CS Electrical And Electronics

Which of the following detection mechanisms could protect a battery pack from overtemperature? Select all that apply.

All QuestionsCategory: Battery Management SystemWhich of the following detection mechanisms could protect a battery pack from overtemperature? Select all that apply.
Chetu asked 4 years ago


01.Resettable fuse

02. Thermal fuse

03. Electronic protection

04. Contactor

1 Answers
chetu answered 4 years ago

These all are correct answers:
01.Resettable fuse (Yes. A resettable fuse trips when a combination of temperature and current exceeds some limit, and can be used as a thermal protection device)
02. Thermal fuse (Yes. A thermal fuse trips when the temperature exceeds some limit and can be used as a thermal protection device.)
03. Electronic protection (Yes. Software and/or dedicated electronics can monitor temperature and can, therefore, sense and protect against excessive temperature)