVDC Transmission System
A 200 MVA (+/- 100 kV DC) forced-commutated (VSC) Voltage-Sourced Converter interconnection is employed to transfer power from a 230 kV, 2000 MVA, 50 Hz system to another similar AC system. The rectifier and the inverter are three-level Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) VSC converters utilizing close IGBT/Diodes. The (SPWM) Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation switching utilizes a single-phase triangular carrier wave with a frequency of 27 times the actual frequency (1350 Hz). Along with the converters, the station contains on the AC side: the AC filters, the converter reactor; the step-down Yg-D transformer, and on the DC side: the capacitors, the DC filters.
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95. Series Hybrid Transmission
This illustration illustrates the fundamental architecture of a series hybrid transmission. All mechanical energy from the engine is transformed to electrical power through the generator. In this trial, the vehicle accelerates, sustains the faster speed, and then decelerates back to the actual speed. The power management strategy utilizes just stored electrical power to influence the scheme, the combustion engine only provides the power needed to preserve the actual speed. Failures for the motor, generator, and battery are sported.
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94. Simple 6-Pulse HVDC Transmission System
A 500 MW (250 kV, 2 kA) DC interconnection is utilized to transfer power from a 315 kV, 5000 MVA AC network. The network is simulated by an LLR damped equivalent. The converter transformer and the rectifier are sported respectively with the Universal Transformer and Universal Bridge blocks The converter is a 6-pulse rectifier. It is linked to a 300 km distributed parameter line via a 0.5 H smoothing reactor LsR. The inverter is affected by a simple DC voltage source in sequence (to force unidirectional conduction) with a diode and smoothing reactor LSI. The reactive power needed by the converter is delivered by a set of filters.
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93. Transmission Line Short Line Model
A short transmission line is described as a transmission cable with an adequate length less than 80 km or 50 miles and with a voltage smaller than 69 kV. Unlike medium transmission cables and long transmission cables, the line charging current is minor, and therefore the shunt capacitance can be neglected.
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92. Single-Phase, 240 Vrms, 3500 W Transformerless Grid-Connected PV Array
The SPS PV array model executes a PV array constructed of series- and parallel-connected PV modules. It permits modeling a type of preset PV module known from the NREL System Advisor Model as well as a user-defined PV module. The PV array coalition has two information that permits you to provide variable sun irradiance (i/p Ir in W/m^2) and temperature (i/p T in deg. C) data.
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91. 400-kW Grid-Connected PV Farm
The PV farm has 4 PV arrays providing each a max of 100 kW at 1000 W/m2 sun irradiance. A single PV array block consists of 64 parallel strings where per string has 5 SunPower SPR-315E modules linked in series. Each PV array is linked to a DC/DC converter (average model). The results of the boost converters are linked to a common DC bus of 500 V. Each boost is handled by separate Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT). The MPPTs utilize the “Perturb and Observe” approach to alter the voltage across the terminals of the PV array in charge to get the max potential power.
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90. IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder
Twelve Load Flow Bus blocks are utilized to calculate an unstable load flow on a model describing the IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder circuit, initially issued by the IEEE Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee Report. State that the model does not have the regulating transformer b/t nodes 650 and 632 of the reference test model.
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89. Performance of Frequency Measurement (Phasor)
The network that is described coordinates to the Kundur’s Four-Machine Two-Area Test System, well understood to study low-frequency electromechanical oscillations in big interconnected power systems.
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88. Review of Hydropower Plant Model
The complexness of modeling the dynamic part of water flowing via the penstock as well as the opening and closing of entrance gates have led to the evolution of complex control strategies to model hydropower plants. Those complicated models were rather described as systems rather of being analytical. They are mainly provided with multiple feedback as well as modern control strategies such as fuzzy logic and PID control logic that enhance their performances. Yet, these models are most usually constructed and simulated with the software of which Matlab is a basic one.
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87. Wind Farm (DFIG Phasor Model)
A 9-MW wind farm has six 1.5 MW wind turbines linked to a 25-kV distribution system that exports power to a 120-kV grid via a 30-km, 25-kV feeder. A 2300V, 2-MVA plant has a motor load (1.68 MW induction motor at 0.93 PF) and a 200-kW resistive load is attached on the identical feeder at bus B25. Both the wind turbine and the motor load contain a protection system monitoring voltage, current, and machine speed. The DC link voltage of the DFIG is also observed.
