CS Electrical And Electronics

Difference between DBMS and blockchain?

All QuestionsDifference between DBMS and blockchain?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 7 months ago

A Database Management System (DBMS) and a blockchain are both used for managing and storing data, but they differ significantly. A DBMS is a centralized system used for structured data storage and recovery. A single authority typically controls it, allows data modification, and emphasizes speed and flexibility. In contrast, a blockchain is a decentralized and distributed log. It records transactions in a tamper-resistant and chronological manner using cryptography. Multiple parties validate and add new data, enhancing security and trust. Once data is on the blockchain, it’s immutable (which means data can’t be changed). DBMS focuses on speed and flexibility for structured data. At the same time, blockchains emphasize decentralization, transparency, and security for various data types, making them ideal for applications like cryptocurrencies and supply chain management.