CS Electrical And Electronics

A single phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 3 m apart, the radius of each conductor being 1 cm. Calculate the loop inductance per km length of the line if the material of the conductor is (i) copper (ii) steel with relative permeability of 100

All QuestionsCategory: Transmission And Distribution SystemA single phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 3 m apart, the radius of each conductor being 1 cm. Calculate the loop inductance per km length of the line if the material of the conductor is (i) copper (ii) steel with relative permeability of 100
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

2 Answers
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff answered 4 years ago

Spacing of conductors, d = 300 cm
Radius of conductor, r = 1 cm
Loop inductance = 10
−7 (μr
+ 4 loge
d/r) H/m
(i) With copper conductors, μr
= 1
∴ Loop inductance/m = 10
−7 (1 + 4 loge
d/r) H
= 10
−7 (1 + 4 loge
300/1) H = 23·8 × 10
−7 H
Loop inductance/km = 23·8 × 10
−7 × 1000 = 2·38 × 10
−3 H = 2·38 mH
(ii) With steel conductors, μ r
= 100
∴ Loop inductance/m = 10
−7 (100 + 4 loge
300/1) H = 122·8 × 10
−7 H
Loop inductance/km = 122·8 × 10
−7 × 1000 = 12·28 × 10
−3 H = 12·28 mH

Utkarsh answered 3 years ago