CS Electrical And Electronics

Write an email to your manager Mr. Gill Roy, explaining the reason for the delay in work and you will not be able to submit the task on the planned deadline?

All QuestionsCategory: AptitudeWrite an email to your manager Mr. Gill Roy, explaining the reason for the delay in work and you will not be able to submit the task on the planned deadline?
Anonymous asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Anonymous answered 3 years ago

From: xxx@gmail.com
To: gillroy.abc@yahoo.com
Sub: Payment Processing system Project reg.
Respected Sir,
The Payment Processing system Project which was proposed two weeks earlier was going successfully until yesterday where an unexpected power outage led to the data loss of our project files. So the project has been delayed for 7 days in which 3 days are included for recovery of lost work. I am very sorry for this situation and I hope you can understand it. I promise this will not happen next time and from now onwards will have a cloud backup of our project so that power outages don’t affect the project. I will reach out soon once the project is finished.
Thank you,