What Is SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Need, How SEO Works
Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, we will discuss what is SEO or search engine optimization, why we need to do SEO, how you can do your own SEO, why don’t search engines find sites without S-EO, and how a search engine works.
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What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO or search engine optimization is a marketing method that concentrates on generating traffic from organic (non-paid) search results in search engines or sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
You can do several things to help search engines more reliably index your site and provide them hints about how your site should be referenced and linked to. Some people examine SEO as an art form, as there are no clear and quick rules. However, there are some guidelines you can support to help improve your search rankings.
The first point you should have in mind is that there are no guarantees. Each search engine has various algorithms for ranking sites, finding different links, and removing pages from their index. And some change the algorithms constantly. I have run sites that consistently ranked ( and few still rank ) in the top 5 on Google, often in the number one slot.
But the positions change daily. The best I wish for when working on SEO is that my sites stand clear and simple to use for my existing customers. If my sites work fine for people, they will work well for search engines.
Why you need SEO
The reality is that if your site survives on pageviews then you require to think about SEO. The vast preponderance of web traffic comes from the major search engines: Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If your site doesn’t show up in the search engines, the possibilities are no one will discover it.
Although it’s more than just people discovering your site; it’s the quality of the people discovering your site. If your pages are fully optimized for search, they will bring people who are looking for something your site is offering.
Someone who is looking to buy a mobile is not going to settle up on my site, www.cselectricalandelectronics.com, but if they want information about electrical, electronics, and computer science, they would be happy to settle up there, And the best search engines try to direct people to what they are looking for rather than just link them at casual.
What about social media?
One thing that is very attractive right now is social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. These sites are an essential part of a complete website-making strategy, but they don’t make a lot of traffic. In fact, most companies that use facebook find the greatest success in building their brand rather than making page views to their websites.
This is because the goal of sites like Facebook and Twitter is different from search engines. Facebook and Instagram require people to stay on Instagram and Facebook. They make money as long as the ads they are presenting get seen by people. They don’t make money if someone moves to go to your website.
Search engines, in common, make their money either by the different services they offer or by the ads they show within the search results themselves. The entire idea of a search engine is to aggregate data and provide links to it so that customers can access it.
You can do your own SEO
The worth of SEO is that it’s not difficult to do. It can get very complicated, challenging server access, and even maybe programming skills, but the basics are easy to learn and apply to every website. And the beauty of well-done SEO is that it increases your site for your customers, the people visiting your pages, not just the search engines.
Why don’t search engines find sites without SEO?
You should be informed that search engines do find sites without SEO. The Google spiders are regularly out crawling the web scanning for new pages and adding them to their index. Depending on wherever your site is linked from, it can be established by a spider in as little as a few hours to a couple of days.
Search engines are simply computer programs, complex ones, but just programs. The main search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to enhance how their search results work, how their robots crawl the web, and how their users react to the results they get.
But search results are only as great as the content they have to index. If your web pages are complex or hard to understand for your customers, it’s likely that they will be confusing and hard to read for search engine robots. And when the robots are confused, your site gets sunk in the results rather than ranking where you’d like it to rank.
How search engine work
Search engines operate using a program, called a robot, to crewel within the web reading pages and adding them to their indexes. These programs are sometimes called crawlers or spiders. Once those spiders have found a new page, they read the HTML, CSS & JavaScript and save the contents in huge databases.
This data is then recalled later when a customer offers a search query to the search engine. Search engine companies use complex and confident, algorithms to discover which pages will be displayed for which search queries and in what order, or rank. There are usually hundreds, possibly thousands, of variables that go into the ranking algorithms, and each search engine is different. But some of them include.
- Trust of the domain (example: cselectricalandelectronics) and domain quality.
- Links to the site from trusted domains and websites.
- Relevant content
- Length and readability of the content.
- Engagement – how long people stay on the website after they have clicked on search.
- Social metrics like tweets from Twitter or mentions on Instagram or Facebook.
These are not all the possible things your pages could be measured on when being ranked by search engines.
This was about “What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)“. I hope this article may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.
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