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86. Buck-Boost Converter
The buck-boost converter is a DC/DC converter with an output voltage magnitude that is either more significant than or less than the input voltage magnitude. It is similar to a flyback converter where an inductor is utilized in place of a transformer.
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85. AC/DC Three-Level PWM Converter
The Converter rating is 500 Volts DC, 500 kW, the AC Supply is three-phase, 600 V, 30 MVA, 60 Hz system. Voltage-sourced Converter (VSC): – Three-level, three-phase IGBT bridge (modeled using the “Three-Level Bridge” block) handled by a PWM modulator (carrier frequency of 1620 Hz) – DC Link: 2 capacitors of 75000 uF. Controller: The DC regulator utilizes two PI regulators to hold the DC voltage while holding a unity input power factor for the AC supply.
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84. AC-DC-AC Converter
A 60 Hz, voltage source provides a 50 Hz, 50 kW load via an AC-DC-AC converter. The 600V, 60 Hz voltage received at the secondary of the Wye/Delta transformer is preferably rectified by a six pulse diode bridge. The filtered DC voltage is used for an IGBT two-level inverter generating 50 Hz. The IGBT inverter utilizes (PWM) Pulse Width Modulation at a 2 kHz carrier frequency. The circuit is discretized at a sampling time of 4 us.
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83. Resonant LLC Converter
The LLC converter is a DC/DC converter based on a resonant circuit that permits a soft-switching process. The LLC resonant circuit decreases switching loss via zero-voltage switching (ZVS). Unlike the SLR converter, the LLC converter can hold the output voltage regulated actually under light load situations.
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82. Forward Converter
The forward converter is a DC/DC converter that employs a transformer in sequence with the (MOSFET in this example) switching device to separate the source from the load and to improve or reduce the input voltage relying on the transformer turns ratio.
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81. Flyback Converter with Transformer Leakage
The flyback converter is a buck-boost converter with sequestration between its input and output. The inductor employed in the buck-boost arrangement is replaced by a transformer for separateness and storing energy before transferring it to the output through the output capacitor.
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80. Modular Multi-Level Converter (MMC)
This model utilizes the half-bridge arm blocks to design an MMC consisting of 8 power modules. The control system permits you to select between two kinds of pulse generators – PWM and Nearest level. You can toggle the switch to witness the effect on the output signals of the converter.
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79. Boost Converter PI Control Demo
This Simulink model presents DC-DC Boost Converter with uncomplicated PI Feedback Control to boost 5V DC to 12V DC at a switching frequency of 10kHz.
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78. Three-Phase Asynchronous Machine
A three-phase motor rated 3 HP, 220 V, 1725 rpm is provided by a sinusoidal PWM inverter. The base frequency of the sinusoidal reference wave is 60 Hz while the triangular carrier wave’s frequency is set to 1980 Hz. The PWM inverter is constructed entirely with standard Simulink® blocks. Its output runs via Controlled Voltage Source blocks before being used to the Asynchronous Machine block’s stator windings. The machine’s rotor is short-circuited. Its stator leakage inductance Lls is set to double its actual value to simulate the effect of a smoothing reactor placed b/tw the inverter and the machine. The load torque used to the machine’s shaft is constant and set to its nominal value of 11.9 N.m.
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79. Synchronous Machine
A three-phase generator rated 200 MVA, 13.8 kV, 112.5 rpm is linked to a 230 kV, 10,000 MVA network via a Delta-Wye 210 MVA transformer. At t = 0.1 s, a three-phase to ground fault appears on the 230 kV bus. The fault is removed after 6 cycles (t = 0.2 s).
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78. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
A three-phase motor rated 1.1 kW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is provided by a PWM inverter. The PWM inverter is constructed completely with traditional Simulink® blocks. Its output reaches via Controlled Voltage Source blocks before being involved in the PMSM block’s stator windings. The load torque used to the machine’s shaft is initially set to its minor value (3 N.m) and steps down to 1 N.m at t = 0.04 s.
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77. Three-Phase Asynchronous Wind Turbine Generator
This example illustrates an induction machine utilized as a wind turbine generator. The Simple Turbine block transforms wind speed to turbine output power by an easy output power versus wind speed factor.
