CS Electrical And Electronics

Where does the switching ripple of the inductor current flow?

All QuestionsCategory: Power ElectronicsWhere does the switching ripple of the inductor current flow?
CS Electrical And Electronics Staff asked 4 years ago


  1. It splits between the capacitor and the load resistance
  2. It flows through the load resistance
  3. It flows entirely through the capacitor.
  4. It splits between the capacitor and load resistance, but nearly all of the current ripple flows through the capacitor.
  5. It splits between the capacitor and load resistance, but nearly all of the current ripple flows through the load resistor.
  6. It flows entirely through the load resistor.
1 Answers
faryal answered 1 year ago
  1. It splits between the capacitor and load resistance, but nearly all of the current ripple flows through the capacitor.