CS Electrical And Electronics

How to calculate electricity bill?

All QuestionsCategory: Electrical Estimating And CostingHow to calculate electricity bill?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 1 year ago

Hey, Guys, do you know?
How to calculate the electricity bills manually?
Well, let me explain.
The first thing, you need to do is note down the watts value of the loads
And Guys: The electricity bill is always estimated based on units.

The unit price depends on the number of units you consume.
Here you can find it.
if you consume 1000 watts per hour then it is called one unit or
If you connect a load of 100 watts for 10 hours (100 * 10 hrs = 1KWh)
then it will become one unit.
Suppose you are consuming daily one unit i.e.,
1KWh then multiply units per day * by the number of days in a month,
and you will get the units per month.
If the units generated are less than 30,
assume 29 units per month, multiply 29 * by 3.15 rupees (Urban) =
91.35 rupees is the electricity bill.
That’s All
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