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76. Switched Reluctance Machine Speed Control
This illustration demonstrates how to control the rotor speed in an (SRM) switched reluctance machine-based electrical drive. A DC voltage source provides the SRM via a controlled three-arm bridge. The converter turn-on and turn-off angles are kept constant.
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75. Use of Surge Arresters in Transmission System
A 735 kV equivalent transmission system feeds a load via a 200 km transmission line. The line is series compensated at the center point and shunt compensated at its receiving end. A fault is involved at the load terminals. The fault or spot is cleared by a load breaker opening. For simplification goals, only one phase of the transmission system is sported. All parameters correspond to the positive series.
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74. Overcurrent Relay Protection in AC Microgrid
This example demonstrates how to model an overcurrent relay in an AC microgrid. You can utilize this model to study overcurrent relay coordination in a microgrid. The Relay block includes two protection units, phase protection, and earth protection. The phase protection unit saves the microgrid from increased phase currents. The earth protection unit saves the microgrid from increased earth currents.
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73. Fuzzy Logic MPPT for Solar PV
The design consists of a PV array and boost converter along with a resistive load. The boost converter is controlled via the Fuzzy Logic controller to pull maximum energy from the PV array.
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72. Temperature Control in a Shower
The model maintains the temperature of a shower utilizing a fuzzy inference system executed using a Fuzzy Logic Controller block.
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71. Fuzzy logic based unified power flow controller for improvement of power system stability
The purpose of this model is to enhance the power system strength and reliability using an intelligent controller-based UPFC apparatus. The UPFC devices are to be managed by a fuzzy logic controller under different fault conditions. The fuzzy logic controller compares the power system parameters such as voltage & phase angle with the reference one and it will develop the triggering pulses for a voltage source converter of the UPFC system.
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70. Speed control of DC motor using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Fuzzy Logic Controllers were presented to reach the speed control of a DC motor employing combined armature voltage and field current by altering the armature voltage in the steady torque region and the field current in the steady power region.
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69. Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Power Train Using Battery Model
The demonstration illustrates various operating methods of the HEV over one complete cycle: recharging the battery while accelerating, accelerating, cruising, and regenerative braking. The Electrical Subsystem is comprised of four parts: The electrical motor, the battery, the generator, and the DC/DC converter. The Planetary Gear Subsystem designs the power split device. It uses a planetary device, which transfers the mechanical motive force from the engine, the motor, and the generator by assigning and combining them.
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68. Energy Management Systems for a Hybrid Electric Source (Application for a More Electric Aircraft)
This illustration shows a simulation model of a fuel cell based emergency power system of More Electric Aircraft (MEA). As the landing-gear and flight control strategies become more electric in MEA, the peak electrical load seen by the traditional emergency power system (ram air turbine or air-driven generator) grows. Therefore, there is a potential threat of overloading the ram air turbine (RAT)/air-driven generator (ADG) at lower aircraft speeds, where the delivered power is nearly zero.
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67. Lithium Pack Cooling
This illustration demonstrates how to model an automotive battery package for thermal management schemes. The battery pack consists of various battery modules, which are combinations of cells in sequences and parallel. Each battery cell is modeled utilizing the Battery (Table-Based) Simscape Electrical block. In this model, the initial temperature and the state of charge are the exact for all cells.
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66. Aircraft Environmental Control System
This instance models an aircraft environmental control system (ECS) that controls pressure, temperature, humidity, and ozone (O3) to keep a comfortable and safe place environment. Cooling and dehumidification are delivered by the air cycle machine (ACM), which serves as an inverse Brayton cycle to terminate heat from pressurized hot engine bleed air. Some hot bleed air is mixed instantly with the output of the ACM to alter the temperature.
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65. Simplified Model of a Small Scale Micro-Grid
This example illustrates the behavior of a simplified model of a small-scale micro grid during 24 hours on a typical day. The model utilizes Phasor solution supplied by Specialized Power Systems in charge to accelerate simulation speed.
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64. Adaptive Cruise Control System Using Model Predictive Control
The ACC system determines which mode to utilize based on real-time radar measurements. For instance, if the lead car is too close, the ACC system changes from speed control to spacing command. Likewise, if the lead car is further away, the ACC system changes from spacing command to speed control. In other terms, the ACC system creates the ego car travel at a driver-set speed as long as it keeps a safe distance.
