Top 12 Fuzzy Logic Projects For Engineers And MTech Students
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. This article will discuss the top 12 fuzzy logic projects for engineers and MTech students, projects on fuzzy logic, and which project will be best for you.
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Fuzzy Logic Projects For Engineers
Fuzzy Logic refers to a kind of logic that acts as an approach to variable processing. It allows the users for multiple possible truth values that have to be processed through the same variable. It attempts to solve a number of problems with an open and imprecise spectrum of the data. It helps the users in making it possible for them to obtain an array of accurate conclusions. It is basically a kind of a form of many-valued logic. In this type of logic, the truth value of variables can be any real number between 0 and 1. The top 12 Projects based on the Fuzzy logic are as follows:
12. Cryptography using Artificial Neural Networks (Electronics Project) Fuzzy Project
In this project, the concept of the Neural Network is used. A Neural Network is basically a kind of machine. It is basically designed to model the way in which the brain performs a task or function of interest. This project has the ability to perform complex computations with ease. The main objective of this project of cryptography is to investigate the use of ANNs in various kinds of digital circuits as well as in the field of Cryptography.
11. Fuzzy Project on Robot-Assisted Hospital Bed TransportÂ
This Fuzzy logic project is based on controlling mobile robots. It is still the focus of researchers. In the control robots of this project, the Fuzzy rule-based controllers are used at a large scale. Path planners in the project were created using different search methods finding the shortest trajectory between two points and thereby avoiding recorded obstacles.
10.  Fuzzy Logic Project of Web-based Multilingual Intelligent Tutor SystemÂ
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are the main part of this project. They are mainly used to improve education quality via new technologies in this area. One of the problems with this project is that the language of Intelligent Tutoring Systems is different from the learner’s. It mainly forces the learners to learn the system language.
09. Fuzzy Logic Project of Dynamic Compensation Controller
This project is based on solving the capacitor Allocation problem means in general the determination of the optimal location, allocation sizes and switching times for capacitors to be installed on a distribution feeder. The main application of this project is the capacitors in electric power systems. It is intended for the control of power flow, improvement of stability, voltage profile management, power factor correction, and loss minimization.
08. Neuro-Fuzzy DC Motor Speed Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization (ECE/EEE Project) Fuzzy Project
This Fuzzy Project is mainly based on the Controller. The main part of the project is the design of the controller. Firstly, the controller focuses on the robust nature of the Project. It is basically designed according to Fuzzy rules such that the systems are fundamentally robust. Now the second of an adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy controller of the DC motor speed is then designed and simulated.
07. Autonomous Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using a Fuzzy Steering Controller (Electronics Project)
This Project is a kind of collision avoidance project. This project based on the Fuzzy Logic is one of the most difficult and challenging automatic driving operations in the domain of intelligent vehicles.
06. A Web-based Game-Oriented College Selection System Employing Fuzzy Rule Trees (Computer Project)
This project is a kind of web-based interactive game-playing-oriented college selection system. It acts as a smart advisor/mentor. It helps students, parents, and teachers use an effective graphical user interface to efficiently search college information and to make good decisions at each stage of students’ academic development. The users of this project are expected to be able to use this agent as a trusted, involved, and smart counselor, who remembers their profile and their past history.
05. Direct Torque Control using Space Vector Modulation and Dynamic Performance of the Drive, via a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Speed Regulation
In this project of the Fuzzy logic, a lot of modifications in the classic Direct Torque Control scheme have been made. The objective of these modifications in the project was to improve the start-up of the motor. The operation in the project is the overload conditions and low-speed region. The modifications in the project also aimed to reduce the torque and current ripple, the noise level and to avoid the variable switching frequency by using switching methods with constant switching frequency.
04. Fuzzy Signal Detection in Multiple-access Ultra Wide Band Communication Systems
This project is based on the Ultra-wideband (UWB). This technology of communications transmits a wide bandwidth signal with an extremely low power spectral density. These types of properties of the Fuzzy Signal Project of UWB make it possible to co-exist with the current narrowband communication systems operating at dedicated frequency bands. This Project of Fuzzy Logic can also serve multiple users by using the Spread Spectrum (SS) technique.
03. Fuzzy Project on Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking System
This project is considered as one of the biggest hurdles to the development of an effective driver state monitor is that there is no real-time eye-gaze detection. This Project on totally based on the adaptive eye gaze tracking system.
02. Fuzzy Project on Novel Direct Torque Control
This project is described by a combination of direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM). It is generally used for an adjustable speed sensor-less induction motor (IM) drive. The inverter reference voltage in the project is obtained by the input-output feedback linearization control, using the IM model in the stator–axes reference frame with stator current and flux vectors components as state variables. It is a robust full-order adaptive stator flux observer. It is basically designed for a speed sensorless DTC-SVM system. It is a new speed-adaptive law is given.Â
01. Checking the integrity of Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences using the Artificial Neural Network(ANN)
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is basically used to check the integrity of the Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences. The sentences of the GPRMC are the most common sentences transmitted by the Global Positioning System (GPS) devices. This sentence of the GPRMC contains nearly everything a GPS application needs. The ANN technology basically requires data to be presented in a certain format supported by the learning process of the network.
This was about “Fuzzy Logic Projects For Engineers“. I hope this article “Fuzzy Logic Projects For Engineers” may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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