CS Electrical And Electronics

Python modules you must know?

All QuestionsCategory: PythonPython modules you must know?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 3 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
Anonymous answered 3 years ago

Five python modules you must know are:

  1. pyshortner: Shorten any URL using different APIs like bitly, tinyurl, shortby, and many more.
  2. pygrcode: Generates a QR code of any text, or URL, in SVG and EPs format.
  3. zipfile: zipfile module in python is a file saver when you have to work with files inside a compressed zipped file.
  4. numerizer: The amazing numerizer module convert the number in words to digits.
  5. google-currency: Google currency, as the name suggests convert one currency to another.