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Top 14 Data Structure Algorithm Applications In Real World

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. In this article, I will discuss the top 14 data structure algorithm applications in the real world, DSA applications, stack, queue, linked list, tree applications in the real world.

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Data Structure Algorithm Applications

Data Structure refers to a way of organizing data in a computer in such a way that it can be used effectively. In Computer Science Engineering, there are several various data structures namely Arrays, Linked Lists, Stack, Queue, Graph, Hash Tables, etc. All data structures have their way use and requirement. The algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that is designed and defined as a set of instructions that is directed to be executed in a particular fashion for getting desired output for the given input. It is used for solving various problems involving the data. The algorithm is generally created in an independent manner of any required languages like C, C++, Python, etc. A particular algorithm can be implemented in more than one programming language. 

From the time of the origin of the first Programming language to the current modern programming languages, only one thing is constant and it is the Algorithm. Well, I am not saying that is not evolving but the point is that it is present in the world of programming right from the starting. With the passing time. It has become a lot more powerful, advanced, and efficient. The fundamental concepts of the Data Structure and Algorithms are not changed with time. Data Structure and algorithms are present at the core of Computer Science Engineering. 

14. Data Structures and Algorithm in Software Development:

Data Structure and Algorithm are used in all the stages of Software development. It is a building block of the Software Development Process. It is not limited to only one Programming Language. It is fundamental to all types of programming languages. The efficiency of a particular developed software is depended on the types of data structures and algorithms used while designing it. A particular data structure is chosen according to the algorithm selected in the particular software. 

There are several real-life applications of the Data Structures. Some of the real-time applications of the Data Structure are as follows:

13. Array Data Structure for storing the data in tabular format:

The array is a type of data structure whose length is fixed. It is the simplest type of data structure that stores data of the same data type. The main real-life application of the Array Data structure is that it stores the elements in the tabular format. For example, the Array data structure is used in storing various contents on the phone in tabular form. 

12. Singly Linked List in the Photo Viewer:

Singly Linked List refers to the collection of objects known as nodes randomly. The node of a Singly Linked like has two parts namely data and pointer. Data is stored in the nodes and the pointer contains the address of the next node present in the memory. The main application of the Singly Linked List is to look at photos continuously in a slide show. 

11. Doubly Linked List Data Structure for representing various states of games:

Doubly Linked List refers to a complex type of Linked list which has two pointers pointing in the both previous and the next node in a particular sequence. This type of data structure is used for representing various stages in a particular game.

10. Circular Linked List Data Structure for the Snake Game of Mobile Phones:

Circular Linked List Data Structure refers to the kind of list that contains pointers pointing to the first node of the list. The main application of the Circular Linked List is the snake game present in mobile phones. In that snake game the, snake’s head is the head of the list and the tail of the snake is the end of the list.

09. Stack Data Structure for reversing a String:

The Stack is the type of data structure that uses the LIFO order. LIFO order stands for Last in First out. There are several applications of the stack data type and one of them is reversing a string. 

08. Queue Data Structures during Boarding a Bus:

The Queue is a type of data structure that follows the FIFO order. FIFO order stands for the First in First out. There are several functions of a Queue data type like sending an E-mail, and server while responding to requests. We can relate the concept of the Queue data type with the queue while boarding a bus.

07. Graph Data Structures in Social Media and Google Map:

The graph is a type of data structure that is used for storing a collection of interconnected vertices and edges. Here, the vertices refer to nodes and edges refer to paths. It is mainly used in Social Media and Google Maps.

There are several real-life applications of the Algorithm. Some of the real-time applications of the Algorithm are as follows:

06. Sorting Algorithm for arranging the Books in the Shelf:

There are several sorting Algorithms like Binary Sort, Quick Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, etc. We can use these sorting techniques while arranging the books on the shelf in a particular order.

05. Searching Algorithm for finding a Book in a Shelf: Searching Algorithm can be used for finding a particular book from the shelf.

04. Shortest Path Finding Algorithm: It is used for finding the shortest path in the Google Map: 

03. Inserting a Value: An algorithm is used for inserting items in a data structure

02. Updating a Value: An algorithm is used for updating an existing item in a data structure

01. Deleting a Value: The algorithm is used for deleting an existing item from a particular data Structure.

This was about “Data Structure Algorithm Applications“. I hope this article “Data Structure Algorithm Applications” may help you all a lot. Thank you for reading.

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CS Electrical And ElectronicsChetu
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CS Electrical And Electronics

Interest's ~ Engineering | Entrepreneurship | Politics | History | Travelling | Content Writing | Technology | Cooking