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63. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine
A 3-phase motor rated 1.1 kW, 220 V, 3000 rpm is provided by a PWM inverter. The PWM inverter is constructed completely with standard Simulink® blocks. Its output goes via Controlled Voltage Source blocks before being used to the PMSM block’s stator windings. The load torque used to the machine’s shaft is initially set to its nominal value (3 N.m) and comes down to 1 N.m at t = 0.04 s.
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62. Water Level Control in a Tank Using Fuzzy Logic
For this system, you maintain the water that flows into the tank utilizing a valve. The outflow rate relies on the diameter of the output pipe, which is stable, and the pressure in the tank, which changes with water level. Thus, the system has nonlinear characteristics.
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61. Detect Faults in Aircraft Elevator Control System
This example demonstrates how to develop a fault detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR) application for a pair of aircraft elevators maintained by repetitious actuators. This model utilizes the same fault detection management logic as the Avionics subsystem of the Aerospace Blockset.
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60. Model a Distributed Traffic Control System by Using Messages
This illustration demonstrates how to model a distributed control strategy for an intersection of one-way roads. To conform the state of the traffic lights, the two charts communicate with each other by utilizing messages. The structure of the two charts is identical.
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59. Intelligent Microgrid
The primary purpose of this simulation model is to be create mathematical model of PV system then simulated with Matlab utilizing MPPT controller for complete maximum power generation. The PV MPPT strategy is developed with intelligent controller such fuzzy logic controller then simulated analysis in Matlab environment under various weather condition.
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58. Hybrid Photovoltaic and Wind Power System
It is kind of hybrid energy system consist of a photovoltaic array connected with a wind turbine. This would produce more output from the wind turbine during the winter, and during the summer, the solar panels would deliver their peak output.
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57. 24-hour Simulation of a Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System
The microgrid is split into 4 significant parts: A diesel generator, serving as the base power generator; A PV farm integrated with a wind farm, to create renewable energy; a V2G method installed next to the last part of the design which is the load of the grid. The size of the microgrid illustrates approximately a community of a 1000’s households during a lower consumption day in spring or fall.
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56. Hybrid Photovoltaic and Fuel cell Power System
This design proposes a hybrid system containing of photovoltaic and fuel cell to understand a reliable force supply for grid connected loads. Both the sources are performed autonomously according to requirement.
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55. Power Factor Correction for CCM Boost Converter
This instance demonstrates how to correct the power factor utilizing a PFC pre-converter. This technique is valid when non-linear impedances, such as Switch Mode Power Supplies, are linked to an AC grid. As the current flowing via the inductor is never zero during the switching cycle, the boost converter works in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM).
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54. PMSG based Wind Power Generation System
2-mass model based wind turbine is utilized in this system for delivering mechanical torque/input to PMSG or Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator. 3-phase power developed from this approach, changing wind velocity is also shown in this model.
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53. Active Power Factor Correction
This model includes a Simulink model and a MATLAB script that was utilized in the “Power Factor Correction Control” . The model includes a cascaded digital controller for active power factor correction executed with a boost converter.
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52. 400-kW Grid-Connected PV Farm (Average Model)
The PV farm consists of four PV arrays providing each a max of 100 kW at 1000 W/m2 sun irradiance. A single PV array block consist of 64 parallel strings where per string has 5 SunPower SPR-315E modules linked in series.
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51. Fixed Capacitor Thyristor Controlled Reacter (FCTCR) for reactive power compensation
It first estimates system voltage and current delivered by source. Then, ir computes reactive power delivered by source. It compares this reactive power with zero and error is handed to PI controller which computes firing angle. Firing signal of estimated firing angle is computed and thyristor is fired at essential angle. FCTCR generates(or consumes) needed amount of reactive power.
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50. Load Flow Analysis 5 Bus Model
A bus is a node where a line or various lines are linked and may also include various elements such as loads and generators in a power system.
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49. UPFC (Phasor Model)
A UPFC is utilized to control the power flow in a 500 kV /230 kV transmission system. The system, linked in a loop configuration, consists basically of five buses (B1 to B5) interconnected via transmission lines (L1, L2, L3) and two 500 kV/230 kV transformer banks (transformer 1) Tr1 and (transformer 2) Tr2. Two power plants found on the 230-kV system generate a capacity of 1500 MW which is transferred to a 500-kV 15000-MVA equivalent and to a 200-MW load connected at bus B3.
