Types Of Renewable Power Plants, Solar Power Plant, Biomass Energy
Hello guys, welcome back to our blog. In this article, we will discuss the types of renewable power plants such as solar power plants, wind power plants, tidal power plants, and biomass energy.
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Types Of Renewable Power Plants
Now we are slowly reaching the age of usage of Renewable energy sources. These days Non-Renewable energy sources are decreasing due to heavy usage. The environment is also getting polluted due to the release of exhaust gases while using Non-Renewable energy sources. With the population increasing exponentially and our natural resources being strained by an increase in demand.
Renewable energy sources are the cleanest form of energy sources because they form no waste of their usage. It is more important to invest in renewable energy. There are various types of renewable energy sources that are used for power generation.
01. Wind Energy

The wind is an endless source of clean energy. There will be plenty of wind where ever we go all over the world. Wind farms are developed rapidly in recent years. They became an increasingly common sight along hills, fields, or even offshore in the region. The majority of wind farms are placed where there is a heavy flow of wind.
The Electricity will be generated using the Kinetic energy of the wind with the help of turbines. Generally, a single tower can produce 100 KW of power. The towers are 80 m in height for the heavy flow of wind and the rotor blades are extended up to 40 m long. The turbines generally used are of two types: 1. Horizontal axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) and 2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) by using the above turbines electricity will be generated.
02. Solar Power Plant

Solar energy is the radiant light and heat absorbed by the sun and used for the generation of electricity using different types of technologies such as photovoltaics, solar heating, and solar thermal energy. Solar energy contributes 5% of the total electricity of the world using different methods of generation. There are mainly two types of technologies used 1) Photovoltaic Solar Technology and 2) Solar Thermal Technology.
The majority of power plants using solar energy are generated using Photovoltaic Solar Technology (Solar radiation). Photovoltaic cells consist of semiconductors, when solar light hits the cell then the energy will be generated in the semiconductor according to electrochemical and photovoltaic effects. The world’s top renewable power plants are mostly solar energy.
03. Ocean Energy / Tidal Energy

Ocean energy/Tidal energy refers to the energy carried by the waves and tides in the ocean. Water movement in the oceans will create kinetic energy, wave stream technologies will convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy. Another form of generation is carried out using Tidal turbines whose rotation is based on the range of tides.
These are the two main technologies for ocean energy usage and another form of generation is ocean thermal energy. Ocean thermal energy technology is used to generate electricity by comparing the temperature differences between the ocean surface layer and the deep ocean layer, by considering temperature differences energy will be generated.
04. Hydro Energy Plant

Hydro energy is obtained from water it is one of the most commercially developed energy generations. A barrier is built across the flowing river to create the pressure inflow of water that will drive the turbine and generates the electricity.
It is very commercial compared to other types of renewable sources due to high capital investment and running costs for generation and the main advantage is the power generated will be stored and it is used when the demand reaches a peak. Tidal energy is also called another form of hydro energy.
05. Biomass Energy

Biomass energy means the energy which we get from plants, soil, and other organic materials. The generation of electrical energy will be done by burning organic materials and soil fuel, nowadays it is one of the cleanest forms of generation with the advantage of the lowest cost. By converting the organic material into the form of solid, liquid, and gas fuels, these fuels will be used for driving the turbine, and power will be generated.
06. Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the heat energy stored in the earth’s sub-surface. The thermal energy under the earth is used for generating clean electricity. The heat in the crust layer of the earth is used for heating the water or stream which is sent into the earth’s crust using pipes. The heated water or steam will be used for power generation.
The main advantage is this is the only renewable energy that doesn’t depend on the weather condition this energy generation continues, this generation will reach the basic demand hence these are mostly used for basic electricity needs.
These are the main types of renewable energy sources which are used for the cleanest form of electrical energy. In upcoming years the usage of fossil fuels will be decreased which leads to lower emissions of polluting gases and hence global warming will be decreased. Usage of renewable energy sources will be increased which will help us in generating electricity in a very low economy.
As renewable sources increase the electricity, grids in the world will become smarter, pollution-free, and runs with the least investment. The cleanest form of energy generation gives us the greenest earth.
I hope this article “Types Of Renewable Power Plants Or Energy” may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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