What Is An Electrical Estimation And Costing, Meaning, Factors
Hello everyone, in this article, I will discuss what is an electrical estimation and costing, electrical estimating meaning, purpose, factors, and qualities of a good estimator. Each and everything I will try to explain in a simple way. You can also catch me @ Instagram – Click Here.
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Also read – Electrical Interview Questions On Electrical Estimating And Costing.
Electrical Estimation And Costing
When we carried out any work it is necessary to know the number of various materials required and its cost and labor involved for the completion of work satisfactorily.
The method of computation of all required engineering materials and the expenditure likely to be incurred in carrying out a given work before the actual execution of work is called estimation. Hence an estimation includes calculation of quantity involved and quality aspects of the material required.
The quantity aspect is governed by the study and analysis of drawings plans, blueprints, etc. The quality aspect governs the specifications of materials in the work and workmanship.
An estimate may be approximate or detailed. In a detailed estimate apart from the cost of work inclusive of labor it must include an allowance for chargers like overhead charges, stock incidental charges, contingencies, supervision charges, inspection charges, transportation charges, and miscellaneous charges.
For example let’s take an example from our daily life if your mom wants vegetable for cooking before that mom will make an estimation about vegetables how many kg vegetables are required, how many types of vegetable are required etc like this your mom makes estimation same thing relate to electrical estimation, suppose if you tell electrician for house wiring before wiring he will do estimation, that what are materials are required how much quantities of materials are required this is called electrical estimation.
Purpose of electrical estimation and costing
The purpose of estimation means why we will do estimation before executing the work, so guys below I will discuss some points related to the purpose of estimation. By reading those points you will get to know everything related to estimation.
- 1. To fix up the budget and complete details of the required materials for carrying out the complete work or project prior to execution. By fixing the budget we will come to know about how much money it will cost for work.
- 2. To exercise control over the quality of materials required depending upon the work to be executed.
- 3. To fix up the cost of various materials, tools, plants, equipment’s to carry out work including other costs like the cost of labor, supervision inspection, transportation stock incidental contingencies, etc.
- 4. To find the most economical procedure for the execution of work or project.
- 5. To keep the estimates in a systematic way for future reference. It will also help us in the future if we are doing any work again.
- 6. To work as a guide to the contractor as well as supervisory staff for quality execution work. It will also guide us while doing work.
Factors to be considered while preparing for estimation
Factors to consider means while we are preparing for estimation we should consider some important points like that we should provide a full specification of materials, quality materials, etc.
Following are the factors to be considered while preparing estimations are :
- 1. The full specification of material is to be provided so as to have control over the quality of material used. By providing full specifications it will help electrician while doing wiring and also it will easy to find correct equipment.
- 2. While selecting a material proper range material should be selected such that over ranges may lead to exorbitant cost, under ranges may lead to damage electrical installation itself.
- 3. Sufficient labor is to be provided to carry out the whole work.
- 4. The skill, suitability, and wages of local laborers are considered.
- 5. The most economical procedure for the execution of work is to be adopted with a wide knowledge of different systems available.
Qualities of a good estimator
Qualities of good estimator mean the person who is doing estimation should have some qualities or ideas regarding estimation without qualities he can’t do the estimation of materials.
A Good estimator must have the following qualifications ;
1. He must be able to understand blueprints, TOPO sheets, Drawings plans, etc.
TOPO Sheet is the sheet showing the plan of the area where the line is proposed to be drawn. Such a sheet is prepared after conducting the surveys. The topo sheet represents the route of the proposed line indicating the lengths, deviations, highway crossing, railway crossing, telephone line crossing, etc. If the topo sheet represents forest area, in the estimate we have to provide labor charges for cleaning the forest. The top sheet may also represent the river, water tank, stone quarry the line should be avoided, in other words, the line to be constructed with suitable support to suit to the span.
2. He must have good knowledge of various materials that are used for execution.
Now one question arises that how to gain a good knowledge of various materials?
To gain knowledge of various materials the best way is to work under some other electrician and learn how they buy various materials and also learn at what rate they will buy materials.
3. He must have knowledge of current market prices, the availability of new products, and their quality. Go to the electrical shop and tell them we came from college, we want to know about the prices of various materials and they will tell you all about the prices of various materials.
4. He also is a well trained technical person. If you want to become a good technical person then start learning about things, watch the video I youtube videos are there on youtube, and also you can join any training institute to gain more knowledge and many other ways are there to gain more knowledge.
I hope this article may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
Tags: What is Electrical Estimation and Costing, Qualities of Good Estimator, Factors to be Considered While Estimation, Purpose of Electrical Estimation.
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