CS Electrical And Electronics

What is Inheritance in C++?

All QuestionsCategory: Cpp LanguageWhat is Inheritance in C++?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 4 years ago

I need short information.

1 Answers
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff answered 4 years ago
  1. Reusability is an important feature of object-oriented programming.
  2. Reusability saves time, money and increases reliability.
  3. The reuse of a class that has already been tested debugged and used many times can preserve the effort of developing and testing the same again.
  4. C++ supports reusability through the concept of inheritance.
  5. Inheritance is done by creating new classes by reusing the properties of the existing ones.
  6. The mechanism of deriving a new class from an old one is called inheritance.
  7. The parent class is called the base class or superclass.
  8. The new class derived from the old class is called the derived class or the subclass.