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48. Intelligent Control Based Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power System using Multilevel Inverter
A multilevel inverter is a power electronic apparatus that is competent of delivering expected alternating voltage level at the output utilizing multiple lower-level DC voltages as an input.
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47. Fuzzy Logic Based Energy Management System for Photovoltaic
This model deals with the energy managing of wind and solar hybrid generation method. Photovoltaic (PV) array, wind turbine, and battery storage are linked through a common current source interface multiple-input DC-DC converter. The Fuzzy logic controller provides the power management b/t irregular renewable energy generation, energy storage, and grid.
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46. Current Transformer Saturation
A current transformer (CT) is utilized to calculate current in a shunt inductor connected on a 120 kV network. The current transformer (CT) is rated 2000 A / 5 A, 5 VA. The primary winding which consists of a single turn passing via the CT toroidal core is linked in series with the shunt inductor rated 69.3 Mvar, 69.3 kV (120kV/sqrt(3)), 1 kA rms. The secondary winding consisting of 1*2000/5 = 400 turns is short circuited via a 1 ohm load resistance.
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45. 3 Phase Inverter
This sampledemonstrates a DC-AC converter. Three leg Mosfet operated inverter is built. Can be utilized to illustrate the relationship of input DC, filter selection, output voltage, modulation index , and switching frequency. 3rd harmonic injection features.
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44. 3-phase Induction Motor Drive
This instance demonstrate about V/F control of induction motor drive based on SVM or space vector modulation, and dc power fed to inverter by single-phase rectifire. SVM is developed by dc-link voltage.
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43. 6 kW 45 Vdc Fuel Cell Stack
This example illustrates the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Stack model providing an average value 100Vdc DC/DC converter.
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42. Full Adder
Utilizing Simulink, Full Adder circuit which has three inputs namely C,B,A and two outputs (Sum and Carry)is designed with Subsystem. The outcomes are shown in displays used in design and the subsystem utilizes combinatorial logic.
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41. Microgrid Hybrid PV/ Wind / Battery Management System
In this analysis work mostly focus to design intelligent control based grid integration of hybrid PV-Wind system along with battery storage system. The grid integration hybrid PV – Wind with intelligent control based battery management system [BMS] has been created a simulation model in Matlab and study the system performance under normal situation. The exact system has been simulated with UPFC and examined the system performance under various fault condition.
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40. DFIG with simplified crowbar
Crowbar in this sample is not built utilizing IGBTs or ideal switches. The cut-out and cut-in of crowbar circuit is modelled by modifying the reference voltages of rotor-side converter.
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39. ADC
ADC is a easy Simulink model of an integrating analog to digital converter, it has:
- A counter (clock : 160MHz, size : 10 bits)
- A resettable integrator (reset : every 2^10 160MHz clock period)
- A comparator (input signal versus the analog ramp from the integrator)
- A polynomial extrapolator (order : 5, calculating samples at deterministic instants from stochastic samples)
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38. Three phase active power filter
A three phase active power filter is maintained using d-q control in closed loop. The inverter is providing harmonics and reactive power to the loads, such that the power pulled from the grid is at unity power factor.
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37. VVVF Open loop control Single phase IM
A variable voltage variable frequency drive for open loop control of single phase Im or Induction motor is shown. The modulation index of the driving PWM pulses is various in such a way to keep the V/F ratio or winding flux at the rated level with varying dc-link voltage.
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36. Battery Controller Design – Bidirectional DC-DC converter
Bidirectional DC-DC converters are valid for switching between energy storage and utilize, for instance, in electric vehicles. The Bidirectional DC-DC Converter block permits you to model a nonisolated converter with 2 switching devices or an isolated converter with six switching devices. Here a switch is used to enable the charging and discharging of battery. The readings of the battery can be shown in the scope.
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35. Simulink Model of IEEE 9 Bus System with load flow
The IEEE 9 bus design was modelled and load flow analyses were conducted to select pre-fault conditions in the system using Newton-Raphson procedure.
