CS Electrical And Electronics

Difference between circuit breaker and isolator in substation?

All QuestionsCategory: Transmission And Distribution SystemDifference between circuit breaker and isolator in substation?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 1 year ago

Hey, do you know?
The difference between circuit breakers and isolators?
Well, let me explain.

No 01: Circuit breaker is used to interrupt the fault current
(short circuit or overload) as well as normal current.
The isolator is not designed to interrupt any current.
No 02: The circuit breaker can be operated in both the cases
when there is a load and no-load

The isolator is to be operated when there is no load.

No 03: Breaker can operate automatically,
and also it can be operated manually.
The isolator can not be operated automatically,
it is to be operated manually.
No 04: The circuit breaker protects the circuit from fault.
The isolator is used to disconnect the parts of the system
that will help the workers for maintenance.
No 05: The circuit breaker is provided with an insulating medium
like oil, vacuum, gas, etc.
The isolator does not require any insulating medium.
That’s All 
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