CS Electrical And Electronics

Which of the following statements describes inheritance in object-oriented programming?

All QuestionsCategory: Cpp LanguageWhich of the following statements describes inheritance in object-oriented programming?
Anonymous asked 3 years ago


  1. Child classes use the abstract keyword to invoke a constructor from the parent class
  2. New classes are defined based on existing classes
  3. Methods marked as final can be overridden
  4. A method can’t be overridden if the number of parameters is changed
  5. Child classes can override existing methods
  6. Child classes can create their own methods

1 Answers
Anonymous answered 3 years ago

The correct answers are:

  1. New classes are defined based on existing classes
  2. A method can’t be overridden if the number of parameters is changed
  3. Child classes can override existing methods
  4. Child classes can create their own methods