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34. Cascaded H bridge Multilevel Inverter
It is developed to generate ac output of 27 levels/ phase. Three H bridges are utilized with three unequal distributed DC sources (1:3:9). “A” means the no. of level in the output and “F” means the output frequency. Sinusoidal PWM utilized to alter the output voltage and frequency. So the model can be utilized for other applications like drives, DVR, grid tied inverter etc.
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33. Switched capacitor with cascaded H-bridge
Multi level inverter utilized for lower harmonics, increased efficiency in high-frequency AC power distribution system. But here the Multilevel inverter is a mixture of switched capacitor and h-bridge inverter.
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32. Three Phase SPWM Inverter + LC filter mfile model
This is a easy script which illustrates a mathematical model of a 3 phase PWM inverter utilizing ideal components. A state space example of LC filer + RL load made. Pole, Line-Line and phase voltage will be plotted, which is emanated from primary equations.
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31. Single phase cycloconverter with voltage control
A single phase cyclcoconverter is developed with center tapped transformer.By providing the proper input command, the output voltage and frequency can be maintained.
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30. Three Phase AC Voltage Controller Model
This model permits user to adjust the firing delay angle in degree, you can view the gate control signal, output voltage and current in rms, output phase to neutral voltage and current waveform.
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29. Space vector control of three phase inverter using d-q
Space vector control is executed in a three phase inverter. Conventional d-q control is altered to generate SVM instantly from two phase orthogonal sine-cosine references in stationary reference frame.
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28. Vehicle Path Tracking Using Stanley Controller
The users can guide to this model to achieve path tracking applications for conveyed waypoints. The results can be imaginedin a 2D plot that compares the received and the reference trajectory.
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27. PEM Fuel Cell System
This illustration shows how to model a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stack with a custom Simscape block. The PEM fuel cell causes electrical power by consuming hydrogen and oxygen and delivering water vapor. The custom block describes the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and is linked two separate moist air networks: one for the anode gas flow and one for the cathode gas flow.
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26. Unbalanced star connected load
In star connection, there is four wire, three wires are phase wire and fourth is neutral which is taken from the star point. Star connection is chosen for long distance power transmission because it is holding the neutral point. In this we require to come to the concept of balanced and unbalanced current in power system.
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25. Quadcopter Drone Model in Simscape
This instance models a quadcopter that navigates a path to supply a package. The body was developed in CAD and imported into Simscape Multibody. The electric motors capture the dynamics of the power transformation in an abstract manner to allow fast simulation. The package is released from the quadcopter when it arrives the final waypoint and the dismissal criteria are met.
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24. 4-Bit Binary Counter
This counter is executed utilizing four JK Flip-Flops from Simulink Extras Flip Flops Library. As input there is a steady Count Enable. If it is set to 1 then the counter will be performing, otherwise (on 0) not. On 16 clock tick the Output Carry will be allowed. After that the counting will start all over again.
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23. Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)
This illustration delivers a simple way of modeling an ABS braking system. The model delivers the velocity profile responses performed for the vehicle CG and the wheels.
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22. Simulink model of three phase induction motor
This model illustrates all the characteristics of a three phase induction motor beginning from input three phases up to the electromagnetically developed torque and speed.
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21. Motor Efficiency Improvements With Tuned Control Parameters
PMSM drive utilizing imported FEM data and optimized Field-Oriented Control (FOC), with supporting design scripts that: Choose open-loop frequency response and check stability margins. This requires Simulink® Control Design™, utilizing the Frequency Response Estimator block.
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20. Three phase LV Distribution Feeder
This simulation illustrates a sample of a LV distribution feeder. A 250kVA distribution transformer of 11 kV /400 V, Dyn link feeds 3 poles. RLC constant impedance loads are fed at individually pole. The impedance of the distribution line is also considered.
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19. Solar Electric Vehicle Charging Station
This design shows solar electric vehicle (EV) charging station. electric (EV) vehicle can be charged from grid whenever solar power collapse.
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18. Smart Grid
A smart grid is an electricity network allowing a two-way flow of electricity and data with digital communications technology allowing to detect, react and pro-act to changes in use and multiple issues.
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17. 12.8 V, 40 Ah, Lithium-Ion (LiFePO4) Battery Aging Model (1000 h Simulation)
This demo demonstrates the effect of aging (due to cycling) on the implementation of a 12.8 V, 40 Ah Lithium-Ion battery model. The battery is offered for 1000 hours, to several discharge-charge cycles at ambient temperature of 25 degrees C , and at different depths of discharge (DOD) and discharge rates. As followed from the Scope, the result of DOD and discharge rate on the battery life is as desired. As the DOD or discharge rate increases, the battery ages rapidly, which fast reduces the battery capacity.
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16. Marine Full Electric Propulsion Power System
This model shows a representative marine half-ship electrical power system with base load, bow thrusters, hotel load, and electric propulsion.
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15. D-STATCOM (Average Model)
When modeling VSC-based energy transformation systems in Specialized Power Systems, you can use two kinds of models, depending on the range of frequencies to be described: the detailed model and the average model.
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Tag: “Top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File For Engineers”
14. OLTC Phase Shifting Transformer (Phasor Model)
Two 120 kV 1000 MVA networks are interconnected via a phase shifting transformer (PST). The phase shift can be changed on load by means of On Load Tap Changers (OLTC).
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13. Initializing a 29-Bus, 7-Power Plant Network With the Load Flow Tool of Powergui
The model delivers a 735-kV transmission network with detailed modeling of seven 13.8 kV power plants (total available generation =26200 MVA) including hydraulic turbines, excitation systems speed regulation, and power system stabilizers. The 735-kV transmission network is both series and shunt compensated utilizing fixed capacitors and inductors.
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Tag: “Top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File For Engineers”
12. Simplified Model of a Small Scale Micro-Grid
The micro-grid is a single-phase AC network. Energy sources are an electricity network, a solar power generation system and a storage battery. The storage battery is held by a battery controller. It absorbs surplus power when there is surplus energy in the micro-network, and delivers additional power if there is a power shortage in the micro-network. Three common houses consume energy (maximum of 2.5 kW) as electric charges.
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11. Simple over current protection using fault analysis on line
SR flip flop is utilized for overcurrent relay modeling. Over-current relay is delivered for 40km long line protection. The fault is involved at 0.1s which detect by the relay which open the circuit breaker.
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10. Earth Leakage Relay
This earth leakage relay works when the leakage current exceeds a predetermined value. The leakage current is calculated via the use of Zero-phase Current Transformer (ZCT) for three-phase system.
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09. Detection of fault location by phasor measurement units
PMU detects the fault in smaller than seconds, and it also provides a time synchronized the values of voltage and current in digital form and provides Data Hub local Vector (PDC).
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08. Undervoltage Relay Block
Undervoltage Relay that operates when the voltage is less than the predetermined value.
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07. COVID-19 Model: Vaccination and Protection measures
Modelling the impact of the interaction between vaccination and non-pharmaceutical estimates on COVID-19 incidence.
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Tag: “Top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File For Engineers”
06. Emergency Diesel-Generator and Asynchronous Motor
A plant consisting of a resistive and motor load is provided at 2400 V from a distribution 25 kV network via a 6 MVA 25/2 kV Wye-Delta transformer and from an emergency synchronous generator/diesel engine unit.
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05. Detailed Model of Synchronous Generator including AVR and Governor
This model emulates the detailed model of synchronous generator. This is full order example of the machine. AVR (Automatic voltage regulator) and speed governor are also modelled.
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04. Battery Electric Vehicle Model in Simscape
This is a MATLAB Project including a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) model and its elements such as motor, high voltage battery, and longitudinal vehicle. This project demonstrates Simscape’s modular and multi-fidelity modeling technology.
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03. ANN Based Speed Control of Solar Powered DC Motor
This model presents the new concept of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in calculating speed and controlling the separately excited DC motor. The neural control system consists of two parts. One is the neural estimator, which is utilized to estimate the motor speed. The other is the neural controller, which is utilizedto generate a control signal for a converter.
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02. Sensorless (position estimation) DTC for Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) using ANN Control
The direct torque control (DTC) approach was presented into the switched reluctance motor to decrease its inherent output torque ripple.
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01. Speed-sensorless induction motor drive
This model reveals opportunity to utilize a feedforward neural network (static neural network) to calculate (more precisely to approximate) mechanical speed of the induction motor. The primary challenge in such a task is to create an effective approximation base.
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This was about “Top 100+ MATLAB Simulink Projects With SLX File For Engineers”. I hope this article may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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